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Top Supporters Of the Month Edition 1

My Top 5 Must Reads Footage

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· Dear readers and Writers · Top Best 3 — Daniela Dragas · Top Best 3 — Karen Marie Shelton · Top Best 3 Mark Goblowsky · Top Best 3— George Parker · Top Best 3— Patrick Stewart · My Top 5 Must Reads Of The Day · Are you loving the content I’m creating? · My Top 5 Must Reads Of The Day · Are you loving the content I’m creating?And now I recommend these great articles and better People

Dear readers and Writers

It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I present to you this special edition of our daily “Top 5 Must Reads”.

This time, however, we’re doing things a little differently by showcasing the top 3 must-reads from each writer who has generously contributed to my Ko-fi page, helping me to consistently create better content for all of you.

I want to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for your unwavering support. It is because of your encouragement and generosity that I am able to pursue my passion for writing and sharing knowledge with you all.

As a token of my appreciation, starting from the end of this month, I will be dedicating a personal edition of the “Top 3 Must Reads” to highlight the contributions of those who have donated to my Ko-fi page.

  • Special EDITION:Inside The Minds Of Writers
  • Please note, however, that it is not necessary to donate to appear in my top 5.

Once again, thank you for your eternal support, and without further ado, let’s dive into the inspiring world of the top 3 must-reads from each of our amazing contributors.

Do you want me to review your article and appear on my top 5 of the day? Let me know in the coments below!!!

Top Best 3 — Daniela Dragas

Daniela Dragas


Word lover. Memory Keeper. Writer. danieladragas.com

Top 1

Daniela Dragas — Moonlight A prose poem

As I read this prose poem, I was immediately drawn in by Daniela Dragas’s ability to paint a vivid and enchanting scene.

The imagery of a man with moonlight in his eyes, sitting on a hilltop, watching long white ships sail through the starry nights is both beautiful and haunting.

  • The use of first-person narration is particularly effective, as it allows us to connect with Daniela on a personal level.

I felt a deep sense of nostalgia for my childhood, with its rooms furnished like cabins on ocean liners, and dreams of sailing through the stars.

Daniela’s skillful use of language is also worth noting.

The descriptions are rich and evocative, from the polished mahogany wheel to the powdery-white circle around the captain’s mouth.

The use of repetition, particularly in the phrase “full of winds, waves, and salt” creates a sense of rhythm that carries us through the poem.

  • Overall, I would highly recommend this prose poem to anyone looking for a beautiful and thought-provoking read.

Danielas ability to transport us to another world, filled with moonlight and starry nights, is truly impressive.

Whether you’re a lover of poetry or simply appreciate great writing, this piece is not to be missed.

Top 2

Daniela Dragas — Don’t Be Afraid

When I stumbled upon the poem “Don’t Be Afraid” by Daniela, I was immediately drawn in by its raw emotion and beautiful language.

Daniela masterfully weaves together imagery of nature, childhood memories, and the comfort of a loved one’s hand and heart to create a piece that is both comforting and poignant.

As a man, I found this poem particularly moving because it speaks to the universal human experience of fear and the need for reassurance.

The imagery of walking on muddy riverbanks or holding a child close to one’s heart is relatable and comforting, reminding us that we are not alone in our fears and that there is always someone there to hold our hand.

Daniela’s skillful use of language is also worth highlighting.

The poem is full of evocative descriptions that bring the natural world to life, from the dew rising at dawn to the eagle circling the night.

The use of alliteration and repetition also adds a musical quality to the poem that makes it a joy to read aloud.

Overall, “Don’t Be Afraid” is a beautiful and thought-provoking poem that I would highly recommend to anyone. It reminds us of the power of love and reassurance, and the beauty that can be found even in the midst of fear and uncertainty.

  • Whether you are a lover of poetry or simply looking for some comfort in difficult times, this poem is a must read.

Top 3

Daniela Dragas — Footprints A poem

As a man who has always found solace in nature, I was immediately drawn to this poem entitled “Footprints.”

Daniela’s vivid descriptions of the sea’s scent and colours are simply breathtaking, transporting us to the shoreline with ease.

  • But what truly sets this poem apart is the way it connects the reader to the natural world.

By emphasizing the act of walking, Daniela reminds us of the simple pleasures that can be found in nature. We are urged to take a break from our busy lives and immerse ourselves in the world around us.

