avatarRuchi Thalwal


The article advocates for embracing and witnessing negative thoughts without judgment as a path to healing and personal growth, rather than suppressing them with forced positivity.


The article discusses the pitfalls of superficial positivity, which often masks underlying negativity and fear, leading to a shaky foundation for personal well-being. It suggests that acknowledging and facing negative thoughts and emotions directly is crucial for genuine transformation. The author emphasizes the importance of witnessing thoughts without involvement, akin to observing clouds passing in the sky, which can lead to a realization of one's true nature beyond thoughts and emotions. This approach is presented as a more effective method for dealing with life's challenges than attempting to convert negative thoughts into positive ones. The article encourages readers to experience life in totality, including negativity, as a means to live more authentically and to heal from past traumas.


  • Positive thinking can be ineffective and even harmful if it's used to ignore or suppress negative thoughts and emotions.
  • Negative thoughts and emotions are natural and serve a purpose; they should not be dismissed but rather acknowledged and processed.
  • Forced positivity can create a false sense of security, which may crumble when faced with life's challenges.
  • Attempting to control or navigate thoughts can be counterproductive; true healing comes from observing thoughts without attachment.
  • The article challenges conventional wisdom that encourages people to think positively, suggesting that this approach can be limiting and unrealistic.
  • The author believes that by fully experiencing and accepting both positive and negative aspects of life, individuals can achieve a more profound sense of peace and self-awareness.
  • The practice of witnessing thoughts without judgment is recommended as a way to disentangle one's identity from the mind's chatter, leading to inner silence and true nature.
  • The author offers a guided meditation as a tool to help readers navigate and heal from their traumas, suggesting a practical approach to embracing one's "magical self."

Know How to Leave Negativity Without Wasting Time on Fake Positivity

If positive thinking is not working for you, it is time to move on.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Modern-day philosophy of positive and negative thoughts is similar to a sh*tty blender.

It's like throwing your negative thoughts into it. Mix it with your unrecognized fear and anxieties to spit out half-baked positivity.

It is the superficial positivity with the core of negativity. Whatever comes from it is a regurgitated acid ready to burn you secretly.

Forced Positivity Is the Groundwork for an Explosive Future

Imagine a small fire has erupted in your kitchen. Do you wait for it to engulf all the surrounding things?

No, you don't.

You immediately spring into action to douse off the fire.

Then, why don't you address your negative thoughts when they arise?

Any guesses?

Any negative thought of comparison, hatred, or jealousy invokes guilt. You are not supposed to feel like that. Because since childhood, we have been conditioned to be our best.

Also, we feel uncomfortable when we swim in a lake of negativity.

To get rid of uneasiness, we try to wipe off any negative emotion or thought that arises — cut its head before it spreads its venom.

But it never works like this.

Yes, it is easy to build castles once you flow with any thought, be it positive or negative. However, building a fairy-tale palace on positivity does not help for a long time.


Because your foundation of positivity is your fear. Fear of getting drowned in negativity.

Your shaky base will crumble at the slightest hint. Your positivity is not reliable. It will evaporate when life blows some heat.

Your positivity is built on false notions that you'd be okay once the situation is over.

The situation may get over. But the remnant emotions you dump in your heart's corners never go away.

They will irritate you and jump at any given situation.

Your Negative Thoughts and Emotions Need An Outlet

Why do you think negativity even happens if it has no role in life? Is life punishing you?

At one point in my life, I was suicidal. I thought I had no right to live. This life did not even deserve me.

The tsunami of negativity suffocated me. No breath of positivity or support was left.

Yet, I somehow survived it.

The next day, I promised myself I'd never go into these dark states of mind. Never ever.

So, what changed during the night?

I guess the life within me forced me to stand up on my feet.

Looking back, I consider it my biggest blessing. It was the rock bottom I ever hit. But it was also the foundation I built myself.

As I progressed spiritually, I discovered how clever humans try to become.

We suppress our emotions. Ignore the existence of negativity within us. Look at the sunshine and all the feel-good things.

Yet we can never escape life. What we try to bury will bounce back and hit.

Life never punishes us. We create our sufferings by ignoring ourselves.

We try to flee from ourselves. We squash the other half of the face (of negativity) in the unknown darkness.

