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Writing and Freelancing

Excellent News for Medium Writers to Earn from SEO Incentive Program in 2023

A quick update on the potential opportunity for selected writers to monetize external views on Medium based on my recent findings

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels

Dear Writers,

I have a piece of good news for Medium writers after reading a couple of articles today. It is about monetizing external views and reading times.

Since I joined Medium, it amazed me when some of my stories gained thousands of views from external sources such as Google and the Android app.

Frankly, I felt great about this visibility, but these stories did not even earn a cent from these views and reading times. Therefore my excitement ended up with disappointment.

For example, I wrote an article about it last month titled I Became a Top Writer in 3 Topics But Haven’t Got Any Benefits Yet.: What else do we need to get internal views on Medium?

Let me share the good news after this brief background.

The Good News for Writers

Today I read an article from Susie Kearley posted to Illumination. Susie beautifully articulated the situation and shared a piece of good news in her recent story titled Payment for External Views Has Arrived.

As Susie mentions, “Almost all Medium writers have seen stories go viral outside of Medium and earned cents for their efforts. At the moment, it looks like, for the vast majority of us, that won’t change.”

I am one of these writers whose stories get more external views than internal ones. As I write about gaming, technology, and social media, search engines might pick them and show my content to interested readers.

This is excellent news. I am excited about it. However, I wonder how Medium will cover this payment as the platform does not advertise. There must be a different source to monetize external views, and hopefully, Medium will inform us.

As Susie cited a story from Kristina God I checked a short article titled Apparently, Some Medium Writers Are Getting Paid For External Views Now.

Kristina is always the first to hear these types of good news. Therefore, I am an ardent supporter of her content. I also like her YouTube videos as I am into YouTube very much and have a publication supporting YouTubers on Medium.

Confirmation of the Experimental SEO Incentive Program for 2023

In Kristina’s article, I found an interesting comment from a top writer Rukshan Pramoditha who said:

“Yes! It is called the experimental SEO incentive program, which will be effective from January 2023 for a limited number of Medium writers. I’m happy to say that I’m part of that program. 😊”

I was pleased to read this great news and meet Rukshan, who gets 120K+ Monthly Views. He is a top writer in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning topics according to his profile. As I am interested in these topics, I followed Rukshan.

I also saw this informative comment from Rukshan responding to Kristina.

Image screen capture by the author at this link

Many thanks to Rukshan for this great news informing us about an experimental SEO incentive program.

Let me give you a quick idea of my external views.

For example, this story titled Another Potential Grand Theft Auto 6 Leak received 99% of views from external sources such as Google and Android devices. I have no idea how Android devices find my stories.

So this story with 8,200 views earned only 68 cents.

When I asked some of the top writers who get similar views, they said they earn around $700. For example, a writer shared his earnings with me with a screenshot. I share it anonymously to give you an idea.

As many top writers point out, this is frustrating as content viewed by external sources does not bring any value to writers of Medium who create valuable content loved by non-paying members.

Final Words

I am pleased to learn about this exciting initiative. Many thanks to Susie, Kristina, and Rukshan for updating us on this development.

I hope Medium finds viable ways to reward writers like Rukshan and many others, bringing substantial external views to Medium.

This initiative will be an excellent opportunity to attract new members to the platform and will be great for the writers.

If you are part of this program, please share your experience in the comment section. I’d like to obtain the views of writers on this initiative for pros and cons.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

I write about interesting software tools and training programs. For example, if you are a dog owner, you might enjoy my recent story introducing an attractive dog training program.

Recently, I introduced a program for FIFA gaming enthusiasts.

If you are into sports betting, I posted an article introducing a program.

As I am a YouTuber, I provide guidance to video producers based on my experience. I hope you find it helpful.

If you are into podcasting and want to share your gaming experience in a podcast, earlier, I posted an article guiding new podcasters. I hope you find it helpful.

In my previous story, I touched on the health aspect of gaming as it is an important aspect. If you missed it, you might check it from the attached link.

Quick Updates on My Publication Duties for New Readers

Earlier I posted a new story about new writing content on Vocal for fiction writers.

I recently joined Vocal Media as a writer and found it interesting. There is a specific gaming community on Vocal. You might check my findings in the attached story.

If you are new to Vocal Media and would like to join as a member, you might use my referral. It will not cost you extra similar to Medium membership.

My new challenge is to learn about reviewing products, as discussed in the attached story.

I posted a new bulletin for my other publication called Illumination Videos and Podcasts. If you are a YouTuber or Podcaster, you may join my publication. Here is the invitation.

I shared my monthly writing challenge progress and updates from my publications. If you are a writer, you can join the 100-day writing challenge like many other writers and me.

I created my first curated collection for our new publication, ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts. I invited YouTubers and podcasters. The collection has interesting videos from talented writers. I hope you will find some valuable stories and videos.

On Medium, I recently posted my first curated collection for writers contributing to Illumination Gaming Publication. I hope you find some valuable pieces in this collection. I appreciate your support of these writers.

More importantly, I Attempt to Solve a Problem of the New Writers with a Bit of Humor on YouTube and TikTok. And I created a new website for the Illumination Gaming publication.

If you enjoy my posts, please consider following my profile since I plan to post about exciting gaming-related news and talk about technology, design, and social media in my stories.

If you are new to Medium, you can join by using my referral link. Promise, it won’t cost you extra. You can read my modest posts and the many beautiful stories of every other writer on this platform.

This post includes my Medium and Vocal Media referral links.

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