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Reincarnation | Life Purpose | Soul Plan

Do You Design Your Entire Life Before Incarnating (Even The Trauma)?

I feel the answer to this is quite complex.

Pixabay: sciencefreak

I have written many spiritual and metaphysical pieces aside from tarot cards — some of those pieces involved pre-birth planning, destiny, and free will. I will say this much.

The older the soul, the more challenges it will face. Older souls are more advanced in evolution than younger souls because older souls have been incarnated much more often than younger ones.

Many Newer Souls Don’t Buy Into Reincarnation For A Good Reason

Many newer souls may not even be open to reincarnation because perhaps they are living their first lives. Therefore, reincarnation may not be real to them, which is a good reason. It is not real to them yet. That will change, however, several lifetimes from now.

Therefore, older souls have learned the complexities of life due to living so many previous lives. And the more you know, the harder your journey becomes. Think of it as how much more advanced high school is compared to elementary school.

I have to say I used to be so jealous of those who seemed to have coasted by in life (and I don’t believe anyone truly glides long because life on earth is hard). But, of course, that was before I had become more spiritual while in the thick of going through extreme hardships.

But here is the thing. Perhaps those who have fewer challenges in life are newer souls. I won’t lie. I choose not to have anything to do with these newer souls because I cannot relate to them. The feeling would likely be mutual.

I mean, you cannot send a kindergartener to grade nine. It is the same idea regarding the evolutionary stage of souls. Though I do not subscribe to the platitude “God does not give you more than you can handle,” that is highly invalidating, and I have other opinions on what truly happens.

Is It True That A Soul Plans Their Incarnation Before Birth?

Pixabay: Victoria_Watercolor

I believe that, yes, it does, along with the spirit guides. The purpose is for you to learn and gain new perspectives. That is the most challenging. I believe you plan for a blueprint, and some destined events happen, such as marrying a specific soul and the parents and siblings you will have if you have siblings.

However, there is a caveat. The timelines are mouldable, and there is also room for free will. Those are events that happen that are not part of your blueprint because events created by others and decisions you make in life will impact you and can veer you away from the blueprint you created.

When that happens, I feel like as you are in a deep sleep, your soul leaves your body, as it is attached through a silver cord. You and your guides make adjustments to your blueprint.

Therefore, yes, I think your soul plans your incarnation before coming in, but free will changes life’s course. Planning everything that happens in your life before you are born is impossible.

Some People Go Through Hell — Does “God Give You More Than You Can Handle?”

Suppose you have been through a hellish life. In that case, whether it involved abuse, addiction, poverty, caregiving for decades, never fitting in, experiencing unfathomable loss, or anything else, I believe God or the Universe has little to do with it. Instead, I feel your soul has much to do with it because of the urgency to evolve.

You don’t evolve when life is perfect and when you coast along. You grow after going through Tower moments, and sadly grief will be part of that because one of the hardest things you will endure is loss. Loss does not always have to pertain to loved ones. It can be loss of dreams, property, dignity, and so on, known as disenfranchised grief.

However, the guides do “talk” with you and remind you that when you are incarnated, your ego will get in the way of your urgency to evolve because there is only so much it can handle. It is there to protect you. That even pertains to older souls. There is only so much one can take.

But some souls can be so stubborn in the planning stage that they don’t listen to the guides, find out the hard way in life, and end up struggling with C-PTSD, chronic mental or physical illness.

And some get to the extreme point where they feel they have no choice but to call it quits and force themselves to exit. And that is another sign that mental health services are severely lacking. So now, I will review something I have wanted to write for some time.

Does Your Soul Plan Your Trauma That You Will Encounter In Life?

I want to scream from the rooftop a big fat NO! I cannot subscribe to that at all, and I have seen some so-called mediums on TikTok gaslighting you that you are not a victim of trauma because you “planned” it.

I am sorry, but what soul will plan for them to be molested by their uncle when they are three years old? (that did not happen to me, but it sadly happens a lot) What soul will plan to be poked fun at and bullied for the first 15 years of their life because of being “different?” (that happened to me, but not for that long).

So no, you do not plan your trauma before birth. That happens due to the misuse of free will from others, and you get caught in the crossfire. I also believe the same when it comes to natural disasters.

It is one of those “shit happens” situations, and that is some awful shit happening too. And your soul age does not have a thing to do with that. No one is immune from experiencing trauma from a natural disaster, a home invasion, or an attack.

Here is what I believe happens. The older the soul, the more soul-digging within they need to do. And they will have to experience situations that will force them to reclaim any lost power they once had.

That is something that the soul would plan, as they would go through situations that would cause them to find the power they had within that they lost in previous lives. Unfortunately, trauma is a risk for that, but it is not planned.

So you go through something traumatic, either keep drowning in a C-PTSD and depression cesspool (as I have been there many times), or you do some shadow work and start reclaiming your power through shadow work. That is all tough shit, but that is the only way you will find your power within.

I was bullied badly in middle school and early high school, which is still scarring me today because I was “weird” as I had undiagnosed ADHD and undiagnosed PCOS (I did not get those diagnoses until adulthood) as I was overweight and acne-ridden, so I was the socially awkward oddball who could not stand up for myself that the bullies saw as ugly.

And that killed my self-esteem. My parents were also very critical of me (and it sucks being a mature soul surrounded by newer souls). Therefore, I became an echoist and people-pleaser until I had no choice but to break out of that.

That was when I had no choice but to surrender my son with complex special needs because I was severely losing myself in his care.

And now, I don’t put up with crap. But I also believe I had some past-life karma playing a role in my challenges today, which also plays a role in the lessons you need to learn in your incarnation.

I want to stress that if you have encountered mediums that tell you that you are not a victim because “you planned your trauma,” please ignore them.

They are gaslighting you, and your trauma is valid no matter what, and no, as I said, your plan in life may have increased the risk of something traumatic happening, but you did not plan horrific things you may have endured.

No one can take away you were once a victim of trauma, and one of the hardest things to go through is to recover from it in life. As I said, life is hard, and the older your soul age is, the harder it is.

Written by Miriam Rachel, owner of the following:

Tarot Talk is a publication for tarot enthusiasts.

The Recovering People-Pleaser is a publication for those overcoming echoism and people-pleasing.

Quirky and Fascinating Facts is a publication about unusual stuff, including hacks.

Life Lessons
Spirit Alchemy
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