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Writing | Freelancing

The Ultimate Collaboration for Writers

Reach for the top.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

I’m happy to announce the creation of a brilliant new publication by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, SYNERGY.

We’ve discovered that many writers on Medium are in it for the money.

That’s not such a bad thing. It’s important to earn a living and if you can earn money doing something you love, then the more power to you.

It’s a lonely business. Plugging away at your laptop alone in your office. Taking advantage of early hours when the family’s not awake, or working into the night, a serious writer gets right down to business when they find the time.

The simple act of writing isn’t all there is.

To be successful as a writer online, there are many other areas to investigate.


This tag might surprise you but it’s important to know that many writers are also technologists and have brilliant insights to share.


Some writers dislike the word marketing. They consider their writing is a form of art and feel that marketing might cheapen it somehow.

I’m happy to say that’s fine with me.

But if you are interested in learning how to present your writing to a wider audience, how to use titles and tags to their best advantage, this is the space where you will find more information.


Now we’re getting more serious. A writer who is considering becoming a freelance writer will be delighted to read the many articles about finding work, what to do, and more importantly, what not to do as you navigate this new territory. If you have the experience, use the tag ‘freelancing’ and your article will appear here.


This is a tried and true online platform that many writers use as a home base for their practice. They use their blogs to build a readership and as a home base for all of their writing.

Business and Finance

Now earning money online might not be your goal, but treating your writing practice as a professional business will improve your credibility and make your ‘soon-to-be-a-best-selling-novel’ more appealing to a publisher. These two tags cover a myriad of interesting topics, from bit-coin to leadership, team performance to budgeting.


Honing your skills as a writer might include reading books about writing, taking courses and understanding how to adapt your stories according to the platform you are using. This broad topic will allow us to share what we have learned during our time online.


Writers are always looking for two opportunities. Ways to improve their storytelling skills and places to submit their work. This is a great tag to search if you are hoping to find either of these in this publication.

Social Media

This is another great tag to use in this publication. A reader who searches for social media here could find stories that describe ways to leverage social media in their professional writing practice.

Here are the Submission Guidelines for the new publication.

The purpose of “SYNERGY” is to bring together writers who also publish on Medium but also share their work on other platforms such as Vocal, NewsBreak, and Substack. There are lots of other ways to use social media and too many platforms to list here.

The tag/topic “writing” is one of the most followed tags on Medium. Thousands of writers, editors, and freelancers are interested and this publication brings them together in one place.

  • If you write on other platforms, you can use this publication to write short-form stories that link back to your other platforms. These teaser stories are welcomed.
  • If you are a published author and want to share what you learned on your path to publication, please bring your stories here.
  • If you are interested in collaborating with other creators, join us and you will meet them here.

Creating, sharing, and collaborating are the core values of this publication.

An Invitation from Dr. Mehmet Yildiz.

If you’d like to become a writer for SYNERGY , use this webform and mention the publication name.

You are welcome to take part in our other publications ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Blog and Technology Hits.

If you are a current writer on our publications and meet the criteria, I will welcome you to join our editorial team. Please leave a comment on the article.

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