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The website content describes an author's unique project of writing an article to be published 100 years in the future, reflecting on the emotional impact of this endeavor, and showcasing a selection of their creative articles, while also inviting readers to support their work.


The author has embarked on a distinctive project where they have composed an article intended for publication a century from now, in 2123. This initiative has filled them with a spectrum of emotions, recognizing the profound significance of their thoughts potentially reaching an audience not yet born. The author views this act as a form of time travel, bridging the present with a distant future through the power of words and emotions. Additionally, the author highlights some of their most inventive works and extends an invitation to readers to support their creative efforts by contributing to their Ko-fi page. This support is acknowledged with special mentions in monthly editions featuring top supporters and contributions.


  • The author expresses a sense of wonder and nostalgia about the prospect of their writing transcending time.
  • There is a deep emotional connection to the act of writing for a future audience, described as a mix of happiness, sadness, and other indescribable feelings.
  • The author finds the experience of preparing an article for future publication to be singular and enchanting, considering it an unparalleled journey akin to time travel.
  • They convey a sense of pride and identity, emphasizing that writers are not just writers but humans whose thoughts and experiences are deeply intertwined with life itself.
  • The author values reader support, expressing gratitude and the intention to acknowledge contributors in special editions, thereby fostering a sense of community and shared appreciation for creative work.
  • There is an underlying theme of the transformative power of writing and its ability to connect humans across time, which the author deems as a special kind

Written in 2023

My Article will Be Published in 100 Years

I have prepared an article for publication in 100 years, in 2123.

The idea lingered in my mind for a few months, and in the end, I was able to bring it to fruition. It’s something uniquely magical, and the uncertainty of whether it will eventually be published adds even more mystery, as if it’s a representation of the magic of life.

Knowing that I have the possibility for someone who hasn’t even been born yet to read my thoughts is something that evokes a mix of happiness and sadness, along with a torrent of emotions that I can’t quite detail at this moment.

Ultimately, they are positive emotions.

I initially planned to do this only once, but the experience has been so singular that I’m contemplating doing it again.

Sharing my experiences to be published at a time that remains distant adds to the enchantment of it all. A hundred years will have passed, a period when neither I nor the eight billion people who share this world with us will be here. It’s an unparalleled journey, akin to time travel through the conduit of words and our emotions.

We’re not merely writers; we are humans, and our thoughts ink the pages of our very existence — something we call life.

Here are some of my most creative articles.

Article Written by More Than a Thousand of the Best Writers Here on Medium.

“Do You Want to Miss Out on Winning the Mention-for-Mention Game on Medium?

I Want to Know The place Of my Death

Are you loving the content I’m creating?

If so, I’d be forever grateful if you consider supporting me with a coffee.

Top Supporters Of the Month Edition 1

Top Supporters Of the Month Edition 2

Top Supporters Of the Month Edition 3 And Why I recommend It

I truly appreciate your contribution and can’t wait to showcase your amazing work to our readers.

Plus, I promise to put that money towards creating even more exceptional content!

Check out my Ko-fi page here:


Thoughts And Feelings
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