avatarAiden (Illumination Gaming)


The author humorously celebrates the removal of a clone account impersonating them on Medium and WhatsApp, while raising awareness about the seriousness of such incidents and seeking advice on reporting similar accounts.


The author shares their experience of discovering a clone account impersonating them on Medium and WhatsApp, which attempted to lure their readers into a phishing scam. After a rollercoaster of emotions and support from the Medium community, the clone account was removed. The author expresses relief and humorously celebrates the event, while also acknowledging the seriousness of such incidents and seeking advice on reporting similar accounts. They also share links to their other articles and invite readers to connect with them on various platforms.


  • The author finds humor in the situation, joking about the clone account "resting in peace" and expressing relief that their readers were not deceived.
  • The author appreciates the support from the Medium community and the Trust team for swiftly removing the clone account.
  • The author raises awareness about the seriousness of clone accounts and phishing scams, and seeks advice on reporting such accounts on WhatsApp.
  • The author values their readers and fellow writers, expressing gratitude for their support during the ordeal.
  • The author shares links to their other articles and invites readers to connect with them on various platforms, showcasing their active online presence and engagement with their audience.
  • The author expresses a preference for a normal life over fame, emphasizing the importance of mental health.
  • The author promotes their new website and Substack newsletter, indicating their efforts to expand their online presence and share their content.

Humor and Celebration

Breaking News: My Clone Kicked the Bucket, and I’m Gleefully Celebrating It🎉

An update on the mischievous scammer who decided to play copycat with my online identity and nearly led my lovely readers down the treacherous path of phishing

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

Imagine an imposter sets up shop pretending to be me, trying to lure you all into the wild world of WhatsApp with messages that are anything but mine! My poor readers almost got bamboozled by this shenanigan.

But fear not, dear readers, writers, and editor friends!

After a whirlwind of worry and a dash of humor-filled storytelling from yours truly, I received a flood of messages cheering on the demise of my digital doppelgänger. Ah, the virtual drama!

I must admit, I cracked a joke about them resting in peace. Let’s face it, creating fake accounts takes effort — albeit robotic — and I’ve got a soft spot for even the most mischievous of bots. But jokes aside, this is a serious issue, and I’m here to spread awareness.

In the ongoing saga, a huge shoutout to the superheroes at Medium who swooped in swiftly, capes and all, to eradicate this pesky nuisance from our beloved platform. I appreciate the support of the Trust team which protects us from these fake accounts.

Now, a question for the cyber warriors among us: is there a way to report these sneaky WhatsApp accounts and lower their cyber rampage? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Big thanks to all of you — my readers, fellow writers, and editor pals — for standing by me during this rollercoaster of a day.

I might’ve felt like a celeb (albeit reluctantly), but let’s be real, I’d rather keep my sanity intact than chase fame. Normal life, here I come! Because let’s face it, being famous sounds fun until you realize you have to smile for the paparazzi 24/7. Phew! My mental health is my red carpet to happiness.

Apart from celebration, the key takeaway of this short story is to report such accounts immediately to lower risks on this platform. When you click on the three dots of the profile, you will see this window to click on Report this author.

Here is my funny yet concerning story earlier if you missed the drama.

Thank you for reading my good news.

If you are into gaming like me today I shared a story about the winners of 2023. Let’s celebrate this important event in the gaming communities.

I hope you find some great pieces from my new curated collection and the post linking all my lists.

About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium. I also have a Substack newsletter. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace.

Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID. I also enjoy email marketing using Cliqly, which is my affiliate link.

I also enjoy introducing writers on YouTube. So, if you are interested,you may contact me on Slack or Discord.

New writers, when you need help, please don’t hesitate to contact me on Slack workspace or Discord server.

Here is some info about Slack and Discords

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