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Make Women Feel GOOD!

Make a woman feel GOOD!

I’m sure that many men have heard it before, but this can’t be stressed enough: women base a lot of their decisions, at least when it comes to their romantic or sexual partners, based on feelings and emotions. Which makes sense if you think about it because, why not? The problem is, a lot of men try to use logic when it comes to these things and get frustrated because, obviously, certain things don’t make sense. Let me clarify what I mean.

What was missing? Logically, dude sounds good “on paper.” But that’s the problem, thinking that being good on paper is enough! What was missing is probably that he didn’t make her FEEL whatever it is that she wanted to feel. Or perhaps his bedroom skills wasn’t up to par, but that’s neither here nor there.

If you are a guy who considers yourself to be a decent fellow, you may recall going on a date or something with a woman that you thought went well enough, but she may have later told you that she had a nice time, but she didn’t feel “a connection” or something along those lines. This is because, even though men are trained to be nice guys and gentlemen, that’s like a bare minimum, but it doesn’t get the job done!

Some men choose to play it safe because they don’t want to offend women, but at this point in the game, it’s probably better to offend women and just say that they got a stick up their ass and say that they lack a sense of humor if they get offended, than to play it safe and be considered boring “with no chemistry” and lose out anyway.

Aside from the baseline of making sure that a woman respects you like I said in another article, your main mission when it comes to women is to make them FEEL something. A strong emotion. Preferably excitement and fun. Instead of focusing so much on getting a woman to like you and making sure that you say the right things when you go out on a date, focus on having fun, laughing a whole lot, and making it to where even if you think she might not like you, she’ll know she had a good time with you. And generally speaking, if a woman has a really good time with you, she’ll probably be down with the program.


Anyway, in response to the picture above, this is what a wise man posted:

Tactlessness aside, the man was still right in essence. This is not to bash women, this is more to help men understand women. The reason why some women may like bad boys over nice guys is because bad boys make them FEEL something, even if it’s excitement! Logic doesn’t have anything to do with it. They may know that the guy is no good on a logical level, but if he can still make them feel something, then that’s what drives them. I hate to say it, but women would probably rather deal with a bad and exciting man, then a nice, good, and boring man. It is what it is.

Morality doesn’t seem to be on the top of a lot of women’s list when it comes to ATTRACTION. However, boredom and weakness are probably the worst qualities and characteristics a man can show to a woman. And when I say weakness, any traits even deemed as weak, whether it be neediness, seeking validation, inability to stand up for oneself and what one believes in, lack of confidence (as in, being comfortable in one’s skin, regardless of what it is), etc., can be a major turn off to women.


Boredom can be a major turn off as well because it doesn’t evoke feelings and emotions, and a lot of men, due to their fear, may come off as boring because they don’t say bold enough things or take bold enough actions to evoke emotion. And contrary to popular belief, boredom may actually be why some women are unhappy in their marriages, and want to leave.

Again, morality isn’t the issue. It doesn’t matter how good of a husband a man might be (regardless of whatever blame some women may try to pass), if he doesn’t excite her anymore, yet some young punk at her job or whatever tells her how hot he thinks she is and what he would do to her if she were his woman and all that junk, that might cause her to actually feel like she is missing out, at least if her husband is no longer saying or doing things to compete.

This is why some people say that in marriage complacency kills. Complacency = boredom, and aside from being seen as weak, being seen as boring (too predictable, etc.) is about the last thing you want to be seen as in the eyes of a woman that you want (generally speaking, though perhaps there are exceptions).

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

Finally, I just want to say that when it comes to making a woman feel something, obviously, it’s probably better to make a woman feel love, joy, and excitement than to make her feel hate, but even if a woman hates you, that might still be better than indifference, so long as that hate has an underlying respect to it.

Like I said before, respect is the most important thing you can get from a woman. Remember that if you don’t remember anything else. If a woman doesn’t respect you, it’s pretty much game over. Even if she doesn’t respect you as a person, at least if she has sense enough not to disrespect you (with the knowledge that if she does, there will be some type of consequence), at least there is that.

But if a woman feels like she can disrespect you and do all kinds of silly shit without you doing anything or, worse yet, apologizing and still kissing her ass anyway because you need her so bad, then that’s probably a wrap. She might stay with you, but she might not have sex with you very much (if at all) and might cheat on you as well.

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash


So guys, do not be angry at this information. I know that it can be frustrating, especially when somethings don’t seem to make sense in a logical manner, but when you understand this, then it can help you to a degree to know that ultimately, when you are on a date with a woman or even trying to talk to one at work or whatever, the main thing you need to do is to make sure that they feel good around you.

Men have different personality types, but if you have a sense of humor, make them laugh (but avoid self-deprecating humor, remember, respect is key). Have fun and be exciting. But if you are a more serious and stoic type, give genuine compliments (not on her physical beauty) such as on some things she may have done, the new hairstyle, fashion sense, etc. Talk about things beyond small talk and “safe conversations” (some women actually hate small talk), if you have knowledge or are passionate about something, talk about that and see what happens. Also, you may want to learn to be a good storyteller as far as telling them things about your life and your past in an exciting way.

I could say and clarify more, but this article is long enough. Thank you for reading and for any comments and support.

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Dating Advice For Men
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