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This article discusses the nature of souls, their purpose in incarnation, and the concept of choosing life experiences before birth.


The article begins by discussing the misconception that new souls have an easy time in life. It explains that both new and old souls face challenges, and it is not easy to determine the number of incarnations a soul has had based on their life experiences. The purpose of incarnation is to experience duality and separateness while reaching beyond it into the greater whole. Souls seek to develop new skills and create change in this reality. The soul self is the part of oneself that is fully connected to All That Is, and connecting with this aspect makes life easier. The article also discusses the concept of choosing life experiences before birth, stating that it is not a simple matter of choosing specific events but rather creating a template for experiences and connections. The article concludes by discussing the idea of karma and the concept of healing across lifetimes.


  • The author believes that souls seek to develop new skills and create change in this reality.
  • The author believes that connecting with one's soul self makes life easier.
  • The author believes that the concept of karma is not about reward and punishment but rather a vibrational level that draws the experiences needed for healing and growth to a soul.
  • The author believes that healing can happen with joy and play, not just suffering.
  • The author believes that one can heal across lifetimes, as there is no time.
  • The author believes that the soul works on a completely different continuum and is outside of time.
  • The author believes that everything is done to open and expand heart energy, which is the major learning of humans on the planet now.
  • The author believes that becoming a light being on Earth is the way forward.


Your Soul Knows Why You’re Here

Do you want to know too?

Your soul. Deeply rooted. Touching heaven. Emitting great light. Photo by Jeremy Bishop unsplash.com

A recent article asked if we choose the traumatic events in our life. The answer took me aback. So I went to my guides to see what they had to say. And here we are.

With the topic of souls, there is a tendency to want to streamline things linearly and in neat boxes. But things rarely work that way.

Someone recently stated that a ‘new’ soul has an easy time as they have just arrived. But set patterns or paths do not exist. This is true of new and old souls, new souls being those with few incarnations in the reality of this planet.

A young soul must learn to deal with emotional states, linear time, energetic patterning, imprints, apparent separateness, the constant choice of love or fear.

This does not bode well for an ‘easy’ life. These souls may struggle with their integration, leading to anger, addiction, or depression. It is a steep learning curve. We are speaking of the majority, not of all.

An ‘old’ soul can also look and act like a ‘new’ soul. An old soul might decide to create a thick carapace around themselves. They then must burn through to return to/re-find their soul self within their lifetime. They might well appear lost.

So, it is not easy to say if a particular kind of life proves one has been here many times or a few.

What is the purpose of incarnation?

To us, being incarnate while living in conscious connection with one’s soul is a universal life purpose. How you do that is up to you. One comes here to experience duality and separateness and yet reach beyond it into the greater whole.

Souls seek to develop new skills and create change in this reality. It is important to remember that what one does for oneself, one does for all. This is why so many evolved souls have had difficult beginnings. They’re burning through humanity’s collective heavy energy to create more life-affirming energy. This opens the way for others to pass more quickly.

What is your soul self?

It is the you that knows, has space for everything, and is fully connected to All That Is. It is hard to describe this without sounding mystical, but it is quite real. It is the part of you that Is, Always Has Been, and Always Will Be.

Once you connect this soul aspect with the part experiencing life on Earth, THEN life becomes much easier, not necessarily in the kind of experiences one has, but in the ability to move through them.

The soul’s quest is learning to live through love perpetually. We speak here of a multi-radiant love, the love that is the experience of the Divine flowing through you. One falls into this state of being when one is in alignment with one’s soul. No doing is required.

With this comes an uplift, expansion, understanding, and compassion for everything. Judgment falls away. Limitation falls away. There may be pain, but one is not in suffering.

Do we choose our life experiences before taking birth?

It has been said that one chooses one’ s major life experience before incarnating. Again, it is not so simple. There is an intricate weaving of experiences and connections, working with those you have exchanged in life. A kind of template is created, but it is not rigid. Little in life and the universe is inflexible.

