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The Art of String Management in Java: Leveraging Interned String for Success

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In Java, strings are objects that represent sequences of characters. The Java language provides an optimization called “string interning” to reduce memory usage and improve performance when working with strings.

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String interning is a process where strings with the same contents are stored as a single instance in the Java string pool, which is a pool of strings maintained by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This allows multiple references to the same string value to refer to the same string object. This can help reduce memory usage and improve performance in certain scenarios. Strings can be interned implicitly using string literals or explicitly using the String.intern() method.

One crucial requirement of interned strings is that they must be immutable. This is because the shared string pool is used by multiple references, and any modification to an interned string could result in unexpected behavior for other references. So do not rely on equality (==) while comparing strings and always use equals() method.

In Java, the JVM maintains a string pool that holds all the interned strings. When a string literal is encountered in the code, the JVM first checks if the string already exists in the pool. If it does, the existing string object is returned; otherwise, a new string object is created and added to the pool. The String.intern() method can also be used to explicitly add a string to the pool or retrieve an existing string from the pool.

public class InternedString {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str1 = "Hello"; // String literal, interned
        String str2 = new String("Hello"); // String object, not interned
        String str3 = str2.intern(); // Explicitly intern str2
        String str4 = new String("Hello").intern(); // Explicitly intern new String object
        String str5 = new String("Hello"); // String object, not interned
        str5.intern(); // intern does not affect str5 as long as it is not assigned to str5 again
        System.out.println(str1 == str2); // false
        System.out.println(str1 == str3); // true
        System.out.println(str1 == str4); // true
        System.out.println(str1 == str5); // false


In the example above, str1, str3 , and str4 refer to the same interned string "Hello", while str2 and str5both refer to a different string object with the same value but not interned. Using == for string comparison can yield different results depending on whether the strings are interned or not. str5 shows us intern() function does not have an affect on str5 as long as it is not assigned back.

public static void example2() {
    String a = "hello";
    String b = new String("hello");
    String c = new String("hello").intern();
    String result = "";
    if (a == b) {
        result += "1";
    if (a == c) {
        result += "2";
    if (b == c) {
        result += "3";

In example2, three different variables are created. ‘a’ is created with string literals, so it is interned by default. ‘b’ is a string object, so it is not interned as long as intern() function is not called. ‘c’ is an internal string object because the function is called. So the output is “2”. Because both ‘a’ and ‘c’ are interned strings and they are pointing to the same memory location. Hence, when they are compared with the ‘==’ operator, result will be true. But ‘b’ is not an interned string and it has its own memory location. Therefore, comparisons of ‘b’ with other variables using the ‘==’ operator will end up false.

The use of interned strings in Java can offer several performance benefits, including reduced memory usage and improved performance in certain scenarios. Since interned strings are stored in a shared pool, multiple references to the same string value will refer to the same string object, reducing the need for duplicate string objects and conserving memory.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider when using interned strings. One major drawback is that interned strings can increase the risk of unintentional object retention and memory leaks. Since interned strings are stored in a shared pool and are never garbage collected as long as they are referenced, they can potentially cause memory leaks if not used carefully. It’s important to be mindful of the strings that are being interned and ensure that they are not unnecessarily retained in the string pool, especially in long-running applications or when dealing with large amounts of string data.

Photo by Geometric Photography on Unsplash

As a best practice, it’s important to be mindful of when and how interned strings are used in Java applications. They can be useful in situations where a large number of strings with the same values are being created and compared frequently. However, it’s essential to also be aware of the potential pitfalls and manage the interned strings carefully to avoid unintended consequences.

In conclusion, interned strings in Java provide a powerful feature for efficient string handling, but they require careful consideration and management to ensure optimal performance and prevent potential issues. By understanding the features, requirements, and performance implications of interned strings, Java developers can leverage this feature effectively in their applications.

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String Interning
Performance Optimization
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