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My Perspectives on the Possible Monetization of External Views on Medium in a YouTube Video

Imagine how awesome it would be for Medium writers to have the ability to monetize the reading time of external readers.

Photo by Hoy on Pexels — a lovely dog looking with anticipation

In this post, I would like to link a short video that I created to share my perspectives on the possibility of monetizing external views on Medium.com in 2023.

As a new writer, I have noticed that a significant portion of my story views come from external sources. The video provides my thoughts on this trend and potential ways to capitalize on it.

To make the content more accessible, I have also provided the transcript of the video in case you do not have access to YouTube.

I hope that the video and transcript will provide a valuable perspective for writers looking to monetize their writing on Medium.com.

Here’s the link to the video. Please give it a watch and let me know your thoughts in the comment section of this post or the video on YouTube.

Transcript of the Video

Dear Writers and Readers,

Last week was actually my first anniversary on Medium.com. Time sure does fly, it’s already been 12 months since you joined, and it feels like just yesterday. I posted my first article on 9 January 2022 with nervousness and great anticipation.

Last year was a truly amazing experience for me as a writer. I learned so much by writing around 300 stories and being a part of the Medium community.

I wish I had discovered Medium earlier, it’s a truly collaborative environment that has helped me grow as a writer and increase my knowledge. I see Medium as a writing school, a place where I can continue to improve and develop my skills.

In addition, I’m incredibly grateful for the 1.7K followers I’ve gained in just one year and for becoming a top writer on three different topics.

Despite not earning as much income as I desired. It was because around 90% of my views came from external readers.

Overall, I am excited to keep growing and developing as a writer on Medium, and I hope to continue to inspire and engage my readers with my stories in technology, gaming, social media, and other topics.

I am also impressed by the strategies of new CEO Tony Stubblebine, who friendly approaches writers on the platform and inspires them to write better stories.

Image source from Medium Twitter account

In this video, I’d like to share some exciting news with you about a topic that I wrote about a few weeks ago.

Medium is now considering monetizing the reading times of external readers, as I documented in an article titled Excellent News for Medium Writers to Earn from SEO Incentive Program in 2023. As you may know, Medium writers are currently only paid for the reading times of members.

Many writers, myself included, have a large number of views of our stories coming from external sources such as Google and Android apps. Some stories gain substantial exposure, but they don’t generate any income for us.

If Medium finds ways to monetize external content, it could be a win-win for both writers and Medium. It would take the platform to another level and allow us to produce more engaging and higher-quality content to attract external readers.

Medium could also increase external traffic and gain more members, which would be ideal for the growth of this great platform.

I believe this could be a sustainable business model for Medium, supporting the growth of paid members. Medium recently invited some writers to participate in a proof of concept, but I have not yet received any formal correspondence from them.

I have a few ideas on how Medium might monetize external content, such as through sponsorship from corporate organizations like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, and Facebook. Medium is a reputable organization with a high domain ranking.

So, I believe these types of organizations would be willing to chip in some money. Another idea is to create a new Medium site that mirrors the original but curates content from established writers with compelling content to make it more appealing to external readers.

I have many other ideas, but I don’t want to bore you with them in this short video. If you have any ideas on how Medium might monetize external content, please feel free to share them in the comments section.

As a writer, I mainly write about technology, gaming, and social media. I also own two publications, one for gamers and the other for YouTubers and Podcasters. Both publications are growing rapidly.

If you’re interested in joining my publications, please leave a comment and send a request via the writer registration form attached in the description section of this video.

Thank you for watching my video and reading my posts on Medium.com and Vocal Media. I look forward to reading your thoughts on this hot topic for writers.

About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I also created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace. Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID.

If you are new to Medium, you may join via my referral link. You may also consider being a Vocal+ member to monetize your content. I write for both platforms and repurpose my content to reach a larger audience. Here is more information about Vocal Media.

This post includes my Medium and Vocal Media referral links.

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