Moreover, the poem’s focus on the single file of footsteps left on the beach is a powerful reminder of our own transience in the world. The footsteps, staring back at the speaker, seem to suggest that we are all but fleeting moments in the grand scheme of things.

  • As a reader, I found myself moved by the beauty and melancholy of this poem.

Daniela’s skillful use of language and imagery left a lasting impression on me, and I believe it will do the same for anyone who takes the time to read it.

In a world that can often feel chaotic and overwhelming, “Footprints” is a powerful reminder of the beauty and peace that can be found in the natural world. It is a call to action for us all to take a moment to appreciate the simple pleasures in life, and to remember our place in the world.

I highly recommend this poem to anyone looking for a moment of reflection and connection with nature.

Top Best 3 — Karen Marie Shelton

Karen Marie Shelton


Published author, 10+ yr. editor MMI Pubs, CEO/Founder — Hairboutique.com, 1st Web hair sites. Published author 10,000+ articles.

Top 1

Karen Marie Shelton — Make Your Dreams Come True You hold all the power to creating the life you desire — never give up

I must say that this story “Make Your Dreams Come True” is inspiring and motivating.

It is a story that reminds us to hold onto our dreams and to never let them go. Karen Marie shares the story of Ke Huy Quan, who won the 2023 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, and his journey to achieve his dream of acting.

I was amazed by Karen’s skillful storytelling that portrays the struggles and triumphs of a person who is determined to achieve their dreams.

  • The story resonates with me as it highlights the power of believing in oneself and never giving up.

It is a powerful message that I believe everyone can benefit from, regardless of their background or circumstances. The story encourages us to take action towards our dreams and not to let fear or doubt hold us back.

I particularly liked Karen’s suggestion to commit to daily habit changes to achieve our goals.

The idea that repeating new habits for 21 straight days can dissolve old mental images and create new ones is fascinating. I believe that by following the steps outlined in the story, anyone can make their dreams come true.

Overall, I highly recommend reading this story to anyone who is struggling to achieve their dreams or feeling stuck in life.

Karen’s words are like a guiding light that illuminates the path towards a brighter future. It is a beautiful and thought-provoking story that I believe will connect with readers on a personal level.

  • So go ahead and read it, and let it inspire you to make your dreams come true.

Top 2

Karen Marie Shelton — Five Things You Could Do If You’ve Been Ghosted Without Going To Jail

As a man who has experienced being ghosted before, I can confidently say that Karen Marie Shelton’s article on “Five Things You Could Do If You’ve Been Ghosted Without Going To Jail” is a must-read for anyone who has been ghosted.

Karens writing style is captivating, and the way she presents the issue of ghosting is both relatable and informative.

Shelton highlights how pervasive ghosting has become in the dating world, especially with the rise of swipe dating apps like Tinder and Grindr.

It’s easy for people to make and escape ties with complete strangers, but it’s unkind, cowardly, and often leaves the ghosted victim feeling confused and rejected. This is something that many people can relate to, and Shelton does an excellent job of capturing the emotions that come with being ghosted.

  • What sets this article apart is the unique perspective Shelton brings to the table.

Instead of just providing insight on why ghosting happens, she provides five different actions that one can take to get revenge if they feel the need to.

From rage-texting to throwing a ghosted party, Shelton’s ideas are both creative and entertaining. But she also makes it clear that there are legal boundaries that should not be crossed, which is an important reminder.

  • I found myself nodding in agreement as I read this article, and I’m sure many readers will feel the same.

The insights and solutions provided by Shelton are not only thoughtful but also practical. This is an article that not only highlights the quality and beauty of Shelton’s skills, but also connects with us on a personal level.

If you’ve ever been ghosted or are afraid of being ghosted, I highly recommend reading “Five Things You Could Do If You’ve Been Ghosted Without Going To Jail.”

  • It’s a refreshing take on a common issue, and Shelton’s solutions are sure to give readers the closure they need to move on.

Top 3

Karen Marie Shelton — Liar Liar Pants On Fire How to know in 5 seconds or less if someone is lying.

As a man who values trust, honesty, and integrity, I highly recommend “Liar Liar Pants On Fire,” an insightful article that teaches us how to detect deception and spot liars.

Shelton shares a personal story of betrayal by omission that led them to contemplate the importance of identifying lies in everyday life.

Drawing from Susan Carnicero’s Spy the Lie book, the article details six essential keys to uncovering lies, from recognizing evasiveness to analyzing verbal and non-verbal behaviors.

