Spiritual bypassing | Escapism
The One Thing Spiritual People Do That Holds Them Back
It holds back the true essence of who you really are
The Play Pretend
The life of a truly spiritual person is often zen, sunshine, and lots of moonshine, but it also has an equal amount of dark clouds and stormy nights. It’s normal to want to gravitate towards sunny days and moonlit skies but go too close to the light and you risk getting blinded by it. Get obsessed with the light while being chased by the dark and you resemble someone with their head stuck in the clouds, failing to address their problems.
The scientists and the non-spiritual people of the world won’t understand what you’re doing chasing after the light while being surrounded by darkness. To them, it seems like pure craziness. A truly spiritual person may not even care what people think of him, but the problem is that others may not take you seriously or you may be misunderstood.
When you have a very important life mission on the earth, you don’t want to be misunderstood. You want to be taken seriously even if you don’t take life too seriously. You must come as you came here to be to make a real difference. Being exactly who you came here to be is the only way to shift the earth and change the future. When you pretend to be anything other than what you came here to do, you hold yourself back. You hold back your soul’s essence.
The only way you can make a difference, shift the earth and change the future is to come as you are.
The Purpose of The Dark
Being spiritual isn’t synonymous with being perfect. When you chase the light pretending not to feel the darkness chasing you, the things lurking in the darkness grow bigger and mightier until it consumes your mind, and takes over you.
When you become too obsessed with light, bliss, and ecstasy, you’re suppressing the parts of you where all the wisdom lies. When you try to escape painful emotions by suppressing and sending them back into the subconscious mind, it doesn’t disappear. The things you’ve sent away into the subconscious mind grow into hideous, destructive things and it finds the darkest parts of your mind and dwells there. It thrives there until it has gained enough power of its own and then it attacks you for suppressing them.
When you pretend the outside is great while the insides are falling apart, it holds you back from addressing what needs to be addressed. When you think you’re saying no to the pain and discomfort, you’re also saying no to the knowledge and the wisdom.
The truly spiritual person is okay when they feel a mess today and they are okay when they felt a bit depressed last night. They understand thoughts don’t last forever and emotions flow like energy.
When the thoughts leave wise things to ponder on and emotions move you to take action, you realize the purpose of the dark. The mightiest of trees began in complete darkness, and the butterfly must endure the darkness to be able to fly.
True spirituality creates the space for you to come as you are. It makes space for you when it’s sunny and also makes space when it’s gloomy.
The Law of Attraction is to Blame
Don’t let other spiritual people catch you declaring that you want something, which to them implies you don’t have it. There will be someone with their head in the clouds who reminds you that you don’t have it because you say you don’t. Let them hear you say you want to be rich or happy and they’ll tell you all the reasons you’ll probably never be rich or happy because you say you want to.
They believe you must say, “I’m happy” when your heart is breaking in two, or “I’m rich” when the kid’s tuition is behind. These are lies we live as spiritual people and it does absolutely nothing to help.
They’ll tell you to pretend you have it or “act as if” you have what you don’t have so that what you want can magically flow to you on a cherubim. If you don’t have any money, simply say out loud that you have a lot of it, so a lot of it can magically appear in your bank account overnight. It makes you think you won’t have to lift a finger and God will lift his finger and rush to work on your behalf because you’re spiritual and magical.
It isn’t our fault; you know. The law of attraction is to blame. Don’t get me wrong, the law of attraction is very real and can work when done right, but many have gotten it all wrong. I got it wrong in the beginning because my head was stuck in the clouds. I, later on, realized it’s not working, and I was tempted to curse at God and call it all bullshit when He had nothing to do with the wool I pulled over my eyes.
Just because you’re spiritual doesn’t mean you can’t have physical desires. It’s okay that you want to be rich. You’re a human being in a physical world. You need money to get by and there’s nothing wrong with saying you want money.
The Gateway to Bypassing
Spiritual bypassing is when you use spirituality and spiritual practices to avoid facing reality. It’s when you use language to avoid doing the actual work.
You say, “I’m happy” in an attempt to override the bad way you really feel. When you don’t feel good, you pick up a sage stick to smudge the negative vibes away instead of searching your heart to find what’s hurting you. When you’re broke, you say “I’m rich” thinking you’re bringing in money instead of getting up and bringing your vision to reality, so that money has a real means to flow to you.
We love to pretend everything is okay and our life is great when, in reality, life kind of sucks, all because we are bypassing and ignoring the things that lurk in the shadows.
“Act as if” doesn’t work if all you do is pretend to be something you’re not. I know it because I’ve done it. I’ve pretended to be happy when people were watching only to have them leave and the painful emotions I pretended weren’t there and suppressed all day come bubbling up hard, threatening to knock me out for being so damn childish!
God helps those who help themselves. He won’t lift a finger for you if you don’t lift a finger for yourself.
You Get Nothing by Pretending
Acting as if works in the short term, but the truth won’t be suppressed for too long. Pretend you’re happy while you brush the reasons you’re unhappy under the rug and you’ll be pretending to be happy while miserable forever.
You could say you’re rich even when the bills are past due, wishing that kind of thinking will get the universe to get the message and fix your issues. You’ll find yourself out on the streets if you don’t take your situation seriously.
Pretend you’re rich when you really need some money and you’ll need money forever. But ask for the money you need and it may be given to you. Seek it and you may find it. Knock and the doors of wealth may be opened for you. You get nothing by pretending. You get it by doing something.
God helps those who help themselves, you know, and he won’t lift a finger for you if you don’t lift a finger for yourself.
Have the courage to confront your conviction to realize if you are on your purpose, or just pretending to be — T.F. Hodge.
This Isn’t The Spirit World
There’s a reason the law of attraction receives so much backlash and leaves many people feeling frustrated with the process. It has become a gateway to spiritual bypassing. Just because you say you are a “thing” doesn't really make you the “thing.” It makes you delusional.
If all you do is visualize and meditate, you've not done enough. Visualization and meditation alone won’t fix your problems. Action will, though. Pair visualization with action and you can tell the mountains move from here to there and it shall be so. Pair meditation with deep healing work and you can live the life you dream of.
This isn’t the spirit world. We live in a physical world where you must go after the things you want. If you want to feel happiness more often, heal your heart and renew your mind, then you’ll create space for happiness in your life. Have the right spirit dwell in you and you’ll always feel joy, even when you’re unhappy.
Just because you say you are a “thing” doesn’t really make you the “thing.” It makes you delusional.
You Woke Up to See Beyond Illusions
The law of attraction will let you down. It works to an extent, but it doesn’t work for a very simple reason. Your mind and your thoughts alone don’t have the power to change anything. You do.
To change something, some sort of force, energy, or action is needed.
You can think all you want and the thing you want won’t just appear. Think about a million dollars all night long and it won’t appear overnight. It won’t appear, period. You’ll still be broke come morning and I wouldn’t be surprised. Work for it and there’s a pretty good chance.
Pretend to be something you’re not and pretending is the only time you’ll truly feel the energy of the thing you’re pretending to be. The mask comes off and you go back to being “just you.”
You woke up for a reason. You woke up so you can see beyond the illusions. Don’t mess it up by creating even more illusions and pulling the wool over your eyes.
True spirituality creates the space for you to come as you are. It makes space for you when it’s sunny and also makes space when it’s gloomy. Positive thoughts are welcomed and the negative emotions are looked at and accessed. Rebellious thoughts are captured and trained to obey. Nothing is held back.
Be careful who you pretend to be. You might forget who you are.