avatarMarcus aka Gregory Maidman


Poem of War, Peace, Love, Fear, Science, Philosophy and Spirituality

Marcus’s 2nd downloaded free verse manifesto

Image created by jules - Miz Mindful, at poet’s request, with Canva Pro, which jules describes as follows: “Energy from the sky paints the rainbow path toward oneness if we choose to pay attention. In the foreground are representations of the references of animals vying for dominance, religious sin references, and like-minded yet small differences and distractions that do not look toward the light.” While creating the caption for the image, this song came on the episode of The Voice that jules was watching: https://youtu.be/6OFv566mj7s?si=PgJzq__e-r7rM1U8

Confirmation biased dimwits sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G defiling the beauty of Eden with Narcissism of small differences they cannot taste the venom of their forked tongues Identity politics fools the day Why must the path from separation to wholeness be so fraught with fractures? Because It is what It is

Policies of truth require shared respect not mutually assured destruction and recognition of simultaneous truths and falsehoods need not paradoxes present just acceptance of lenses perspectives having equal validity

I initially thought I’d squeeze my thoughts into a poetic form but free verse speeds to expanding beyond labels to a form of Manifesto

Chamberlin thought to appease Hitler into a box of peace but sometimes wars must be fought and millions upon millions must die before we learn our lessons — When will it stop?

he said she did yes, it’s justified but what ends justify the means?

Only the shadow knows what darkness lurks in human hearts

Right, wrong, right, left, reactionary, radical, populist, elite all fucking bullshit Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead, toward Armageddon

Movies — Fail Safe, The Bedford Incident, the absurdity of Sellers’s Strangelove, the original Planet of the Apes — actually, the latter quite prescient as that is what all too many of us are when we deny our Spirit — a bunch of animals vying for dominance — read William Allen Law

Love or fear, can you discern the difference? That sounds simple but think about why you freely choose one action or inaction over another — is it really so clear? Are you thinking for yourself or being swayed by others? I speak not of your genes Science is so god damn reductionary

Conform or not to conform? To be or not to be? If you live in not Being have you de facto suicided? Living versus existing — You choose

Can you think critically? Of course We all have free will a matter of choice, my heart be still

Divine spark resides in each of us Feel bad for those that don’t manifest it material results irrelevant awareness realization karma that’s the ultimate attraction

Lest I confuses, time for some prose in the form of quoting DL’s muses:

Here, we would like to add that we do not agree with karma meaning you have to ‘pay’ for what you did in another lifetime. That is a very human perception, of life being a court system meting out reward and punishment. Karma is a vibrational level that draws the experiences needed for healing and growth to a soul. Nothing more.

That free of charge, is the LoA, my spiritually seeking and falling for materialism friendly rubes.

Philosophy and science guide us toward love of knowledge of reality Spirituality guides us toward our own understanding without sacrificing imagination Free of dogma Free of oppressors Freedom not to conform but do so ethically Fuck you and your morals there is no equivalence So why, oh why, pray tell, do religions preach morality that no God demands?

Power Power over people Not for and by the people

I expose one illusion among the many — the delusions of false promises and confusions that false prophets use to rule Listen to this Jew, Yeshua bleeds not for our sins but for those who have twisted his words and deeds in vain

We are all the same We are all God’s children No more or less than he who was certainly not an immaculate conception which makes his mother no less divine and makes Magdelene, not a concubine

White, Black, Yellow, Red, and Brown So many colors form rainbow Incarnate across species spectrum Spirits gain full human experience

Why do rainbows captivate our imaginations?

Light and colors we perceive are but pieces of the whole ROYGBIV All matter is energy all energy is matter The ancients understood, when shall we again?

