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The article discusses the reasons why wives may lose sexual attraction to their husbands, primarily focusing on the loss of respect and attraction due to perceived emasculation and emotional weakness in men.


The author of the article was inspired by a video where a woman outlined the top reasons why wives may stop desiring sex, with the primary reason being the loss of sexual attraction due to emasculation or disrespect towards their husbands. The article emphasizes that women are often turned off by mental and emotional weakness in men, which can manifest in various ways such as reacting negatively to a partner's mood, being overly apologetic, or seeking constant approval. It suggests that women are attracted to men who exhibit strength, confidence, and what is termed "proper masculinity," which makes them feel safe without being harmful. The article also touches on the importance of respect in a relationship, asserting that women tend to be attracted to men they respect and that a lack of respect can lead to a decrease in attraction and sexual intimacy. The author encourages men to maintain self-respect, enforce boundaries, and be willing to walk away from relationships where they are disrespected, while also suggesting that men should develop conflict resolution skills to handle difficult conversations without fear.


  • Emasculating men or losing respect for them can lead to a wife's decreased sexual attraction.
  • Women are particularly turned off by mental and emotional weakness in men, sometimes even more so than moral shortcomings.
  • A woman may lose attraction and even feel disgust towards a man who is too responsive to her negative moods or is overly apologetic.
  • Women may be attracted to men who can assertively handle them in a non-toxic way, which can be a turn-on for some.
  • The "happy wife, happy life" philosophy can lead men to become too passive or soft, which may not be attractive to women.
  • Respect is a crucial factor in attraction, and a woman's attraction to a man can diminish if she loses respect for him.
  • Men should not tolerate disrespect and should be prepared to leave a relationship if their boundaries are consistently crossed.
  • Some women may abuse their power in a relationship if they feel the man is too dependent on them or feels lucky to be with them.
  • The article challenges the narrative that women are always the innocent victims in relationships, suggesting that abuse of power can occur in various forms.
  • "Nice guys" may be perceived as lacking masculinity, assertiveness, and directness, which can affect their attractiveness to women.
  • The author suggests that men should learn conflict resolution skills to manage confrontations without escalating the situation.

The REAL reason wives stop wanting sex!

Now, I was inspired to write this article based on the following video where a woman was giving the top five reasons why wives stop wanting to have sex!

She said that she saved the best or most important or whatever reason for last. Spoiler alert, that reason is the one I want to get into with this article. And that reason boils down to something that can simply be explained as wives losing sexual attraction for their husbands due to emasculating them or due to losing respect for them in some kind of way (probably as a result of emasculating them).

Now fellas, she elaborated on this in the following video, but if you can’t be pressed to watch the whole less-than-12-minute video, I recommend you at least look at it from 2:48 to 4:48, because she is telling men plainly what the deal is and what they can do that might reignite the sexual attraction in their wives again.

So anyway, apparently it deals with women emasculating their men or their husbands and losing respect for them, hence losing attraction for them, as a result. It seems that, fortunately or unfortunately, some of the biggest turnoffs for women seem to revolve around mental and emotional weakness in men, even beyond moral shortcomings (hence why many women may consistently choose bad boys over nice guys).

Photo by Dmitry Berdnyk on Unsplash

This is important to understand, because when a woman loses respect for a man (perhaps due to sensing some kind of weakness or persistent weakness in a man), she may indeed begin to lose attraction for him. If she is particularly demeaning to him and emasculates him often, she may even become disgusted by him! It may hurt, but perhaps it’s a difficult truth.

I also saw another video about strength and it talked about not basing one’s emotions too much on other people and their attitudes, but remaining cool, calm, and collected. This may be a big one, yet one that many men (and women) don’t realize, but whenever a woman is in a bad mood and has a funky attitude, if she knows that, in turn, you as a man have a funky attitude or a bad mood in response to hers, perhaps subconsciously it makes her feel that she has more power over you and your mood then she should have. Ever heard the phrase “don’t let anyone steal your joy”? You might want to really solidify that in your mind so that you won’t be easily swayed by anyone’s temper tantrum’s, but are able to maintain the course of action on whatever you genuinely feel is true and needs to be done.

Photo by Oto Winkler on Unsplash

Other weak things that may disgust women over time is when men are desperate for their approval and do too much to try to make them happy (even when those women are trippin), but from what appears to be a place of weakness (neediness, need for her validation, fear of losing her, etc.) as opposed to genuinely doing it just to make her happy, that might disgust a woman.