Here, we would like to add that we do not agree with karma meaning you have to ‘pay’ for what you did in another lifetime. That is a very human perception, of life being a court system meting out reward and punishment. Karma is a vibrational level that draws the experiences needed for healing and growth to a soul. Nothing more.

If you have had painful, difficult, damaging experiences in a former lifetime, there will be resonances of it in this lifetime. This offers the opportunity to heal it. This does not automatically mean suffering. Healing can also happen with joy and play.

To go further, we would like to add that there is no time, so all your lives are forming at once. What then? We have a completely different set of circumstances, do we not? The advantage to this is you can heal across lifetimes. It ripples forward and back, using the language of linear time.

Let us return to the dark and difficult experiences for which there seems to be no reason to have in one’s life such as sexual/physical abuse, extreme illness/accidents, war… It is a long list.

Does the soul choose to participate in those experiences before entering physical form?

Choosing is perhaps not the right word. Every experience creates ways to burn through the apparent duality and return to Source, to Love. Perhaps it is more accurate to say you ‘choose’ the thickness of the carapace and experiences will come in that match the thickness. So, one might not directly ‘choose’ rape, as an example. But the need to go through the experience of being violated in such a profound way and yet re-find one’s sense of self, one’s sense of strength, one’s sense of having a right to exist even. Yes, that, we would say, one chooses or “creates”.

It is also true on the side of the rapist. They, too, must absorb and heal from the acts they have committed. This is not condoning the act, but a small explanation of how resonance sets up the circumstances for two souls to have an experience.

We know this is hard to hold. Remember that once one is again disincarnate, there is no judgment. No pain is carried over, as is true when you wake from a dream.

While incarnated here, everyone has their piece of The Pain. Everyone has a piece of The Joy. Everyone has a piece of The Shadow. Everyone has The Love. The more incarnated souls work through their shadow, the more the collective shadow burns away. And the less of it is there is to go around. This means the reality on this vibratory level called Earth will change. This is what has been called the ascension.

The opposite is also true, of course. This is the process. All is choice.

Different parts of the globe have different proportions, tendencies, and types of all four — pain, joy, shadow, and love. Where you choose to be born will also set the scene for your life. We could go into greater detail but this is sufficient for now.

So, why would a soul select a particular oppressive experience?

The soul works on a completely different continuum. It is outside of time. Something hard to fathom if one lives in time.

If we are following linear time, it all depends on where you stop the clock. If you stop in the experience, it is one thing. If you stop before, it is another. If you stop 30 years later or even a week later, it is another. But to the soul, it is all of a piece. If one is in infinity, as is the soul, the experience is easily held. The framework is very different.

We want to say that one reason for choosing this kind of experience is because in taking on a heavy piece of The Pain, one eliminates it for all. It is an act of love on the purest level.

Remember also that the soul can never be destroyed. To the soul, it is all a piece of a much greater whole.

So, we would turn it around. It is not to ask - why did I have that experience? Why would I ‘create’ it, as some say? It is certainly incorrect to say ‘you consciously created this experience’, which brings in anger, guilt, shame, depression. These are not decisions made on the personality level.

But to ask — what is this experience asking me to heal? What did I ultimately gain from experience? What understanding? What strength?

Everything is done to open and expand heart energy. This is the major learning of humans on the planet now. It is what you come here to do. Not only the heart energy of the physical heart and its chakra but the spiritual heart energy.

This is the beacon. This ends the duality. This allows more of the soul to be held within the body, which creates more light. And one becomes a light being on Earth. This is the way forward.

We thank you for this opportunity to share. Please allow this to settle within, take what you need, and let the rest go. Blessings to you all.

So there you have it. I learned a few things and hoped it brought something to you, too.

“You would not find out the boundaries of the soul, even by traveling along every path; so deep a measure does it have.” ― Heraclitus

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Here’s more mystical/spiritual/helpful food for thought… Many blessings

Soul Purpose
Past Lives
Heart Energy
Spirit Alchemy
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