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The website presents a multilingual poem that celebrates the beauty of nature and the joy of companionship, alongside promoting collections of poetry and prose by the author.


The webpage features a polyglot poem titled "That’s where I’ll greet you," which is written in English, Dutch, and German. The poem paints vivid imagery of natural landscapes and the warmth of meeting a loved one in such a setting. It speaks to the essence of life, love, and the passage of time, using nature as a metaphor for growth and resilience. The author also showcases their other works, including "Seraphim Beauty: my heart, my soul, my love" and "Why-R-Us?: Poetry in troubled times," which are available for readers to explore further. These collections delve into themes of beauty, love, and finding positivity during hardship. Additionally, the page provides links to various other poems and articles by the author, covering topics such as stoicism, spirituality, and compassion.


  • The author believes in the power of nature to inspire and uplift the human spirit.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of love and companionship as central themes in the author's work.
  • The author values the role of poetry and prose in conveying deep emotions and philosophical insights.
  • The poem suggests that the author finds wisdom and joy in the timeless beauty of the natural world.
  • By offering links to additional works, the author expresses a desire to connect with readers on multiple levels, from the aesthetic to the spiritual.
  • The mention of "troubled times" implies the author's opinion that poetry can serve as a source of comfort and alternative perspective during challenging periods.

That’s where I’ll greet you

A polyglot poem in English, Dutch and German

Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash

I’ll meet you where the horizon fades into golden kindness, where strong-rooted trees rise upon the rood of times, where the full floral splendor brushes our hearts with colorful delight, where a vigorous seed in a rock discovers life in age-old pride.

I’ll meet you where the sun illuminates our presence, a warmth from within, where sun-drenched vines throne with a born-again essence, where beyond the stars and the moon lie the bounds of my joyful spirit, where pearls of wisdom smile upon us from their timeless existence.

In this Heaven on Earth is where I’ll greet you …

Ik ontmoet je waar de horizon vervaagt tot goudgele honing, waar de bomen rijzen uit hun door de tijd gesmeden verwond(er)ing, waar de bloemenpracht geurt en alle harten met haar schoonheid kleurt, waar een krachtige wortel in een fiere rots een bestaan ontdekt in eeuwenoude trots.

Ik ontmoet je waar het zonlicht zelfs van binnen het leven verlicht, waar voorbij de sterren de grens ligt van mijn vreugdevolle geest, waar wijsheid me toelacht als de bron van mijn gedicht, waar zonneklare wijnranken groeien vol herboren gemoed.

In deze liefdevolle rijkdom is waar ik je groet …

Ich treffe dich dort, wo der Horizont zu goldenem Honig verblasst, wo sich die schwankenden Bäume von ihren zeitgeschmiedeten Wunden trennen, wo die duftenden Blumen alle Herzen mit ihren Schönheiten färben, wo ein mächtiger Same das Leben entdeckt im Stolz eines Felsen.

Ich treffe dich dort, wo die Sonne das Leben auch im Inneren beleuchtet, wo jenseits des Mondes die Grenze meines glücklichen Geistes ist, wo uralte Weisheit mich als Quelle meiner Gedichte zulächelt, wo sonnenbereite Reben wachsen als wiedergeborene Freude.

In diesem liebevollen Reichtum grüße ich dich …

Stay safe and be well! 💕

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, enclosed are a few of my other poems and links to my Poetry Bundles:

Seraphim Beauty: my heart, my soul, my love

Seraphim Beauty: my heart, my soul, my love is a collection of poetry and prose about beauty and love. From the love you can only experience with a soulmate, the love for a sister, to the unconditional love for a child, the words in these heartfelt poems are dedicated to helping you see the beauty of love staring back in the mirror, to remind you why love and beauty are at the creation of everything.

Why-R-Us?: Poetry in troubled times

Why-R-Us?: Poetry in troubled times, a unique collection of heartfelt poetry that is meant to give you a positive feeling or alternative view on the world or life during hardship.

Polyglot Poetry
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