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Disney Plus is starting a password-sharing crackdown in Canada, similar to Netflix's recent move.


Disney Plus has announced a password-sharing crackdown in Canada, following Netflix's lead. The new policy will take effect on November 1st, 2023, and will restrict account sharing. Disney CEO Bob Iger previously hinted at changes to subscriber agreements and sharing policies in 2023, aiming to boost the company's bottom line. Disney Plus is also raising prices for its ad-free plan and ad-free Hulu, starting October 12th.


  • Disney's password-sharing crackdown is seen as an opportunity to grow the company's business and increase revenue.
  • The crackdown is expected to be effective, as demonstrated by Netflix's success in increasing subscriber numbers after tightening password-sharing rules.
  • Some users may be disappointed by the new restrictions and price increases.
  • Disney's decision to crack down on password-sharing is a response to a significant number of users sharing accounts.
  • The new policy includes a clause allowing sharing "unless otherwise permitted by your service tier," which suggests there may be exceptions for certain subscription levels.
  • The crackdown and price increases are part of Disney's broader strategy to maximize profits from its streaming services.

Streaming Services

Netflix Seems to Have Started a Trend in Password-Sharing Crackdowns

Interestingly, Disney Plus has begun a similar crackdown.

Photo by Alin Surdu on Unsplash

In some of my past stories, I’ve chatted about all sorts of things related to streaming services, and you can find those links down below.

But today, I wanna dive into the juicy scoop that Disney Plus is doing just what Netflix did — getting serious about folks sharing passwords.

Disney is about to get tough on folks who’ve been sharing Disney+ passwords, and this crackdown is going down in Canada first. So, if you’re in the Great White North and you’ve been generously passing around your Disney Plus login, you might want to pay attention.

An email recently landed in the inboxes of Disney Plus subscribers in Canada, and the eagle-eyed folks over at MobileSyrup got a good look at it. Inside, they found some juicy details about an updated Subscriber Agreement, and one particular tidbit caught everyone’s eye — there’s going to be some “restrictions on account sharing.”

Now, if you’ve been keeping your nose buried in the terms and conditions, you’ll know that Disney Plus has never been super chill about folks sharing their login info. It’s been a no-no from day one, at least according to the legal jargon.

But here’s the kicker: Disney didn’t exactly police this rule with an iron fist. If you wanted to be a good samaritan and share your Disney Plus wealth with a friend or family member, they weren’t going to sick the Disney lawyers on you. However, all that’s about to change come November 1st. If you’re in Canada, sharing those password goodies will officially be against the rules.

Now, before you start panicking and drafting up a heartfelt apology to your Disney Plus pals, there’s a little twist in the fine print. It says, “unless otherwise permitted by your service tier.” Huh? What does that mean?

But really, this password-sharing crackdown shouldn’t come as a shocker. Disney’s top dog, CEO Bob Iger, already spilled the beans back in August. He made it crystal clear that they were on a mission to put an end to all this password-sharing madness.

In fact, he hinted that they’d be making changes to their subscriber agreements and sharing policies in 2023, and voilà, here we are in Canada with the new rules.

Iger was a bit tight-lipped about the exact number of folks sharing Disney Plus accounts, but he did let slip that it’s a “significant” number. To put things in perspective, Netflix had a whopping 100 million accounts sharing passwords before they decided to drop the hammer and start charging extra fees.

So, why is Disney going all gung-ho on password-sharing? Well, Bob Iger sees it as a golden opportunity to boost the company’s bottom line. It’s all about the cash flow. He’s made it clear that cracking down on password-sharing is high on Disney’s to-do list, and they’re aiming to “help us grow our business.”

If you’re wondering how effective this crackdown could be, just take a gander at Netflix’s success story. Once they tightened the screws on password-sharing, their subscriber numbers shot through the roof. It’s no wonder Disney is keen on replicating that success.

But wait, there’s more! Disney isn’t just content with cracking down on password-sharing; they’re also looking to fatten up their wallets by raising prices. Brace yourself for this one — the ad-free Disney Plus plan is going from $11/month to $14/month.

And if you’re a fan of the ad-free version of Hulu, get ready to dig a little deeper into your pockets too, as it’s going from $15/month to $18/month. These price hikes are set to kick in on October 12th.

Final Words

So, there you have it. Disney’s tightening the reins on password-sharing, and they’re reaching into your wallet for a bit more cash. It’s all about the mouse and the money.

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I will continue to share my thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics in the world of entertainment and technology.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

Here are my previous collections.

Here’s What I Wrote in July 2023.

Here’s What I Wrote in June 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in May 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in April 2023

Here’s What I Wrote in March 2023

I provided an update on my last month.

Here are a few of my previous stories relating to streaming services I believe you will enjoy:


Disney+ to begin cracking down on password sharing in Canada in November.

Disney Plus Password-Sharing Crackdown Begins.

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