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The article "10 Best Reasons To Read More Today" outlines the various benefits of reading, including personal growth, relaxation, and improved cognitive functions.


The article emphasizes the importance of reading in modern life, despite the common preference for other activities like socializing and entertainment. It argues that reading offers numerous benefits, such as mental stimulation, knowledge acquisition, and improved communication skills. The piece suggests that reading can serve as a conversation with great minds, offering insights and advice from professionals across various fields. It also highlights the role of reading in stress reduction, longevity, and the enhancement of empathy and focus. The author encourages readers to incorporate reading into their daily routines, particularly before sleep, to reap the full range of cognitive and emotional benefits it provides.


  • Reading is portrayed as a form of entertainment that engages the imagination and provides a temporary escape from reality.
  • The article posits that reading allows for a virtual conversation with authors, both historical and contemporary, facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and diverse perspectives.
  • It is believed that reading contributes to a longer life due to its stress-reducing effects and the broadening of one's worldview.
  • Frequent reading is linked to better communication skills, as it expands vocabulary and provides context for proper word usage.
  • The author suggests that reading fosters empathy by developing patience, attention, curiosity, and understanding.
  • Reading is credited with improving brain function, as it introduces new ideas and challenges, thereby enhancing problem-solving abilities.
  • The article claims that reading before bed can lead to better sleep quality and subconscious processing of information.
  • It is suggested that reading can be a source of motivation and inspiration, especially when engaging with literature written by successful individuals.
  • The piece advocates for reading as a means to improve focus and concentration, suggesting that it is a skill that requires regular practice.
  • The author encourages interaction with the content, inviting readers to comment and engage with the text for a more meaningful reading experience.

10 Best Reasons To Read More Today

How Reading Can Improve Your Life Quality

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

Many people prefer to avoid reading and think this process is just a waste of time. What could be better than spending time with friends, playing games, or watching movies?

Nevertheless, we have so many authors and best-selling books available on Amazon. Some books sold more than millions of copies all over the world. And the most impressive thing is that it’s the average number.

So, the object we discuss in this article is why so many people read books. We need to get answers to the following questions:

  • What benefits can we get from reading?
  • What can we learn?
  • What real value can we get?

Sound engaging! Also, these questions are similar, and we can add many more questions to this list and simultaneously combine them into one.

So below we will take a look at some of the best reasons. I’ve found why we should read more every day. Then we can also understand the value and power of books and reading.

Main Reasons and Benefits

Below, I’d like to list why we should read more. Also, I’d like to underline what benefits we can get and why.


The first of the reasons we’d like to find in the reading is entertaining. We have many different things to do when we have free time. But books can make it much more enjoyable.

What happens when we read a book? Here are some actions we noticed:

  • Our imagination starts working
  • We are deep dive into the parallel world
  • We became the main character
  • We understand the way to solve the main problem in the book

We are getting into the parallel world while reading the book. It becomes easy if we don’t have any distractions around us.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”


Conversation with The Author

Any book you start reading opens your eyes to the author’s speech. It can be anybody from Aristotle to Elon Musk.

Just imagine that for only 10, you can get 20+ hours of listening to any great person. This thing never could give to think wrong about books. Each world of someone knowledgeable can change your life.

All ideas you can find, advice you search all the time — everything you can find in a small book. It would help if you found a professional in a specific area. And then find his books. I will even list these actions below to make them more visible.

If you want to learn anything, perform the following steps:

  • Select a question or object you want to learn
  • Find a professional in this area
  • Look for their books on the Internet
  • Buy a book
  • Start reading

It sounds pretty straightforward. But we often can’t find answers to our questions, which most people have. Don’t think you are so unique. There are a bunch of issues we have in common.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Usually, we are so deep in our problems that we can’t see what happens around us. Or our daily routines can’t give us any more inspiration. That’s why books can take us away.

When reading, we think less about the questions in our heads. The book gives us the right questions and answers to them. We listen to the author and learn new things. The main thing that happens to us is a change of mind.

Just imagine if you could see the world with the eyes of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. Then, you could easily create a company like Apple or Microsoft. Isn’t it cool?

Listening to different stories can make you feel more calm and comfortable. Nobody cares about other people’s issues, but if you look far and think about others, you won’t be so worried about small things in your life.

Live Longer

It sounds very similar to the previous reason. If we feel more relaxed, then we can live much longer. But what is delightful is that science says that if you read at least several pages daily, you will live longer than those who don’t read.

Why it happens? I can propose the following reasons that are related to people who read often:

  • Wider outlook
  • Accepting different viewpoints
  • Ready for changes
  • Understand the world
  • Solve problems

Better Communication Skills

If you read more, you will get a more extensive vocabulary. Also, you can learn how to use words in different contexts.

Listening is the first thing you must do to become a better speaker. Reading more will give you the same opportunity. You will find your voice.

You can also become a good writer if you understand how other writers create art pieces.

Improve Empathize

Reading and understanding what the author wrote in his book makes you more calmer. If you read often, then you will build the following skills:

  • Patience
  • Attention
  • Curiosity
  • Empathy

Only these four skills can make you a better listener, friend, relative, etc. Reading can make you a reasonable person in the social life. You don’t need to talk too much to impress other people. But your attention can make the great work.

Train The Brain

New ideas give you more energy for your brain. I love it a lot! You are better with multiple options for every discussion, question, and problem. Learn to be different and open to any ideas.

When you have a lot of resources, ideas, and materials, you can start working with them. Your brain will say thank you for this. And then, you can create new things and find new solutions.

Better Sleep

Start reading before you sleep. Why it’s good?

Well, if you start reading in the evening, then you can get some of the benefits I list below:

  • New ideas
  • Less stress
  • Better mood

And the main magic we get in reading at this time is that your brain works all the time you are sleeping. So, if you upload all ideas, issues, and questions into your head, your brain will process them during sleep.

More Motivation

It isn’t anything besides any book you can find in the store. But some books do pretty well.

Suppose you feel like procrastinating all the time and looking for ways to become a better person or create something big. Reading can help you with this.

Find a book with the author who achieved big goals, and read his stories. It can be motivational. But also the author can teach you something important.

Usually, one or more critical things you need to learn and change in your life will move you forward.

Improves Focus and Concentration

And the latest reason I want to add to this article is your focus and concentration. Reading is one of the things that needs a significant portion of guidance.

That’s why if you read more often, you will train your concentration well. We can’t change it in one day or week. We need to prepare it permanently, and reading helps us in this.

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Also, below, I’ve listed some articles that you can find helpful and interesting for yourself. Check them out and let me know what you think about them!

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