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The Power of Synergy on Medium

Where every writer needs to be.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Love. Wisdom. Fusion. Power.

These qualities are what first comes to mind when I think of synergy. The word itself rolls over the tongue effortlessly; fluidly. As if by uttering the name is enough to conjure and connect with the divine nectar within. That’s the thing about synergy. It’s more than just a word; it’s a way of being.

Synergy is love

It’s the universal magic that dwells at the core of your heart. The vibrant energy within ready to unfurl and expand through remarkable collaborations. It’s the act of linking the qualities of your heart and life-force energy with the intention to nurture relationships, igniting personal and collective transformation.

Making the world a better place through synergized connection.


Synergy is Wisdom

It’s the mastery of self. An inkling born from deep introspection, bringing forth a higher commitment to an alternative reality through creation, shared knowledge, support and togetherness. A harmonious blend of mutual exchange where a teacher may become the novice and the novice the teacher, and hierarchy is nothing but a meaningless notion.

Humbleness informs unity.


Synergy is Power

It’s a regenerative process that may at times seek to render you vulnerable and open your mind toward the authentic, the new and innovative …. perhaps even awaken the “Chi” within. There is much power in aligning with others in pure intention, sharing our stories with wholeheartedness to enhance and inform through teachable moments.

True power begins with authentic empowerment.


Synergy is Fusion

It’s having the vigilance to take action toward unification. A gathering of minds that may foster new connection, chew on ideas and form honest alliances. It’s seeking out more for your writing business, improving your craft and learning through others as we share our triumphs, tribulations and knowledge gathered from our own unique journey.

Intentional fusion is a significant shift toward positive collaborations.

That’s the power of Synergy.


SYNERGY is the brand-new publication created by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz with a focus on giving voice to writers, bloggers, and freelancers — like-minded creatives sharing their concerns, aspirations and achievements.

Join us. Let’s create SYNERGY together.

Synergy is a publication dedicated towards the united progression of personal growth, informative communications and collective evolution that strives to showcase the wonderful writers on Medium.

An Invitation from Dr Mehmet Yildiz

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