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Is Passive Income Just a Dream?

Experienced writers and marketers, including Dr Mehmet Yildiz and many of his multi-skilled, multitalented and multitasking editors give you the tools to create your passive income stream.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Passive income has been a dream of mine and probably for millions of other folks the world over. Until this month, I had achieved very little income from something that I created, shared on Twitter and on Facebook and then left it to sell all by itself.

It has also not been possible to make much of a passive income on Medium by simply writing something and hoping it will go viral. The same also happened on Vocal. On my Facebook Author’s Page, Quora, and my still defunct WordPress blog.

Twitter is my preferred choice for marketing my work and the work of others. Yes, I’ll drop something on Facebook, Quora, and Linked In every now and then before I disappear for another few days or weeks, in the case of Quora and Linked In.

Recently, News Break has become an obsession. I literally had to tear myself away from checking my analytics today to see how many more hundreds of thousands of impressions this story received.

Definition: Impressions are when an advertisement or any other form of digital media renders on a user’s screen. Impressions are not action-based and are merely defined by a user potentially seeing the advertisement, making CPM campaigns ideal for businesses intent on spreading brand awareness. Big Commerce Digital Marketing

I stopped checking my Medium stats daily about six months ago!

Are you thinking, what about passive income and social media marketing?

News Break has an algorithm that somehow places stories with clickbait headings in positions where they will be picked up by hundreds of thousands of people who want to read about hot topics.

It’s very difficult to guess what will cause a viral article on Medium, especially when they frown upon clickbait titles. I decided to go down the route of a clickbait title on News Break.

I made sure to make it American with quart instead of litres but was it the quantity of alcohol drunk in such a short space of time or that it killed her or any combination of these parts of the title?

For some unknown reason, the change of title from 21st January 2004 RIP Mummy on Medium to 38 Quarts of Whisky in 30 Days Killed Her on News Break resulted in my first ever viral article anywhere.

On Monday 25th January 2021 I had 50 Followers, 24 Posts, and 565 Views. If you read this after Wednesday 27th January you’ll see the number of views I can currently see on my analytics dashboard.

I’m a little wary of sharing dashboard impressions because I don’t want to risk breaking my contract with News Break. I value it immensely, it is instrumental in me retiring from working for office-based employers and going freelance at the end of February.

Unless you achieve a viral story, getting hundreds of followers and thousands of views on News Break is not easy. There are advantages though. You can repurpose the hundreds of stories you wrote for Medium!

It’s taken me a year to reach 1.6K followers on Medium. The most I made was $44.58 last April. I now average $10 per month. I write for several publications on this platform because I enjoy the friendships formed through reading other writers’ work and their reciprocation or vice versa.

But I want more! Don’t you? Plus, I want marketing made easy!

Well, Dr Mehmet Yildiz has made it easy for everyone to access links to all of the social media platform groups that he has set up for writers of his publications.

He recommends using the list he provides daily to share your articles.

Consider this action as a daily seeding activity. Don’t expect your seeds to grow and blossom immediately. Things take time to grow. For example, the search engines may take three to six weeks to index a link. Be patient.

For fans and users of Reddit and Pinterest, he even has links to those too.

You might recall I mentioned at the start of this article a passive income and how many of us would like our work to work for us while we sleep and go about our daily lives. This is where the good Dr has come up with yet another brilliant idea!

Alongside your new-found social media marketing skills, you can add learn how to create that passive income you’ve dreamed of for years.

Experienced writers and marketers, including Dr Mehmet Yildiz and many of his multi-skilled, multitalented and multitasking editors give you the tools to create your passive income stream.

Why stop at one stream when you can choose from multiple potential opportunities?

What are you waiting for?

Dream Job
Passive Income
Marketing Strategies
Writing Tips
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