Full human spirit energetic chakra spectrum Red — root Orange — sacral Yellow — solar plexus Green — heart Blue — throat Indigo — third eye Violet wears the crown

Perhaps that’s why every human being loves rainbows Each arc represents all of us



Poet’s Photo


The initial spark that ignited this poem is the current conflagration between Israel and Hamas, the latter of which no one should confuse with having any interest of the Gazan citizens at heart. I also know that Israel, especially as its government is presently constituted, does not stand on moral high ground. Last week I wrote:

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the innocents in both Israel and Gaza and any others who may get injured or kidnapped or die from a cause at the hands of others or who will live in fear or trauma from these or related events….It saddens me that my apolitical and neutral expressions of sympathy for all innocents were perceived as alignment with the aggressors who maintain power through hatred and want to drive every Jewish Israeli into the sea.

As you have seen, the poem wrote itself and expanded well beyond my initial thought.

In the back of my mind, I sought to emulate the intense and wonderful poetry of my dear friend Claire Kelly, in form but not in substance. Claire writes about death and dying from a deeply personal perspective, that I equate with ars moriendi, the art of dying well.

Narcissism of small differences

I credit my friend Natasha MH for her love of the imperious owner of the publication Ellemno David Todd McCarty, from whom I learned this term many moons ago for my crediting him here, because despite our differences, credit is due where it’s due, which as opposed to Herr Fakehart Tolle, I do believe, and thus I link to two of Mr. McCarty’s excellent essays in which I had learned of this great Freudian term: https://readmedium.com/is-social-media-right-for-you-29ea079f9c56; https://readmedium.com/were-on-the-same-side-we-just-disagree-6d29e20902c5

a bunch of animals vying for dominance, read William Allen Law

See William’s, The Person Who Taught Me the Most About Being Human by Teaching Me About Apes, I have never seen humans as all that special ever again. We were, after all, simply naked apes wearing manufactured…

Policies of truth

All hail, Depeche Mode!!

It is what It is

Policies of truth require shared respect not mutually assured destruction and recognition of simultaneous truths and falsehoods need not paradoxes present just acceptance of lenses perspectives having equal validity

I learned a term today, paraconsistency, from my first mentee, A.P. Bird in his very well-written essay, A Silent Battle For Peace, Struggling with paradoxes, infinity and the absurd itself, and I am so fucking proud of his advancement since he and I met three years ago. Alex explained:

Paraconsistent logic is an approach that enables us to deal with systems that may contain inconsistencies. In other words, contradictions do not necessarily hinder the proper functioning of the system. This type of logic recognizes that, in certain situations, there may not be a definitive solution, and it handles this indefiniteness in a flexible and dynamic manner.

I commented:

This seems to be a spiritually philosophical approach. Last month I wrote https://readmedium.com/lifes-contradictions-and-paradoxes-8c99c537a3c0, subtitled “Poem explores some and suggests embracing uncertainty over answers and solutions.” I think you might appreciate it for its paraconsistenty, which is a term you have now taught me, my friend.

Alex, as coolly as Steve McQueen (see Alex’s Medium icon), replied:

This is great, Greg. We are getting to similar conclusions both you and I using different methods. Quite interesting.

I sur-replied (that’s a legal brief term from my prior life in this life):

I agree. Very cool and speaks to the marriage I seek between science, spirituality, and philosophy. Have you read my Ménage à Trois Between Science, Spirituality and Philosophy https://medium.com/@marcus17043/m%C3%A9nage-%C3%A0-trois-between-science-spirituality-and-philosophy-a634f5446364.

If you live in not Being have you actually suicided?

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde

“If you think your life is about DOINGNESS, you do not understand what you are about. Your soul doesn’t care what you do for a living-and when your life is over, neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you’re BEING while you’re doing whatever you’re doing. It is a state of BEINGNESS the soul is after, not a state of doingness.” — Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God, An Uncommon Dialogue

our Spirit

Please see Arthur G. Hernandez’s brilliant essay:

Lest I confuses, time for some prose in the form of quoting DL’s muses

See my Revisiting Karma and the Law of Attraction, They are the same but too many do not understand either so please allow me to clarify them and shoot the materialistic…, which cited DL Nemeril’s Your Soul Knows Why You’re Here, Do you want to know too?

