Why America Wants to Destroy The Black Man
In every single area of activity, Black men are being systematically attacked by the dominant society
Why as a Black man in this country that you’re not always gonna get a fair shake? Well, people are gonna see you as a talented person who works hard or they’re gonna know this but they’re also gonna see a person they don’t want to support; a person that they don’t want to be around; a person they don’t want to do business with; a person they would want to do business with; and, definitely, not a person they would hire for their companies. Not even a person that they would feel safe around.
As a Black man, you’re kind of born in this world with a lot of obstacles placed on your head — a lot of things that seem almost impossible that seems impossible to overcome. But what I want to do is give some encouragement to the young Black men out here and help you understand that for the most part in this country, you’ve been lied to. Black men, you have been lied to. You’ve been lied to since the day you came out of your mother’s womb. You were even lied to by the people who love you because they’ve been lied to also as well.
As a Black man, you came into this world with no state of mind. You learned about the world from people around you; you learned about the world from people on television; you learned about the world from what you hear from the radio; you learned about the world from the music you’ve been listening to. You were taught about the world by your parents, from your friends, and associates.
You got your self-perception from a few places — one being your parents. Hopefully, you had two healthy, productive parents that gave you some of who you are. If you didn’t, maybe if you just had one parent with the other parent not available, in that case, you got a perception based on what that parent thought about you.
They send little Black boys to school that is owned and operated by white people that are run like a prison. These schools are run in a way where they are designed by default for Black men to be at the bottom of the totem pole. Black boys are placed in special education more than any other group. Black boys are put on medication more than anybody. They have a system designed to turn you into a zombie. These systems are constructed to zap you of anything that makes you great and turn you into what the white supremacists want you to be. It’s no different than any manufacturing plant.
You see, what you have to understand is that most of these systems make money off of Black men and Black people. These systems function because we are manufactured and trained to think in a certain way. You turn on the television, the first thing that it tells you is that you are either an athlete, a rapper, or a thug. You growing up in the hood, they’re no educational and economic opportunities in your area, so you think to yourself “What are my options?” So you decide to play ball so you can get out of poverty. Again, you think that because that’s what you saw on T.V. You guys like Allen Iverson and thought, “That’s gonna be me. Ima be just like Allen Iverson!” It was the systems in your community where the only organized function in your neighborhood was your little league football team or your youth basketball club. They put you on drugs, tell you that you’re stupid and that you can’t compete in this society. It’s all programming.
Black men, you have been lied to. You’ve been turned into whatever the dominant society wanted you to be. Now some of us were able to escape and reclaim our own self-identity. But, unfortunately, many of us had our greatness zapped at an early age.
As a Black man, you’re kind of born in this world with a lot of obstacles placed on your head — a lot of things that seem almost impossible that seems impossible to overcome.
That almost happened to me. When I was in elementary school, I was one of those kids whose minds would wander off into other things. My white female kindergarten teacher automatically assume something was seriously wrong with me so she tried to put me in special education. She didn’t even take the time to think that maybe I just didn’t care to be in school. Maybe I just rather preferred to be home, be in my pajamas, eat a bowl of Waffle Crisp, and play video games. I had to fight to prove that I wasn’t “mentally retarded.” My mom had to spend — if I remember correctly — around a thousand dollars for me to take these tests to prove my mental state. I passed with flying colors. I even did so well that one of the doctors told me I had photographic memory because I one of the tests I had to take was a memory test.
You see greatness, talent, and ability has to be nurtured, and if you’re not in an environment that can identify that greatness and nurture it, it’s like having a punch of seeds for fruit and having a bunch of people around who don’t know who to plant those seeds and cultivate them into what they’re supposed to be. They don’t know what to do with them. All they see is a bunch of worthless seeds so they throw them in the garbage. That’s where we are as Black men in America.
One of the other things where you were lied to about is that you believe that this world gives a damn about you. You believed that if you were a good boy, do as you were told, and behaved well, the white supremacists were going to take care of you. No some of these brothers were able to fit in, but if you’re one of the millions of Black me that are upset and mad at the world because you were not given an opportunity that you deserved, you have to understand this: the world has declared war on you since the day you were born.
Our brother, Neely Fuller Jr, said in his book, The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept Textbook:
If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism) — what it is, and how it works — everything else that you understand will only confuse you.
The last thing that this world wants is for the masses of Black men to finally wake up and tap into their true potential. That’s — how the young generation would say — scary hours.
Jaron Mays. 2022. All Rights Reserved.
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