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Dona Mwiria, a biochemist, bravely confronts her anxiety about self-introduction to authentically present herself and her work on thought-provoking topics.


Dona Mwiria, the author, confesses to experiencing anxiety when introducing herself, a feeling she contrasts with her admiration for those who can do so confidently. Despite her imposter syndrome and perfectionism, she embraces vulnerability by sharing her true self. Dona holds a Master's degree in Biochemistry and has a background in scientific research, including work with drug-resistant fungi, bacteria, and human tissue. She has transitioned to writing, addressing sensitive topics such as the impact of porn on sexual performance, the concept of the 'nice girl,' and the complexities of father-child relationships. Her articles aim to make a difference through words, and she views her authenticity as a necessary contribution to the world.


  • The author believes that first impressions are significant, which contributes to her anxiety during introductions.
  • She expresses envy towards individuals who can introduce themselves without anxiety, wishing to emulate their confidence.
  • Dona acknowledges her own struggles with imposter syndrome and a need for perfection, which have previously led her to procrastinate.
  • She considers her decision to write about personal and societal issues as a way to make a meaningful impact.
  • The author views vulnerability and authenticity as crucial elements in her writing, essential for connecting with her audience.
  • Dona is grateful for the opportunity to reflect on her past and present, reinforcing her commitment to writing.

I Feel Nervous When Asked to Introduce Myself

So this is the bravest thing I’ve done today

Lady in a red long sleeved shirt hiding her face with white flowers Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

I Feel Nervous When Asked to Introduce Myself

So this is the bravest thing I’ve done today

I’m that person who gets anxiety attacks when asked to introduce themselves. I get stuck, I overthink because first impressions matter.

That’s why I admire those who confidently introduce themselves without a stutter or a flinch of anxiety. If only I could tap into their confidence.

I often wonder what happens in their head because in mine it’s a battlefield between My imposter syndrome and my need for perfection. Which is precisely why I procrastinated this piece for a week. But here I am today ready to show up as my true self without hiding behind a veneer of perfection and pretense.

Dona in biotherapeutic lab wearing a white lab coat Photo from the author

My name is Dona Mwiria, you may have pronounced my surname wrong but that’s okay 1/5 people get it right. I am a scientist with a Master’s degree in Biochemistry. I plan to save the world dressed in a lab coat and armed with a pipette. I’ve worked with drug-resistant fungi, manipulated bacteria, and toyed around with human tissue. Recently I realized I could make a difference using words so I made it my mission to play my part.

Here are some interesting topics i wrote on:

Men who watch a lot of porn suck in bed

The price we pay for male pleasure.

He was a forbidden fruit, I had to have him

How being a ‘nice girl’ backfires

The damage only a father can do

How to let go of the apology you never received

Unconventional ways of dealing with misunderstanding

The most terrifying part of being authentic is feeling vulnerable and exposed, as I write I realized this is what the world needs. We need to show our humanness with all its beauty and flaws so I am up for the challenge.

This opportunity to introduce myself gave me the chance to reflect on my past, examine the present, and to remember why I began writing in the first place so thank you Illuminations I look forward to submitting my work.

Self Improvement
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