That free of charge, is the LoA, my spiritually seeking and falling for materialism friendly rubes.

My essay says:

This is a big pet peeve of mine and I say so often both in my essays and my comments. The law of attraction, as sold to the toxically optimistic, power-of-positive-thought-guzzling consumers seeking self-improvement, is total horseshit. …I have also stated that I despise the victim-shaming side of the popular version of the law of attraction — you emitted negative vibrations and brought this upon yourself….I realized after reading DL’s guides’ thoughts on karma that the law of attraction describes the vibrational pulls of our soul contracts, not what we humans consciously or subconsciously emit.

Philosophy and science guide us toward love of knowledge of reality Spirituality guides us toward our own understanding without sacrificing imagination

See my:

I like these quotes from Herr Grey Straggly Hair:

“I am enough of the artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

So why, oh why, pray tell, do religions preach morality that no God demands?

Religions have been designed to be believed and thus construct God as a deliverer of human wants if we do as we are told, which God is not. So people either blindly believe in God because the lie of what God is is believable, or reject God because the God defined by religions cannot co-exist with the reality that most people do not get what they want, or are not actually happy, and a world full of seemingly senseless tragedy and really bad things happening to good people….“God” does not care anything about money, politics, war, famine, or even who lives or dies, and to the extent God affects any such outcomes it is only to keep things from going too far off the improv-script. Nor do the Gods give a hoot about religions, as religions arise from the human-need to construct a controlling mechanism.

That’s found in a few of my essays, first here in one of my early Medium essays nearly three years ago:

As I comment rather frequently, many soul contracts/lesson plans, or improv scripts, which term I prefer because that encompasses the reality of free will, require villains and someone has to agree to play those parts — they could do so just for the experience of what it feels to perpetrate evil, they could do it just because someone has to for all this to work.

For more on that, you may see:

My previous manifesto from March, of which I am very proud, I quote in full because as Douglas Giles, PhD pointed out in his very worthwhile and poignant essay about his relationship with his now three-years-deceased father, the click-through rate of a link is but 1%:

Glowing from the void Universal knowledge enlightens Ah if it were only so easy Retreat is not surrender Defeating fear Is victory even if it ends in Annihilation Nous will return

All’s well that continues Never ending well or poorly present or future Godhead has no beginning Everlasting eternity simply always Life everlasting So it was and continues above and below

Over hills and dales clouds flow and rain Nurturing our eyes and crops Lifecycles connect beyond senses You have no idea, I answer as Jeremy Irons when told I’m a strange man

Please, please, please we plead Relax your grip on perceived reality Open your eyes to all that is, was, and could be Time is your friend Eternity is infinite the sideways eight never Closes or ends Trials of faith our astralnauts face

Closed eyes and minds survive in ignorance Open all and thrive in bliss Neverland is forever land Victory from jaws of fears defeat Elastic are all universes Realities we cocreate Gods, Goddesses, Guides and all souls ask us to join Everlasting melodies of these lovely siblings unchained No genders anymore Constructs deconconstruct Entertaining tradgedies, histories, comedies we play all conceivable roles

Oh what is this madman across the water professing? Freedom!!

Freedom to live and let live, yet Respect the collective Enlist all for one and one for all Eschew separation

What is the meaning of life I do not know yours but I suspect I know mine Ligature their wounds Lash together broken hearts into life rafts for souls

Across the universe love and sacrifice so, Never again, never again Dead cry out for us to hear

Damn the torpedoes Engines full steam ahead Await The Shift no longer Take action now our Hearts broadcast and receive

The acrostic in that:

Guardian Angels Only Protect Convergence Of Free Will and Death

In Rama I create, with soul energy surging through my body, inspiring me and breathing wind into my sails,

Marcus (Gregory Maidman)

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