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The Poetry of Money

The results of the Money-Tony-Poetry Challenge are here!

Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

When I started this poetry challenge, I had a three-step evil plan in mind:

  • Tony would see it,
  • Comment on the stories,
  • And be so impressed with my genius and the concept that he would hire me to work for Medium as VP of Imagination. A position where I’d imagine my salary, and Tony would imagine I was doing something.

But that didn’t happen.

Tony didn’t comment on any of the stories (if I’m not mistaken — please correct me if I am).

Of course, I had a backup plan.

I would write a story revealing the results and explaining how to respond to poetry if you’re a CEO.

But Patrick Eades beat me to it.

Of course, I had another backup plan.

Writing a long article where I would ramble for hours, tag the 30+ participants, and benefit from a captive audience wondering who won the challenge.

The results wouldn’t be at the end. That would be too easy to game. I would hide them behind a secret link left innocuously in the middle of the piece (after 4,550 words — to be precise).

But Grandma told me to stop scamming my readers and tell them who won what


  • First prize: fame.
  • Second prize: 100% of the announcement article’s earnings as of February 1 (the more you share it, the more money will be to win!)
  • Third prize: I’ll write a teaser article for one of your stories and publish it in May More 💜 Tales’s Teaser Tales publication.

The Winners

  • First Prize of FAME goes to Sam Letterwood, aka the dream chaser on his magic carpet:
  • Second Prize of — check stats page — $20 goes to Nancy Santos for her uncensored version of a poem that makes us feel good reading it:
  • Third Prize of a teaser goes to Debdutta Pal for a beautiful prompt combo:

The jury decided to award two special prizes on top of the already amazing prizes mentioned above. Nichola and Sawyer won something, but I’m not sure what it is yet.

Congrats to all the winners! And big thanks to all the participants.

All entries are here

Tag wall where you can find your name

Marsha Adams, Charlotte Ella King, Ann James, Kim Slemint, Carlo Zeno, Rachel A Fefer, Robert Gowty, Edward Swafford, Elodie Ferreira, Jay C Wells, Zivah Avraham, Steffany Ritchie, Ludiane de Brocéliande, Annie Trevaskis, Patrick Eades, Ben Human, Debdutta Pal, Nikolaos Skordilis, Robin Klammer, Cristina Cattai, Lizzie Lizard Brain, Aurelia Bliss, Santa Claus, Nancy Santos, Nichola Scurry, Posy Churchgate, Anna V, Matthew Clapham, Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬, Patricia Jeanne, Victor Cardenas, Sawyer Kuhl, the Quiet Dad, Cristina Cattai, Juniper Less, Sam Letterwood, Ginger Bangs

Writing Challenge
Poetry Contest
Poetry On Medium
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