avatarFrancisco Iglesias


The author is on a quest to redefine their destiny by seeking personal empowerment and challenging the notion of a predetermined fate, particularly the location of their death.


The author embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, rejecting the idea of a predestined fate, including the place of their death. They view themselves as the architect of their own future, embracing the power of choice and determination to shape their life's path. By traveling and exploring new destinations, the author aims to reinvent themselves and leave behind doubts and insecurities. They see each new place as an opportunity for rebirth and a chance to write their own story, free from the constraints of predicted outcomes. The author encourages readers to support their endeavor, offering recognition and features in special editions for those who contribute.


  • The author believes in the ability to influence one's own life and circumstances, contrary to the notion of a predetermined destiny.
  • They equate traveling to new places with personal growth and the opportunity to redefine oneself.
  • The author values the role of individual choices and actions in shaping one's future.
  • They see their journey as an act of defiance against self-imposed limitations and a celebration of the human spirit's potential.
  • The author is grateful for support from readers, viewing it as a partnership in creating valuable content and insights.
  • They promise to use contributions to further their mission of crafting exceptional content and experiences.

I Want to Know The place Of my Death

To never go there.

Who in their right mind would venture to discover the location of their death to avoid it? Well, here I am, willing to challenge the status quo of limiting beliefs and embrace a bold perspective on destiny and self-determination.

In a world where everyone talks about “letting fate take its course” and “everything is written in the stars,” I find myself exploring an alternative path, one where my mind and actions are the architects of my future.

The idea came up as I chatted with my friends about the preconceived notions we all seem to carry on our shoulders.

  • What if we could break those chains and chart our own course, free from self-imposed restrictions?

I decided I would be the pioneer of this audacious feat, the Indiana Jones of personal narrative.

Of course, I’m not trying to outwit death itself, as if it were a tangible entity that can be evaded by playing hide and seek.

Instead, I’m questioning the ingrained belief that we have a predetermined and predefined destiny.

No, we’re made of stellar matter and sparking neurons, and our ability to influence our surroundings and circumstances is greater than we often admit.

So here I am, backpack on my shoulder, marking the beginning of an exciting journey towards personal empowerment. Instead of avoiding an unknown place of death, I’m navigating uncharted territories of my mind and heart.

Why cling to bleak predictions when I can forge my own luminous path?

I’ve decided that every place I travel to will be the place of my “re-birth,” an opportunity to reinvent myself and leave doubts and insecurities behind. Each new destination represents a chapter in my personal story, written with the ink of my choices and determination.

Instead of being at the mercy of circumstances, I’m taking the helm of my life with firm and determined hands.

And yes, I know there are challenges on the road, moments when I might doubt and question my unconventional choice. But every time I look ahead and see the vast expanse of the horizon, I remember that my journey is mine to define.

So here I am, embracing this unconventional and trailblazing path.

I’m not seeking to avoid a place of death; rather, I’m committed to designing a life path worth living.

We’re not bound by the chains of destiny; we’re the sculptors of our own journey. And while I don’t have all the answers, I’m excited to uncover each of them on the journey of a lifetime that is truly mine to create.

And so, with every step I take on this mapless and uncertain journey, I feel my soul ignite with the fire of authenticity.

It’s not just an act of defiance, but a tribute to the potency of the human spirit, a celebration of the power to transcend self-imposed limitations.

In each new destination, I write a daring chapter in my own book of life.

The pages fill with experiences that are mine and mine alone, stories that aren’t confined by predictions.

So here I am, challenging destiny and embracing the unknown.

The tears in my eyes bear witness to the courage I’ve found within myself and to the beauty of the horizons yet to be explored.

And as I face the future with unwavering determination, a question resonates in my mind: What adventures await when we are the unyielding authors of our own destiny?

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Top Supporters Of the Month Edition 1

Top Supporters Of the Month Edition 2

Top Supporters Of the Month Edition 3 And Why I recommend It

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