Shelton also points out the difference between white lies and bold-faced ones, which can have a significant impact on relationships and even sales transactions.

Knowing when someone is lying can prevent misunderstandings, prevent scams, and help maintain trust in personal and professional settings.

  • One of the key takeaways from the article is that timing and clusters are essential when detecting lies.

The first five seconds are crucial, and deceptive behavior often comes in clusters. Readers are encouraged to analyze behaviors only when related to direct questions, avoid generalizing based on global behaviors, and identify behaviors tied to specific answers.

I appreciated Shelton’s emphasis on managing biases, recognizing evasiveness, and being aware of exclusionary qualifiers. These are all critical elements in detecting lies and deception.

It was also interesting to learn that liars may use aggressiveness to deflect questions and avoid answering truthfully.

Overall, “Liar Liar Pants On Fire” is a well-written and thought-provoking article that highlights the importance of honesty and trust in our daily interactions. Shelton’s personal story adds a relatable touch, and the six keys to uncovering lies provide us with valuable knowledge that can benefit them in various areas of life.

As a man who values authenticity and trust, I highly recommend this article to anyone who wants to enhance their ability to detect deception and maintain trust in their relationships.

Top Best 3 Mark Goblowsky

Mark Goblowsky


Career Martial Artist working out my past and future through writing. Husband, Father of Josh who survived a hit-and-run with 2 semi-trucks, Podcaster.

Top 1

Mark Goblowsky — Are You Avoiding a Difficult Conversation with a Loved One? Why you should not wait

This story is a poignant reminder of the importance of having difficult conversations with our loved ones. Mark Goblowsky’s prose is beautiful and heart-wrenching, capturing the emotional depth of the conversation he has with his wife about her mother’s cancer diagnosis.

Through his powerful words, Mark conveys the fear and vulnerability that often accompany these tough conversations, and how difficult it can be to even broach the subject.

The story’s central message is clear: avoiding difficult conversations may seem easier in the short term, but in the long run, it can lead to even greater difficulties and pain.

Mark Goblowsky deftly explores this theme through the lens of his wife’s relationship with her mother, highlighting how the support and love she has received from her mother throughout her life have made her own journey easier.

Mark Goblowsky encourages us to have these tough conversations, even when they seem scary, because they can bring light and clarity to situations that otherwise might seem overwhelming.

As a man, I found this story particularly resonant. Too often, men are taught to suppress their emotions and avoid difficult conversations, and as a result, we often struggle to connect with our loved ones and support them through difficult times.

This story is a reminder that we don’t have to do this alone, and that having these conversations can bring us closer together and strengthen our relationships.

Overall, I highly recommend this story to anyone who has ever struggled with having a tough conversation with a loved one.

Mark’s beautiful writing and powerful message will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading.

Top 2

Mark GoblowskyHave You Heard the Voice? Where Did It Take You?

“Have You Heard the Voice? Where Did It Take You?” is a beautiful and thought-provoking piece that speaks to the power of faith and the wisdom of listening to our inner voice.

Mark Goblowsky shares a story about a man named John who faced numerous challenges throughout his life, including the loss of two wives to cancer, and how he learned to listen to The Voice to guide him through those difficult times.

As I read this piece, I was struck by Mark’s skillful use of storytelling to convey John’s experiences and the wisdom he gained from listening to The Voice.

Mark Goblowsky does an excellent job of highlighting the importance of trust and faith in our lives, even when we are faced with uncertainty and difficult circumstances.

What I found most impressive about this piece was how he managed to create a personal connection with the reader, inviting us to reflect on our own experiences of hearing The Voice and how we have chosen to respond to it.

Mark Goblowskys honesty and vulnerability in sharing their own struggles and mistakes made the message all the more relatable and compelling.

Overall, “Have You Heard the Voice? Where Did It Take You?” is a beautifully written piece that showcases the writer’s skills in storytelling, reflection, and connection with the reader.

I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for inspiration and guidance on their own journey of faith and self-discovery.

Top 3

Mark Goblowsky — Has God Been Encouraging You? And you didn’t notice?

The article “Has God Been Encouraging You? And You Didn’t Notice?” is a beautiful piece that touches on the human experience of doubt, fear, and self-discovery.

The writer, Mark Goblowsky, shares his personal story of how he encouraged his son, Josh, and then wonders if God has been encouraging him in the same way all his life.

The writing is exquisite, filled with beautiful metaphors and a clear message of hope and faith. As a reader, I found myself relating to Mark’s story, and I felt encouraged and inspired to listen more closely to the “whispers of my soul.”

