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The article discusses the dating crisis caused by economic and educational imbalances between men and women, leading to hypergamous women struggling to find men on their level.


The article is inspired by a YouTube video discussing the economic and educational imbalances between men and women, which create a dating crisis due to hypergamous women seeking men on their level or above. The article explains that many women still desire men to be the financial providers and are unwilling to "date down." The reasons for this imbalance include a lack of scholarships for men and a hostile college environment, causing fewer men to pursue higher education. This crisis leads to an unequal distribution of eligible men, causing frustration for both men and women. The article suggests that some women might be willing to date men for companionship rather than financial stability. It also mentions that a man's character, mindset, and ability to make women feel good might attract women, even if he is not the most financially stable.


  • Women are often hypergamous in nature, seeking to date men who are on their level or above.
  • The lack of scholarships for men and a hostile college environment contribute to fewer men pursuing higher education.
  • The dating crisis is causing frustration for both men and women due to an unequal distribution of eligible men.
  • Some women might be willing to date men for companionship rather than financial stability.
  • A man's character, mindset, and ability to make women feel good might attract women, even if he is not the most financially stable.
  • The dating crisis might eventually come to an equilibrium and balance itself out.
  • The government might need to find ways to entice men to pursue higher education or be high-earning participants in the workforce.

Why Men Aren’t Keeping Up: The Dating Crisis Explained

I was inspired to write this due to watching the following video:

I tried to use this thing called FlexClip that’s supposed to use AI to translate the audio into words so that I could see which parts I wanted to address, but the dam thing wasn’t working for me, so oh well, I guess we’ll just have to deal with my recollection and see how it goes.

Anyway, the video was talking about how, economically speaking, a lot of men simply aren’t keeping up with women. This is because many women are going to school, finishing college, etc. while a lot of men have little interest in higher education these days. This creates an imbalance in the dating market.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

According to the video, since women are often hypergamous in nature (that is, desiring to date men who are AT LEAST on “their level”, if not above it), it is making it harder for women to find men who are on their level economically and financially speaking. Regardless of some women being against the patriarchy, many are still not interested in giving up the aspect of men being the financial providers and do not want to “date down”, for lack of a better phrase.

It also went into some reasons as to why this has come to be. The female commentator was saying that it’s not just an issue of men falling behind as if it’s all on the men, but claimed not only is it more difficult for some men to get into colleges (due to a lack of scholarships for men, etc.), but also how the college environment is said to be anti-male to a degree that a lot of men simply wouldn’t delight in that environment.

It also said that it is causing some women to blame other women for causing so many women to focus on being independent, in the work force, etc. and realizing that it may not be making them happy and that there aren’t enough eligible (in their minds) men for them. This also can create an imbalance, as I spoke about in my article titled “Women are making society polygamous”, in which the few eligible men, referred to as the top 10% or whatever, because those men would be “cleaning up”, so to speak, yet seeing little reason why they should settle down if the dating world is their oyster!

The commentator also briefly mentioned how some average women may be allowed to have a “taste” of a top ten percent man (since those men can go for easy pickings who they don’t even have to wine and dine or do too much to get), yet after having that taste, may then feel that since they had a so-called high value man once, that’s their new standard, even if they themselves would be considered average.

It also mentioned how this might fuel the “Passport Bros” phenomenon in which many westernized men are running from westernized women in the hopes of finding women who are allegedly more traditional-minded. Western women who are hypergamous may not desire to utilize the option of finding men outside of westernized countries because the men in the other countries might actually make less than a lot of the men in western countries. In addition, they may not be interested in dating women who are even less traditional and, dare I say, less agreeable, than the women in their own countries.

So to summarize it all, IF you have many women who are not only out earning a majority of men who do not go to college (perhaps due to lack of scholarships for men and/or the hostile anti-male environment of higher education in general), in addition to a lot of average (and above) women thinking that they won’t “settle” for anything less than the top-tier men, it will indeed create a dating crisis not good for a lot of men or women due to neither being able to get what they really want (aside from the top-notch men and any women they decide to date and actually be loyal to, perhaps).

My thoughts on all of this? Well, thankfully, even IF the above dire scenario is true, there are exceptions. Though social media, dating apps, etc. probably have some women’s heads souped up, I suspect that there might actually be some women sprinkled out here and there who aren’t all that superficial and who would be willing to date a man largely for companionship and not even so much what he has and/or what he looks like.

Photo by Brian Garcia on Unsplash

To add to that, I spoke in some other articles such as the one telling men not to focus so much on their looks, the one saying that many women (feminists in particular) seem to be demisexuals (more attracted to internal qualities or can become attracted by knowing someone as opposed to just seeing someone), and the one saying that many women go by how a man makes them FEEL… all of which to say that for some women, a man doesn’t have to be the hottest, tallest, or richest, but might be able to still attract them if his character and/or mindset appeals to them, if he knows how to make them FEEL good, and, above all, if he still manages to earn and keep their respect.

So all in all, I suspect that things may somehow work themselves out eventually. There may indeed come an equilibrium of sorts to where society will properly adjust to whatever becomes the new normal. Hopefully, men will have developed enough of a mindset to not need female validation so bad that they allow themselves to be mistreated by women who feel that they settled and that those men are beneath them.


Perhaps the government will find a way to address this dating crisis taking place. Maybe there will be ways to entice men to get into higher education or to at least be high-enough-earning participants in the work force.

In any case, things might not be as dire as some media outlets make them seem, however, they might be or seem dire enough for those who don’t unplug from all of this internet junk in general and/or for people who are too superficial to focus on the things that really matter. And as I alluded to earlier, things may eventually come to an equilibrium and balance themselves out well enough.

Feel free to share your thoughts and, as usual, thanks for reading and for any support!

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