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The article suggests that women finding the majority of men unattractive could be beneficial for reducing infidelity and fostering deeper connections based on character rather than physical appearance.


The author of the article addresses the perception that women find 80% of men unattractive, particularly in the context of online dating profiles. Rather than viewing this as a negative, the author proposes that this dynamic could minimize the fear of infidelity among men, as it suggests women are less likely to be enticed by other partners. Historically, men's concern with infidelity has influenced societal attempts to control women's sexuality, but with modern paternity tests, this concern has diminished. The article argues that men should appreciate that women may be more attracted to their character and personality rather than their looks, as this can lead to more meaningful relationships. The author concludes by emphasizing the value of being appreciated for who one is, rather than for physical attributes or provision of resources.


  • The author believes that the historical control of women's sexuality by men was driven by the fear of infidelity and uncertainty about paternity.
  • The article posits that the majority of men being seen as unattractive by women could lead to fewer instances of cheating.
  • It is suggested that men may have tried to suppress women's sexuality to reduce the likelihood of women cheating.
  • The author implies that some cultural practices, such as demanding women cover themselves or even mutilating their genitals, are misguided attempts to prevent infidelity.
  • The article conveys that with the advent of paternity tests, the need for such stringent control over women's sexuality is outdated.
  • It is argued that men should value being liked for their character and actions rather than their physical appearance.
  • The author suggests that a woman who finds most men unattractive may be more loyal in a relationship, as she is less likely to be tempted by others.
  • The piece concludes that being appreciated for one's character is a luxury that both men and women should value in relationships.

Why it’s actually good that women aren’t attracted to most men

I have come across a few statements bemoaning the idea that women aren’t attracted to the majority of men, that women apparently find 80% of men unattractive (at least based on their assessment of online dating profiles), etc. And I’m sure some men feel a bit salty about it. After all, how would women really feel if they knew that men found 80% of women unattractive? Exactly. But I digress.

Anyway, I have this idea that I have been trying to implement, being to train myself to see the good in every situation. So let us look at the good on this one. It seems to be that men’s biggest fear concerning women, aside from rejection, may well be infidelity. In fact, that may have been such a big fear that it is alleged from various sources (such as a book titled “Women’s Infidelity” by Michelle Langley, for example) that such is the REAL reason men, the patriarchy, or whatever sought to stifle women’s sexuality and to try to keep women chaste, to “slut shame”, etc.

Apparently, it was rooted in the days when there were no paternity tests and men, typically being the providers and wanting an heir, simply did not want to pass down whatever they had to some other man’s child! Not to justify men sleeping around, but if they did sleep around with multiple women, it could be easily known whose child the babies were (assuming that those women weren’t sleeping around as well). If a woman was sleeping around, that was generally not possible without paternity tests.

Now, that was just “one” fear about infidelity. However, generally speaking, men don’t like the idea of being cheated on anyway, as it may not only be the ultimate betrayal and heartbreak, but also a huge blow to one’s ego. And so to minimize such, again, men wanted to keep women from being… too sexual in perhaps a futile effort to keep women from sleeping around all willy-nilly and thus being more inclined to cheat if their sexuality wasn’t… kept in check. This may also help explain why in certain parts of the world that, unfortunately, some men may demand that women cover themselves from head to toe or even cut women’s clits off in certain areas to keep those women from being too sexual. Aside from it simply being abusive, oppressive, and cruel, I would think it might be a disservice to a man if his woman doesn’t like sex, unless some men simply view sex as being something FOR them and not for the woman, so couldn’t care less.

Photo by mostafa meraji on Unsplash

Okay, so now you’re probably like “Okay man, tell us the good part like you said you would!” Well, since we have paternity tests nowadays, the major need to “lock down” women’s sexuality isn’t as big of a deal anymore… but men still don’t like the idea of women being extremely sexual beings, not because those men don’t want to have sex with those women, but because those men don’t like the idea of women having sex with men other than them. Go figure.

So the good part about women allegedly finding most men unattractive is that, obviously, it would make them less likely to cheat. Of course, in this day and time, even that may seem to be a tall order, but think about it: IF women find 80% of men unattractive or whatever, yet you’re able to woo her (whether she initially found you attractive or not), that means something. It means that either in her mind you’re one of the 20% of men she finds attractive (assuming those statistics are even true), or you were able to allow your character or whatever to shine through so much that she ended up liking you anyway. And if it took a lot of work for you to get her, maybe it would take a lot of work for another guy to get her as well.

Basically what I’m trying to get across can be summed up in a question: Would you really want to be with a woman who finds 80% of men attractive as opposed to finding 80% of men unattractive? Yeah, a woman finding 80% of men unattractive may seem to be a daunting obstacle to overcome at first, but if you do, well, hey, at least you can suspect that she’s not drooling over the mouth when she looks at almost every man she sees.

No, this isn’t a perfect perspective nor does it mean that it’s impossible for women to cheat or end up finding some guy that they do find attractive (even if they are in a relationship). It just means that it’s better than them finding most men attractive in the same way that men might find most women at least physically attractive.

In fact, in an ideal world of monogamy or whatever, you would probably want for your woman to only have eyes for you. That might not ever be the case, but hey, if women generally find men to be ugly, rough-looking, unattractive, or what have you… at least that can make it more likely if you managed to get her to at least be attracted to you!

One final, edit that I want to include is that it also means that women may generally be attracted to men more for who they are as opposed to what they look like. Granted, many women may want men they find attractive in some way (and even then that may depend on individual taste), but even if a man may not be a head turner for a woman. Initially, she may still be drawn to him, based more on his character and mindset eventually.

And so, even though some men may want to be objectified by women (perhaps because it doesn’t seem to happen often), ultimately, it’s probably better for them at least grow to like you for who you are as opposed to what you look like or what you can provide. That is a luxury that many women seem to want to have, because although some women may appreciate being seen as attractive to a degree, a lot of women seem to complain about not being “seen” or appreciated beyond sex or physical appearance, so perhaps this is a luxury that men should appreciate, even if we tend to take it for granted as much as women may take being desired for granted.

Thank you for reading and thank you more for any claps, comments, and any support.

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