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Apple Is Spending a Bunch of Money to Make Siri Amazing in iOS 18

Apple is spending millions of dollars on a conversational version of Siri.

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

In some of my past posts, I’ve chatted about all sorts of Apple stuff, and you can find the links to those down below. But today, let’s dive into the juicy stuff: Apple’s blowing big bucks on making Siri more chatty and friendly!

If you’ve ever felt like Siri just isn’t cutting it in the smart assistant game, there’s some exciting news on the horizon: Siri is about to level up big time!

The downside? Well, you’ll have to exercise your patience muscles because it looks like you won’t see these improvements on your device until next year, with the release of iOS 18. But hey, good things come to those who wait, right?

Right now, Siri’s speed is comparable to a sloth in a footrace against Amazon’s Alexa. And let’s not even get started on Siri’s hearing abilities — it’s like it’s got cotton balls in its ears! Mishearing commands and frustratingly messing up simple tasks, like adding items to a shopping list, have become a daily struggle.

So you can imagine my excitement when I heard that Siri’s next iteration is going to be a superhero in comparison. Apple’s got some grand plans for Siri, especially in the realm of smart home automation and simplifying those multi-app juggling acts.

The goal? To make Siri your go-to buddy for complex tasks. Imagine this: you casually tell Siri to create a GIF from your last five photos in the Photos app and send it to your friend via iMessage, all with a single voice command. Now that’s the kind of Siri we’ve all been dreaming of!

Apple seems dead set on marrying Siri and Shortcuts even more tightly than they are now. It’s an exciting prospect, but the big question is how Apple plans to make the process of creating automation less intimidating.

If you’ve ever dipped your toes into the world of Shortcuts, you know it can be a tad overwhelming. But here’s a thought — what if you could have a conversation with Siri like you’re chatting with a buddy, and have it whip up the perfect automation for you? Imagine the possibilities!

Now, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the imminent arrival of iOS 17. Sadly, when it comes to Siri, it’s not going to be a fireworks show. But there is one nifty feature worth mentioning — the ability to string together multiple tasks without having to repeatedly say “Hey, Siri.”

Imagine not having to say “Hey Siri” every time you want to turn the lights on, off, or adjust the thermostat. Instead, you can say, “Siri, turn the dining room on. Turn the living room off. Set the temperature to 20.” It might not sound like a game-changer, but it’s way less clunky when you’re barking commands out loud.

Final Words

Let’s face it; Google and Amazon have been sprinting ahead in the race.

So, it’s genuinely heartwarming to witness Apple putting Siri back on the priority list because it desperately needs a makeover.

If we’re headed towards a future where we’re talking more to the Vision Pro than tapping away on our MacBook Pros, Siri better start sharpening its wit ASAP!

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I will continue to share my thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics in the world of entertainment and technology.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

Here is everything I wrote last month:

Here are a few of my previous stories relating to Apple I believe you will enjoy:


Apple Spending Millions of Dollars a Day on Conversational AI.

Apple’s spending “millions per day” to make iOS 18 amazing.

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