avatarFrancisco Iglesias


How to unlock your full potential as a writer?And not cry in the process

Well, first, you should know that the answer is in the title. Yes, that’s me. It turns out it’s not a joke.

It’s also not my wish for you to cry because I’d like to know you’re happy. But it’s true that we often seek what we already have, like happiness and other things, externally, in material things, as a way to reinforce our doubts.

And wanting to be a better writer is no different.

It’s okay to acquire all the skills to improve, but what you might not have stopped to think about is that to want to be a better writer, the best way is not to want to be one.

And to reach that state is to be vulnerable, to write with tears in your eyes, and to be on the verge of breaking down and crying.

And why am I telling you this?

Well, because recently I wrote an article in this state, and honestly, the last thing I wanted was to be a better writer.

I was listening on repeat to a song that reminds me of my entire life, and listening to it made me feel sadness, joy, and calmness, and I felt completely connected to the words that were coming out of my thoughts.

It’s not about crying every time you write to achieve your greatest potential, but if there’s a topic you want to write about that you have a special feeling for, it’s an experience I would recommend.

With all my heart

Jean Davis Nimish Jalan Nanie Hurley 🌿 Johnny Poitras

Give it a try, set your logic aside, and let your heart experience this symphony of emotions. I can’t promise you’ll become a better writer, but I’m sure you’ll become a more empathetic and amazing person.

And don’t forget to leave me a comment, of course, only after you’ve experienced this sensation firsthand.

Here are some of my most creative articles.

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