avatarFrancisco Iglesias


“Do You Want to Miss Out on Winning the Mention-for-Mention Game on Medium?

Follow Our Ultimate Guide and Start Getting Mentioned More Than the Kardashians!”

Foto de Jonathan Borba: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/restaurante-hombre-pareja-mujer-15986559/

Special MentionsBefore I begin, I would like to make a brief aside.Here Starts The ArticleAre you loving the content I’m creating?Friends Who mentioned me

Are you tired of feeling like you’re on your own, creating content in a vacuum, without any support or recognition from your peers?

Well, I’ve got an idea that might just be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Mention for Mention Game.

  • And you know what?

There is no game, it is more important than that, and you know it.

Special Mentions

Rather than using mass tags, I wanted to provide a personalized touch by including special mentions. I believe this adds a human element to the text, making it more engaging and authentic.

All this text in green are mentions

Oh, and just to add some humor to the situation, I may or may not have spent an extra 8 hours on it because I got a little too carried away.

But hey, it’s all in the name of making Medium a better place, right? 😉

And remember this text in green is thank to All of YOU!!

  • What are your thoughts?

Believe in yourself and your dreams, for the world is waiting for the unique light that only you can shine.

Your talents, skills, and experiences are what make you STAND out from the crowd, and there’s no one else out there quite like you.

That’s exactly what we’re all about here discovering new gems and shining a Golden light on them.

Sure, your name might be in green right now, but with a little effort, we can turn It Gold.

We believe that everyone has something special to offer, and we’re comitted to helping you discover and showcase your Unique talents and Gifts.

Just keep doing what you’re doing and sharing your amazing work with the World.

And If you want to be Featured in future Editions, Just let me knowbut please, no bribing with Shamrocks! You can take a look and ask me to join in

So, are you ready to believe in yourself and share your Unique Light With The World ?

We Can't Wait to see what amazing things you have in store.

  • Before I begin, I would like to make a brief aside.

I really stopped being an asshole since I read That Medium Hack 🌟great post and all the comments.

  • At least i have tried harder than before

As a person who wants to do things better and is always looking for excellence it was a great opportunity to read it and,

I highly recommend it.

So now i am going to mass tag people but this time is different.

Did you know that incognito browser is a win to you when someone mention you?

It is time to ask you if you are reading these lines to set your browser to incognito, so It doesn’t count the time of your reading.

  • Your username is now a personalized message

Now click again on Special mention content Or you can do it in this little phrase

Special Mentions

Here Starts The Article

It’s a simple concept really, you mention someone in your article, and they do the same for you. You can see the example a few hundred words ago.

But let’s take it a step further and turn it into a game of sorts.

Did you know that if you mention me and this article you will be promoting more than 180 amazing writers?

  • Here Is The key

You mention someone, they mention someone else, and so on.

It becomes a chain reaction of collaboration and support, with each person building on the work of the others.

Not only does this make collaboration more fun and exciting, but it also creates a ripple effect that can lead to even greater visibility and success for everyone involved.

It’s like a game of tag, but instead of running around a playground, we’re running around the digital world, spreading the word about each other’s content.

  • And the best part?

It’s not just about promoting ourselves.

It’s about lifting up others and working together to achieve our goals.

We all have something unique to offer, and by collaborating and supporting each other, we can all shine.

So, are you ready to join the Mention for Mention movement and start collaborating with other content creators?

Let’s build a community of collaboration and support, and see how far we can go together!

Are you loving the content I’m creating?

If so, I’d be forever grateful if you consider supporting me with a coffee.

  • Your kindness will help me keep up the good work and bring you more valuable insights and inspirations.

Plus, I promise to put that money towards creating even more exceptional content!

Check out my Ko-fi page here:


Friends Who mentioned me

BloggingMyWay mentioned me

Join BloggingMyWay: Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Mastodon, Quora

BloggingMyWay wrote

Dear readers, I have a message for you today straight from the medium, which brought a big smile to my face.

Well, a new hit has appeared there — the “Mention-for-Mention” game, by Francisco Iglesias . Read til the end, and discover my modification proposition!

Sharon Meyers, Ed.D. mentioned me

Subscribe to Sharon Meyers, Ed.D.

Sharon Meyers, Ed.D. wrote

Connect with other writers to build an audience. I saved the best for last. In a short amount of time, I‘ve met so many incredible people on Medium. I had no idea, when I began writing, that I would encounter some of the most amazing and equally supportive writers imaginable. They guided me, supported me, and helped me navigate a new platform. They highlighted my work (thanks, Francisco Iglesias)

Deon Christie shout out my article

Inside the Minds of Writers: Reflections on the Top 5 Must-Reads.

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