Mark Goblowsky highlights the importance of paying attention and believing that we are capable of achieving our dreams, even when doubt and fear try to hold us back.

Mark’s use of questions throughout the article is particularly effective in engaging readers and encouraging them to think more deeply about their own experiences.

The article provides an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection, which can be transformative for anyone looking to overcome their doubts and fears.

In conclusion, I highly recommend reading this article, especially if you’re struggling with self-doubt and need a reminder that you are capable of achieving your dreams.

Mark’s writing is poignant, inspiring, and filled with hope, making it a must-read for anyone seeking encouragement and guidance on their life journey.

Keep the faith, and remember that love wins!

Top Best 3— George Parker

George Parker


Author of fiction, songwriter and singer. My books — The Subatomic Kid and Vampyre Lawyer are both available on Amazon.

Top 1

George Parker — It’s About 100 Readers; Not Followers Are we becoming a game show?

As a writer, I know the struggle of wanting to be heard and seen by as many people as possible.

It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game of followers and likes, but this recent article, “It’s About 100 Readers; Not Followers,” by George Parker, really spoke to me.

George Parker brings up an excellent point that as writers, we don’t necessarily need followers, we need readers.

It’s not about the quantity of people who follow us on social media, it’s about the quality of the audience we attract and engage with.

It’s about finding those who appreciate our writing, who connect with our ideas, and who are eager to read what we have to say.

  • George Parker goes on to suggest that if we continue to focus solely on getting followers, it doesn’t really showcase our writing abilities.

Instead, it’s just a way of playing the numbers game.

And let’s be honest, who wants to be seen as just another person trying to get more followers?

What I loved most about this article is how it challenges us to rethink our approach to building an audience.

We should be focusing on cultivating relationships with readers, not just trying to amass a large following. As the author points out, “Followers sound like sheep.” Let’s not treat our readers like a flock to be herded, but rather as valued individuals who appreciate our work.

It’s a wake-up call to shift our focus from quantity to quality, from followers to readers.

So if you’re looking for a fresh perspective on how to build your audience, I highly recommend checking out “It’s About 100 Readers; Not Followers.”

Top 2

George ParkerThe Changing of the Guard Is money ending as we know it?

The article “The Changing of the Guard” presents an insightful and thought-provoking discussion about the potential end of money as we know it.

George Parker delves into the root cause of banks’ failures, which is greed, and how crypto-currency could potentially revolutionize the monetary system by laying siege to the old and ushering in the new.

One of the striking things about this article is how George Parker connects the history of money to its current state, tracing its origins back to the temples of nature and religion before moving into the realm of banks.

The article draws attention to the fact that the current system is failing because it is built on talking the cash up, rather than proving its existence, which is why banks are struggling.

The discussion of crypto-currency is particularly interesting, as George highlights how it not only records its own birth but also every transaction ever made using that coin or token of money. This feature of crypto-currency, according to George, is what makes it superior to the current system, which is built on the premise of greed.

His ideas and concepts are presented in a clear and concise manner, which makes it easy for the reader to follow along.

These ideas made me contemplate the future of money and the potential implications of crypto-currency’s rise.

Overall, “The Changing of the Guard” is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of money and the potential impact of crypto-currency on the global economy.

The article highlights George’s excellent writing skills, thoughtful analysis, and insightful ideas, making it an enjoyable and informative read.

  • I highly recommend this article to anyone looking to expand their knowledge on the topic.

Top 3

George Parker — Relax Relax… you can’t take chaotic energy anywhere, it will just show you up; it’s a bit like having a rambunctious pet…

As I read this beautifully written piece, I am struck by the powerful message that lies beneath the words.

George masterfully uses metaphors and imagery to convey the importance of relaxation in our lives.

The analogy of chaotic energy being like a rambunctious pet really resonates with me.

  • It’s true that when we try to take our frenzied energy with us everywhere, it often ends up causing more harm than good.

But if we learn to relax and let go of that chaotic energy, we can find peace and tranquility in even the most turbulent situations.

George Parker’s use of language is truly captivating.

The words flow effortlessly, painting a vivid picture of the importance of relaxation. I particularly love the phrase “it is a master of disguise, constantly masquerading as smooth reality.”

This really drives home the idea that we need to be mindful of our own energy and learn to recognize when it is masquerading as something else.

The message of this piece is so important in today’s fast-paced, high-stress world. We are constantly bombarded by distractions and demands on our time and energy.

