avatarMike Broadly, DHSc


Life Lessons from an Old Aussie Bloke

How to Keep Your Metabolic Mojo Rollin’ in the Senior Years, Aussie Style!

Five Typical Aussie Senior Health Niggles and How to Give ’Em the Boot with a Dash of Healthy Livin’ and Some Pro Tips

Photo by rüveyda from Pexels

Dear senior mates, I wanna write a yarn about our health today. No fluff, just fair dinkum talk about what we seniors might face as we get on in the years. You may wonder why I cooked up this yarn in this arvo.

Now, I ain’t no Einstein, but I’ve clocked a fair share of old age, so here’s me two cents for ya. Get ready for my chinwag today.

Let me start with the scary term sarcopenia. Not the fanciest name, eh? But it’s a bit of a bummer. So, as the years roll on, we lose a bit of muscle. It’s called sarcopenia.

Less muscle means weaker muscles, a bit less movement, and strife with daily tasks. It might even make us more wobbly and prone to stacks.

Blame it on hormones, less movin’ around, and a dip in protein action. We must keep those muscles in ripper shape; it is like having a squad for daily life.

Now let’s talk about belly fat woes, another thing for us seniors. Our bodies love to store more fat around the belly as we age. They call it abdominal obesity. Not the trendiest look, I know.

But here’s the go — it’s linked to metabolic issues like diabetes and heart stuff. Blame it on hormonal changes and less getting around.

Too much fat around our organs can affect our ticker and sugar levels. So, keeping the belly in check is like saying no to unwanted health drama.

My favourite one is insulin’s sneaky game in our bodies. Have you ever heard of insulin resistance? It’s like our tired cells start ignoring insulin as we age.

Insulin is a good mate as it helps control blood sugar, and when it’s not pulling its weight, we might be looking at all sorts of shinanigans like type 2 diabetes. Not a ripper club to join, mates.

For some of us, keeping the blood sugar game strong might mean pills or changing up our eats and moves. Insulin sensitivity is good against diabetes troubles.

Another big issue for us seniors is thinning bones. Our trusty support system gets a bit less dense with age. Osteoporosis, they call it.

Makes bones fragile, like glass ready to crack. Hips, spines, and wrists are the usual suspects. A broken bone might take longer to heal, and we don’t want that, right?

So, keeping our bones happy and healthy is like giving them a shield against unexpected cracks.

Finally, let’s have a yarn about stress. Life throws curveballs, and it can mess with our peace of mind. Stress can stir up inflammation, causing a ruckus in our bodies.

Chronic stress brings along anxiety and inflammation. Not cool, right? It can mess with our kip, scoffing, and mood, which isn’t a great combo.

Keeping stress and inflammation levels in check is like having a chill pill for our overall well-being.

So, that’s the lowdown on what might knock on our health’s door as we age. But hey, knowing is half the battle, right? Let’s keep our health game strong.

Practical Aussie Steps for Senior Health

Now let me share a few tips I cooked up for you.

Happy Vibes, Happy Life

Losing mates or the kids flying the coop can feel lonely. Stay chirpy; it’s the Aussie way. And give those bad habits the flick. Learn from couples sorting out their grog dramas and turn it around big time. Keep the sunny side up, mate!

Flex Those Muscles

Resistance training is the go-to for muscle mass. Chuck in some weight-bearing exercises, like a brisk walk or a bit of lifting, to keep bones tip-top. And don’t forget your 150 minutes of fair dinkum exercise each week. Get the muscles moving, old sports.

Avoiding a Stack

Falls can be real trouble, especially as we get on. Consider tools like a cane or walker to dodge a tumble. Bones can get wonky with age, and we want to keep them in good nick. Look after yourself, mate.

Good Grub for Good Health Watch

Seniors need a bit more protein to keep muscles and bones firing. Go for top-notch protein from meat, fish, and eggs, or if you’re on the plant train, grab it from legumes or nuts. Cook it upright, and throw in some good fats to keep things smooth. What’s on your plate, cobber?

Weight Watch Like a Legend

Our metabolism slows down as the years roll on. Keeping a steady weight is the aim, so watch what goes in. There is no need for excess baggage It can play havoc with the ticker and other bits. Try a bit of time-restricted eating for a clever approach.

Snooze for the Win Time

Sleep’s not just for dreaming; it’s for keeping things shipshape. Aim for about eight hours a night; that’s the golden number. Struggling with shut-eye? I’ve got some nifty tricks in another yarn to sort that out.

Chill Out, Stress Less, No Need for Stress, Old Mate.

Stress is a real muscle muncher. Learn to wrangle time like a pro and chuck in some yoga, thai chi, or a quiet moment in the great outdoors. It’s all about keeping the good vibes rolling with your loved ones and good mates.

Stay grouse, legends!

Thank you for reading my story.

Of course, this story is not health advice. I wrote it only for information sharing my personal experience. If you have health concerns, you need to see your doctor.

If you have a bit of time to learn more science stuff, you may also check out a better story about seniors written by my mentor Dr Mehmet Yildiz.

How Seniors Can Maintain and Improve Metabolic Health

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I am a retired scientist in his mid-70s and a new writer on Medium, but I am not new to writing. As a giveback activity, I volunteered to be an editor for Illumination publications, supporting many writers recently joining Medium like me.

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