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Artificial Intelligence

According to Qualcomm, Vehicle Voice Assistants Could Get a Big Upgrade in the Future

Voice assistant AI could be improved in future cars, making them as smart as ChatGPT.

Photo by Ajeet Panesar on Unsplash

In some of my earlier posts, I’ve chatted about cool cars and AI stuff. You can find those links at the end of this post, by the way.

But today, I’m diving into a topic that’s super exciting — car AI that’s as smart as ChatGPT! Imagine having that kind of brain in your everyday ride someday.

Buckle up because I’ve got some exciting news about the future of cars and the way we interact with them. Qualcomm, the tech giant, has just dropped a bombshell in the automotive world. They’re envisioning a future where our cars come equipped with voice assistants that are as sharp as ChatGPT and can have real conversations with us while we cruise down the road.

Imagine you’re driving along, and instead of just barking commands like “navigate to nearest McDonald’s” or “call my wife,” you can actually have a proper chat with your car. Qualcomm believes that this future isn’t too far away.

They see a world where generative AI platforms, somewhat similar to ChatGPT, will be integrated into both traditional and electric vehicles. These AI companions will be connected to the cloud, ready to engage in natural conversations with us, the drivers, and our passengers.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. What kind of conversations are we talking about here? Well, Qualcomm has some cool examples up their sleeves. Picture this: You tell your car, “Take me on a detour home with a hardware store along the way.”

Or maybe you’re feeling a bit peckish, and you say, “Order me some Taco Bell and tell them to leave it at my doorstep.” Sounds futuristic, right?

Nakul Duggal, Qualcomm’s automotive bigwig, thinks that generative AI like ChatGPT has the potential to enhance our in-car experiences in a big way. He said:

“[ChatGPT-like AI can] improve the quality of really anything that you’re doing in the vehicle […] I think there is a massive opportunity with hybrid AI, where you can run local capabilities in the vehicle, paired up with cloud capabilities that are continuously evolving.”

In simple terms, our cars could have a mix of AI superpowers right in the vehicle and some extra magic up in the cloud.

But here’s where it gets even more interesting. Qualcomm has teamed up with SoundHound, the speech recognition experts, to create SoundHound Chat AI for Automotive. It’s like ChatGPT but specially designed for cars.

This AI buddy can answer many questions from drivers and passengers. It’s like having a car buddy who’s well-versed in more than 100 different information domains, including third-party Large Language Models, like ChatGPT. It’s like your car has its own personal encyclopedia on board.

I got to witness a live demo of this new in-car tech, and I have to say, its ability to understand natural language is seriously impressive. One journalist even asked it to close a door, and the AI knew which seat they were in! Talk about futuristic tech.

Now, not everything was flawless. The AI was programmed to show images of navigation destinations, but instead of fetching them online, it decided to get creative and make its own images. Let’s just say, the results for famous German buildings were…quirky. We can chalk that up to image licensing issues. The rest of the demo was smooth as butter.

Qualcomm envisions a future where some voice assistant tasks are handled right in the car, while others are processed in the cloud and sent back through a data connection. This approach is already showing up in smartphone voice assistants, where the simple stuff gets done locally and super fast.

Final Words

So, when can we expect our cars to have voice assistants as chatty as ChatGPT?

Well, keep in mind that tech showcased by companies like Qualcomm takes a bit of time to make its way into the vehicles we see at dealerships.

Siri and Alexa won’t suddenly become geniuses overnight. But it’s undeniably thrilling to see what’s just around the corner in the world of in-car tech. Exciting times ahead on the open road!

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I will continue to share my thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics in the world of entertainment and technology.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

Here are my previous collections.

Here’s What I Wrote in July 2023.

Here’s What I Wrote in June 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in May 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in April 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in March 2023

I provided an update on my last month.

Here are a few of my previous stories relating to cars and AI I believe you will enjoy:


Accelerating the digital transformation of transportation.

Voice assistants as smart as ChatGPT are coming to our cars, says Qualcomm.

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