Drabble STORY ARC #2: Seek and Avenge
The Burned Village
Chapter 1 of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition.

This is a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition”. Each main part of the story (not including choices and blurb) should be a 100-word drabble. Find out how to contribute to the ongoing story here. Check out the Chapter Guide here!
It was dark when you returned to find your village burning.
Terror gripped you as it dawned that something terrible had happened to your clan, partner, and young child.
Now, after five minutes of searching, shouting, and frantically running from one smouldering building to the next, you have established that there’s no hope.
If anyone is still alive, they have been taken.
As you stop and gaze at the ruined structure that used to be your home, there is just one question at the forefront of your mind: who did it?
You pick up an axe from the ground, then…
- …search the area further for clues (click here).
- …head to the nearest tavern to get help (click here).
This story follows a similar one started by Bradan Writes Stories. It is also a response to the ‘Burn baby burn’ challenge by Sweet Chaos.
Please feel free to join in and add a chapter, furthering the story in any way you like. Or drop suggestions in the comments!
And check out the writing prompts below for loads of story ideas.