But if we can take a moment to breathe and relax, we can find clarity and focus amidst the chaos.

I would highly recommend this article to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed and in need of some relaxation. George’s skillful use of language and powerful message will leave you feeling inspired and refreshed.

So take a deep breath, let go of that chaotic energy, and relax.

You won’t regret it.

Top Best 3— Patrick Stewart

Patrick Stewart


Top Writer Taoism. Father | Husband | Taoist Learner | Author | Mastodon: https://universeodon.com/@patrickstewart | Website: https://patrickstewart.net

Top 1

Patrick Stewart — Write a Medium Story in 10 Minutes or Less — Part 2

Wow! I was impressed by this Medium Speed Run article, especially because it was written in just ten minutes.Patrick’s storytelling skills are top-notch, and the article grabbed my attention from the very first sentence.

  • I found myself immersed in the story, experiencing the events as they unfolded.

Patrick’s use of the word “automatic” was cleverly integrated into the story, and it left me with a sense of dread as I anticipated what would happen next.

The dialogue was realistic, and the characters’ actions were believable, making the story even more engaging.

  • The ending was satisfying, and it wrapped up the story nicely.

It’s amazing to see what Patrick accomplished in just ten minutes. This article is proof that great writing doesn’t always require hours of brainstorming and planning.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little creativity and ten minutes of your time.

I highly recommend this article to anyone who loves creative writing or wants to try their hand at it.

It’s a quick read, but it will leave you wanting more.

Patrick’s ability to create an engaging story with believable characters in such a short amount of time is truly impressive.

Top 2

Patrick Stewart — I Was Never Happy Enough For Myself But I Tried Anyway

I recently stumbled upon a story titled “I Was Never Happy Enough For Myself, But I Tried Anyway,” and it captivated me from start to finish. It is a touching and raw account of Patrick’s life as someone born with a rare medical condition.

  • Despite being told he would never walk, he defied the odds and took his first steps at two years old.

However, as he grew older, the challenges became more apparent.

He could not ride a bike or run a race, and his height, or lack thereof, became a source of insecurity.

Patrick’s writing is so honest and vulnerable that it draws you in, and you can’t help but feel empathy towards him.

His struggles with dating and social acceptance as a teenager hit close to home for many people, myself included. The worst part about regret is doubting oneself and the decisions made, even when those decisions were out of our control.

  • This story highlights that point so well.

However, despite all of the setbacks, Patrick never gave up. He pushed through the tough times and continued to try. That message of resilience and determination is so inspiring and can resonate with anyone, no matter their situation.

Patrick’s storytelling skills are exceptional, and the way he weaves his story together is so beautiful.

  • I felt as though I was right there with him every step of the way.

This story is a must-read for anyone looking for a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is hope. It is a story of perseverance, hope, and love, and it will leave a lasting impression on anyone who reads it.

Top 3

Patrick Stewart — How Using a Morning Mantra Creates My Enjoyable Day And Why You Should Use One Too

If you’re looking for a way to improve your mornings and overall well-being, then you should definitely read “How Using a Morning Mantra Creates My Enjoyable Day And Why You Should Use One Too” by Patrick Stewart.

This beautifully written article shares his personal journey with anxiety and depression and how a simple morning mantra has made a significant impact on his life.

Patrick talks about how he used to wake up every morning with the belief that today would be a good day, only to be disappointed when things didn’t go as planned.

He realized that by labeling his days as good or bad, he was causing himself unnecessary pain and anxiety. Instead, he now uses a morning mantra that focuses on gratitude and the miracle of living to see another day.

By letting go of his preconceived notions of how his day should go, he’s able to embrace whatever comes his way with a sense of peace and acceptance.

Patrick’s writing is both poetic and insightful, reminding us that we are all part of something much bigger than ourselves.

  • He encourages us to take a moment each morning to reflect on the miracle of our existence and to feel a connection with the universe.

So, if you’re feeling stuck in a rut or overwhelmed by the daily grind, I highly recommend giving Patrick’s morning mantra a try.

Say it out loud, post it online, or tell a friend.

  • You never know, it may just make the difference you need.

Remember, you are a walking, talking, and thinking miracle of nature. Embrace it and let go of your labels of good and bad.

Your mornings (and your life) will thank you for it.

Do you want me to review your article and appear on my top 5 of the day? Let me know in the coments below!!!

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My Top 5 Must Reads Of The Day

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