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Payday 3 has experienced a challenging launch due to server issues and an unpopular progression system, leading to "Mostly Negative" Steam reviews.


The launch of Payday 3 has been marred by significant server problems and a progression system that has not been well-received by the gaming community. Players have encountered difficulties ranging from connecting to the main menu to enduring long matchmaking queues, even when playing solo with AI-controlled bots. The game's always-online requirement has been a particular point of frustration, contributing to the negative reviews on Steam. Despite these issues, the developer, Starbreeze, has been actively communicating updates and working to resolve the server problems. The situation has left a mixed impression, with some players enjoying the game despite its flaws, while others are critical of the technical and design choices.


  • The author notes that the most frustrated players are those who prefer solo play due to the always-online requirement.
  • The game's progression system has been criticized by players and the author's in-house reviewer, indicating a broader dissatisfaction beyond just server issues.
  • Despite the criticism, there is an acknowledgment that server issues are common during game launches and may improve over time.
  • The developer, Starbreeze, is recognized for their diligence in providing updates on the server issues, suggesting a commitment to addressing player concerns.
  • The author encourages readers to follow their profile for updates on gaming news, indicating an ongoing interest in the game's development and the potential for future positive changes.

Gaming News

Payday 3 Is Having a Tough Launch-Week

Payday 3 has “Mostly Negative” Steam reviews because of their server issues and progression system.

Image by VanDulti from Pixabay

In some of my earlier posts, I’ve chatted about all sorts of stuff related to FPS games. You can find those linked at the end of this one.

But right now, let’s dive into the rocky start that Payday 3 had because of its wonky server problems.

The launch of Payday 3 has been nothing short of a headache for gamers, and it’s not just the online multiplayer enthusiasts who are suffering. The most frustrated players are those who prefer to fly solo in this new co-op heist shooter.

You see, Payday 3 has this always-online setup, which forces even solo players to connect to the matchmaking servers just to initiate private heists. This means that they are subjected to the same annoying errors and long waiting times as those playing with a crew.

When players fired up Payday 3 on its launch day, they found themselves wrestling with the game just to reach the main menu. But even after multiple restarts, some players had to endure around 30 seconds of “matchmaking” while just trying to play with AI-controlled bots.

Now, I know 30 seconds doesn’t seem like a monumental inconvenience, but players have been complaining about much longer queue times this week. If you take a look at Payday 3’s Steam page, you’ll notice that it currently sports a “Mostly Negative” user review rating, with most of the discontent centered around its always-online requirement.

If you delve into the more in-depth Steam reviews, you’ll find criticism not only directed at the server issues but also at the game’s progression system.

It seems that this system isn’t very popular based on the feedback from players and a quick chat with our in-house Payday 3 reviewer, who happens to like the game but isn’t thrilled about the progression system (or the server problems, for that matter).

Of course, server problems are par for the course during multiplayer game launches and often get ironed out once the initial frenzy subsides. However, Payday 3’s always-online structure will leave a sour taste in the mouths of some players for different reasons.

The developer of Payday 3, Starbreeze, has been diligent in providing updates about the server issues, stating recently that they are “still working on the current matchmaking service outage” and are “hoping to have a more positive update soon.”

Final Words

At this time, the developer has not issued a broader statement regarding Payday 3’s launch woes.

Let’s hope they can address these issues and make the game smoother for all the heist enthusiasts out there, whether they prefer to go it alone or team up with friends.

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I will continue to share my thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics in the world of entertainment and technology.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

Here are my previous collections.

Here’s What I Wrote in July 2023.

Here’s What I Wrote in June 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in May 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in April 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in March 2023

I provided an update on my last month.

Here are a few of my previous stories relating to FPS games I believe you will enjoy:


Payday 3 hit with ‘Mostly Negative’ reviews amid launch server issues.

Payday 3 slammed on Steam by players forced to wait in server queues just to play by themselves.

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