avatarKaty Lin


The Voice Inside My Head

Much ado about nothing…

Photo by Kit Suman on Unsplash

This prompt was created by Lu Skerdoo who inspired followers like Sarah Jean, and Tesie Mills to take on the challenge listed after the read.

So I had a thought that I ought to write about something that I do on a daily basis and take this challenge on the go. We will dig inside the mind of Katy on the subway.

💭 Why is everyone always looking and scrolling on the phone?

💭 That guy is faking his sleep. 💭 The poor woman is wearing a neck brace. I wonder what happened to her? 💭 Does this chatty woman next to me have to talk SO loud on the phone? 💭 It would be nice if people looked up once in a while. 💭 Maybe they will see a cute girl or guy if they do. (hint, hint…) 💭 What’s the big deal with YouTube, TikTok and IG that makes everyone glued to their screen? 💭 What are they listening to these days? 💭 Oops, I forgot to bring my earphones.

💭 Are Bluetooth earphones safe because everyone’s using them nowadays? 💭 Why do people pretend to be sleeping?! I know they’re pretending because they shift left and right in their seats way too often. 💭 There seems to be a fly or a mosquito lurking around because that strange woman is slapping herself . 💭Where should I go for my coffee break? I think it’s the question of the hour. 💭Oh, the woman who is slapping herself silly seems to be in need of special care.

💭A young lady who has just boarded the train comes to greet her. She’s going to take her somewhere. 💭 So, it must be Friday because people are hauling their luggage everywhere. 💭 We won’t be getting much sunshine with typhoon weather coming around the corner. 💭I can’t believe this is a great prompt to kill boredom on the subway.

💭 Some people have dark screens that prevent people from checking out what they’re looking at. Perhaps, I should Google the answer: privacy screen protector. Oh, that is what it’s called? Duh! 💭 I hope it’s not going to rain cats and dogs when I head out later. 💭 Unfortunately, I’ve already gotten my free piece of birthday cake at Starbucks. 💭 Commendable to the woman sitting next to me. She’s reading a real paperback book. Chinese characters make these kinds of books heavier than the English ones. Why am I explaining…? 💭 Yes, I’m finally at my stop! 💭 I’m going for my lemon tart and black coffee for the day to zone out.

Read Lu Skerdoo’s original post:

Dive deep into Sarah Jean’s voices:

Declutter with Tesie Mills:

Read Or Die
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