Also, whenever a woman is having a temper tantrum or a funky attitude over something that has nothing to do with you and she takes it out on you, if you apologize, some women not only refuse to accept your apology (even if you didn’t do anything wrong) but may even see it as a sign of weakness! If they later come to their senses and realize that they were tripping, by that point, they may not even want to admit that they were wrong because you have already apologized to her and made her feel like she can cross your boundaries and that you will continue to take her mess and put her on an undeserved pedestal.

Photo by Deva Williamson on Unsplash

Some men say that women lack accountability. Perhaps. It may also be that, fortunately or unfortunately, some women apparently want a man who knows how to put them in their place or how to “handle them”, just in a certain way. In fact, if done in a certain way, it might even turn them on. Some women do things to press a man’s buttons, not just to see if he can properly control his anger, but to test him and make sure that he is man enough not to tolerate her bull. Yeah, it’s a lot of psychology behind some things. As far as how to deal with women, when they are being difficult, you might do well to read my article titled, “Men: How to fight a woman” for more information on that.

See, these are the things that many women may not want to admit or may not even realize is going on. They may know it sounds bad for them to lose attraction to men who, by all appearances, do so much to make them happy, but it seems that it’s something in a lot of women’s nature that just gets turned off by what they perceive as weakness or femininity in men.

Because the truth of the matter is, contrary to popular belief and neo feminist rhetoric, many women are attracted to men who have opposite traits than them. It’s just that they don’t want those opposite traits (perhaps summed up best in the word “masculinity”) to be toxic or to work in a way that harms them. But if a man has what one could term proper masculinity, that makes her feel safe, but that doesn’t harm her, that’s what tends to turn a lot of women on.

Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

Unfortunately, many men in society have been trained with the whole “happy wife, happy life” thing to the point that they basically want to appease a woman at all costs and, though it may sound good, it’s almost as if many men have become too passive or “soft” to attract women. You know, some men have gotten down and out about the idea of women being unattracted to 80% or so of men. I wrote an article about why that’s not a bad thing, but anyway, some of that lack of attraction may be because many men have tendencies that appear be effeminate or passive in some way, even if they appear to be tough guys or normal men. Even so, something that they do or something about the way they carry themselves, may still turn women off.

Look, if you don’t remember anything else, try to remember that respect, as I wrote in another article, trumps all.

Because ultimately, women tend to sleep with or be attracted to men they respect. Even the strong man Andrew Tate made a video about that, which I saw after I wrote the article about it (if I’m not mistaken). So a lot of times, if a woman loses respect for a man, her attraction tends to go down as well. Many men are still able to sleep with women they don’t respect, but it tends to not work that way with women, fortunately or unfortunately. And remember, just because you enforce your boundaries doesn’t mean that a woman is going to respect you, but if a woman doesn’t respect you regardless, for whatever reason, always be willing to walk away. Some women may lose respect for men who they know are too scared to leave them regardless of what they do, because they think those men feel that they can’t get anyone else or if she feels that he is just so glad to be in a relationship with her that he’ll tolerate anything.

I guess it’s something about some people in general that makes them want to abuse their power whenever they feel they have a monopoly on something or if they feel that people are dependent on them in some way. Contrary to the popular narrative that women are almost always the innocent victims, many women are no different. It’s just that their abuse can take different forms.

Photo by Philip Martin on Unsplash

In conclusion, men, be strong and have self respect. Apparently, many women tend to not be attracted to “nice guys” in general. Though some say it’s because those nice guys aren’t really nice guys and because their niceness tends to have strings attached with ulterior motives, it may also be due to a perceived lack of masculinity, assertiveness, and directness.

This was a good video about that also:

But even if such a man ends up getting a woman (even if she was only with him for financial security, etc.), a woman may still end up mistreating him, disrespecting him, and, perhaps, even cheating on him or leaving him over time.

So remember guys, even though it may be their fault for demeaning you, belittling you, being overly critical of you, etc., unfortunately, the less you check them on that, the less their sexual attraction for you may become. I’m not sure if I can tell you the best way to deal with it when women are abusive towards you, disrespectful, and emasculating towards you in a relationship, but you might want to read my article titled, “Men: How to fight a woman” as referenced above, and perhaps read up on conflict resolution skills in general, so that you won’t have to be afraid of confrontation or of having the difficult conversations (even with your girlfriend or wife), but so that you can do it in a way where you won’t go overboard as well.

Please share your thoughts on these matters, and thank you for reading, for commenting, and for any support.

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