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I Moved On From The Dream I Had For 10 Years

Because you exist for a reason.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadioon Pexels

A decade back when I started my career journey, I had big aspirations and audacious goals.

I worked super hard, took extra responsibilities, and yes to everything that came my way.

I was to manage.

I was to lead.

I was to be the best.

In the last 2 years, things have significantly changed.

It felt like a switch flipped inside me.

I simply remember having a sudden realization I had two years back.

Hell, time is flying by very fast.

I didn’t even know what I could do or start something new.

But this year, it felt even more significant.

Everything in between feels like an electric shock big enough to knock me off my feet.

There’s so much to do.

Days are filled with endless zooms.

Coordinating with people to get things done on time.

Not much spontaneity.

Moving on from a dream that you’ve held onto for a decade can be a significant and challenging decision.

It was scary for me to feel a mix of emotions, including sadness, disappointment, and uncertainty.

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Here are some insights and suggestions that helped me navigate this transition.

Acknowledge your feelings:

Allow yourself to take time to adjust to the feeling.

It’s normal to experience a sense of loss and disappointment when you let go of something you’ve invested so much time and energy into.

Give yourself permission to feel and process these emotions.

Reflect on your journey:

I took time to sink into everything and take a hard long look at the past 10 years.

It’s time for me to reflect on the past 10 years and the experiences you gained while pursuing your dream.

I recognized the growth, skills, and insights I have acquired along the way.

All the transferrable skills that would help me in the future.

Even though I am not sure of the outcome I am ready to challenge my own belief and mindset.

Reassess your goals and values:

Life is dynamic, and your priorities and values can shift over time.

Use this opportunity to reassess what truly matters to you.

Consider if there are new dreams or aspirations that align better with who you are now and the direction you want to take in your life.

I am reassessing how I want to live the next decade of my life and actually live it.

there is no shortcut, I have to create my own way to be there.

Seek support from family and friends:

Share your feelings and thoughts with trusted friends, family, or mentors.

They can provide a listening ear, offer guidance, and help you gain new perspectives.

Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can also be beneficial, as they can share their insights and coping strategies.

Embrace change and new opportunities:

Letting go of one dream opens up space for new possibilities in fact the infinite possibilities this world can offer.

There is enough for everyone.

Stay open-minded and be willing to explore different paths and interests.

Embracing change can lead to unexpected and fulfilling experiences.

Set new goals and create a plan:

Once you’ve gained clarity on your revised aspirations, set new goals and create a plan to pursue them.

Break your goals down into actionable steps and establish a timeline.

Having a roadmap will help you stay focused and motivated as you embark on a new journey.

Practice self-compassion:

It’s important to be kind to yourself during this transition. Avoid self-judgment or dwelling on regrets.

Moving on from a long-held dream takes courage and resilience.

Be patient with yourself as you adjust to the changes and allow yourself to explore new possibilities.

It’s never too late to discover new passions and embark on different paths.

The journey of self-discovery and personal growth is ongoing.

The only thing matters is change and staying true to yourself, you can find renewed purpose and fulfillment in new endeavors.

All the best!

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