Negativity is there inside of you. You can disagree, wail, or try to prove your point.

But it does not matter.

Your negativity is there, even if hidden behind locked doors. And it will escape with a whiff of tricky situations.

It will show its ugly face, no matter how much makeup of positivity you wear. And when it appears, it vomits back the past unhealed traumas that multiply your suffering.

There is no exit door but one.

It is to welcome your negative thoughts and emotions as they are.

Sound contradictory?

Yes, it is from what we have been trained since childhood. But if you want to heal completely, it is the way forward.

Genuine Efforts Come From Someone Who Is Truly Disheartened

Yesterday my friend shared her favorite mentor's talk. Her mentor asked people to convert their negative thoughts into positive ones.

My friend got confused and asked, "I don't understand. You say to witness them without opinions. And she is saying to control them by positive ones."

Many people come to me with their queries when they listen to something contradictory to what I say.

Yet everything may be true. It may not be your truth. But that does not make anyone a liar.

I share what I found beneficial for me and others.

You are reading this because you are tired of your positive thinking. It has changed nothing in your life. You are desperate to shift your life.

However, most people don't want a change.

They may seem desperate. But if they don't take steps to change their lives, they are not as hopeless as they seem. Their pain and suffering are still bearable. They are satisfied with life somehow.

Most people live on the periphery of life. They want minor tweaks that may help them survive.

But if one is genuinely fed up with their existing life, they will try to shift their life, even if it means going out of their comfort zone.

They are the ones who want to experience life in totality. And it happens when you don't leave any part behind and even welcome your negativity.

Face Your Negativity Without Judgments

It is one of the crucial things to transform your negative thoughts. Watching your thoughts without getting involved requires time, effort, and dedication.


Because we think we are our thoughts. Our thoughts intertwine with our existence intimately.

That is why we sting other people at the slightest provocation.

Witnessing thoughts might seem like an advanced technique. But all it requires is patience and dedication.

A word of caution, though.

You will slip into mind's drama many times. Because of years of training, you'll drift away in thoughts.

But come back as soon as you recognize it.

Don't feel discouraged. A new pattern requires training.

Give yourself some time and genuinely try it before you dismiss it.

One thing that helps you in witnessing. It is to "Leave the control."

Life is never under your control. And your thoughts are definitely outside your command.

Trying to navigate your thoughts in any direction will backfire.

Always remember, you can not cut mind from mind. Otherwise, you will run in circles endlessly.

Witnessing happens when you leave control and become a spectator. Your involvement is not needed.

Why something like this happened? If I'd answered xyz, that would have never happened. I should try this instead of that.

Leave all counter questions or answers.

Refrain from giving feedback. Just watch them.

When you regularly enter witness mode, then you experience you are not your thoughts and emotions.

The trick is to let your thoughts come and go like a movie.

Notice them like clouds in the sky. You don't climb any cloud and say it's mine. You just watch, see it forming a shape and disappearing in the sky from where it comes.

Your thoughts are also like clouds.

It will form stories, pinch some emotional wires and then disappear in silence — if you don't ride them like a cowboy.

A gap forms. Intimacy with the thoughts breaks.

Then you know you can deal with negative emotions without getting affected.

Live experiment

Sit in your most comfortable chair under the sky. Be sure nobody disturbs you. Keep your eyes open.

Now focus your attention on your thoughts.

Be ready for a stampede of thoughts. Allow it to rush towards you.

Focus on your sitting while the mad speed of thoughts is erupting.

If you feel overwhelmed, slowly breathe in and exhale deeply. Anchor yourself in the breath.

You might drift with some thoughts and stories. Come back to the breath whenever your attention goes away.

Do it for two minutes.

Congratulate yourself because you've done witnessing without judgment.

Now extend it in your life. Be a witness whenever possible.

Final thoughts

You don't need positivity to transform your life. But an understanding and experience that even negativity doesn't harm you until you involve yourself.

Don't run away from your negative thoughts. Don't control or swim with its stories. Instead, witness them regularly.

It will automatically remove all your negativity effortlessly. And you'll rest in silence, your true nature.

Is life dragging you, and you don't know how to handle it? Download my FREE guided meditation to heal your traumas and embrace your magical self.

Mental Health
Positive Thinking
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