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The article discusses strategies for building one's dream life while balancing a full-time job, emphasizing the importance of mindset shifts, overcoming procrastination, and taking consistent action.


The article "How to Build Your Dream Life Whilst Working A Full-Time Job" provides insights into transforming one's life by adopting new habits and perspectives. It begins by painting a picture of a monotonous and unfulfilling work life, filled with endless meetings and unrealized aspirations. The author then encourages readers to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to act despite their inhibitions. The narrative challenges the reader to stop labeling themselves and to recognize the potential for growth in all areas of life. The article suggests that by changing one's daily routine and taking control of what can be controlled, individuals can start to see different results. It emphasizes that there is no secret to success other than consistent action and making small, manageable changes. The author advocates for enjoying the mundane tasks of life and building one's dream life step by step, with boldness, courage, and a commitment to self-improvement.


  • The author believes that failure can be a catalyst for learning and growth, encouraging readers to attempt new things.
  • Inhibitions, often manifesting as procrastination, are seen as major obstacles to personal progress and must be overcome.
  • Self-imposed labels can limit one's potential, and the author advises against putting oneself in a box with negative self-talk.
  • The article suggests that most of life is made up of ordinary tasks, and finding joy in these can lead to a more fulfilling life.
  • Consistent daily action is highlighted as the key to building one's dream life, as opposed to searching for a secret formula for success.
  • The author promotes the idea that success and personal fulfillment are achievable without sacrificing one's personal life or overworking.
  • Readers are encouraged to change their narrative by focusing on what they can control and by committing to small but significant changes in their mindset and actions.

How to Build Your Dream Life Whilst Working A Full-Time Job

Fast track everything to live a healthier and happpier life

Photo by Andrew Neel — Pexels

It was my life a year ago:

It’s Wednesday morning, precisely 7:05 AM.

I snoozed my alarm for the third time.

Getting out of bed, half-asleep and thinking, “Oh crap, I have a work meeting at 7:30 AM!”

I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and changed clothes at the speed of The Flash.

The day is filled with back-to-back Zoom meetings without actually accomplishing much. It’s more about finding solutions for issues or problems that shouldn’t exist in the first place.

In between, there are concerns about the current weather; a hurricane just hit the region, and talk about an exotic three-week vacation a senior colleague recently took.

You start to feel a sense of frustration.

First, because you’ll never get approval for a week-long vacation, and on top of that, your bank balance never allows you to travel more than 200 miles.

You go through the day, sitting at your desk, wondering why everyone else seems to be doing so much better than you, and you wonder how they are doing it.

You think and think, ultimately turning to Google, watching tons of YouTube videos showing how they did it.

It all seems like a sham, and you think tomorrow will be a different day. But that day never seems to come.

It’s Easy to Sell Yourself Short

Sometimes, failure can lead to better learning and trying out new things, leveling up, or attempting things you haven’t done before.

Hopefully, whatever you’ve found so far has been incredibly helpful, and you’re ready to get going.

As someone who started writing online fairly recently with no prior background, I wasn’t familiar with anything.

But as I’m still mulling over things and trying to learn, unsure about the future and how it will all turn out, one thought has stuck with me: hoping it helps me fail gracefully and maybe even better.

Kill Your Inhibitions

Inhibitions sometimes come in the form of procrastination, mostly for me.

They take various forms but follow similar patterns, all leading to the same result: preventing you from taking that final step to discover your fate.

Sometimes it goes like this: I’m ready to hit send, but something is holding me back.

I double-triple check my work, stand up to grab a cup of tea, get tired, stretch, tell myself I need downtime so I can revisit it the next day, shut down the computer, and head out.

A week later, the process starts all over again.

The point is I never feel ready or perfect.

We all live in between.

So why not just do it anyway?

Good or bad, you will get to know sooner or later.

You Are Too Quick to Label Yourself

When you say things like, “I don’t know that” or “This is too hard to learn” or “This is not my forte,” you put yourself in a box.

Sometimes all the negative scenarios in our heads are much worse than reality.

An incredible opportunity is waiting for you around the corner.

Just because you can’t see it yet doesn’t mean it’s not there.

“We are all capable of infinitely more than we believe. We are stronger and more resourceful than we know, and we can endure much more than we think we can.” ~ David Blaine

To Get Different Results, Act Differently

If you want to change your results, take a moment to think about things you can change and control.

Write down as many things as you can about what makes sense to you. You can start with:

  • What sort of work you want to do
  • The pay range you are looking for
  • The location you want to work from
  • Flexibility to manage work and personal life

It may not turn your life upside down, but by committing to making these small changes in your mindset and action, you will find yourself turning hate back into love and contentment.

Change Your Narrative

Much of what I do day-to-day is mundane, boring, and consists of ordinary things.

The simple truth is most of life is filled with everyday tasks.

It’s washing the dishes, cleaning your apartment, vacuuming the carpet, wiping the table, or eating your comfort food every day.

Start enjoying the daily routine.

Continue doing these unexciting things.

The Secret?

There isn’t one.

It’s doing the same things over and over again.

It’s taking action every day and controlling the things you can while leaving the uncontrollable elements.

You don’t need to give up on your life or live a busy life to become a success.

You build your dream life one step at a time.

Be Bold

Be Courageous

Be Your Best

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