avatarMike Broadly, DHSc


The article provides practical tips for improving digestive health based on the author's personal experiences and research.


The author, a retired scientist, shares his experiences and tips for improving digestive health, which he has learned through his 53-year-long passion for health and well-being. The tips include identifying food intolerances and allergies through an elimination diet, being mindful of portion sizes, understanding stomach acid's importance, reducing meal frequency, eating slowly, exercising moderately, and using digestive enzymes for specific macronutrients. The author emphasizes that these tips are not medical advice and should not replace professional help for severe or prolonged digestive issues.


  • The author believes that digestive disorders are common and can cause significant health issues, such as leaky gut, stomach, or bowel cancer.
  • The author has personal experience with digestive issues, including food intolerances and allergies, excessive food consumption, and stomach acid awareness.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of portion control, drinking water after meals, and using natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar or lemon juice before eating.
  • The author suggests reducing meal frequency, eating slowly, exercising moderately, and

How I Improved My Digestive Health

Practical Tips That Made a Difference

Photo by Maria Lindsey Content Creator from Pexels

Health has been my lifelong passion. For 53 years, I dedicated myself to researching health issues and helping countless clients. Along the way, I applied my scientific knowledge to enhance my well-being.

While I no longer write academic papers, I’ve realized that sharing my life lessons is my calling in this phase. I enjoy doing this.

In a previous story, I wrote about my eye health. One of my loyal readers emailed me and asked whether I have any experience with digestive health, as he suffered from stomach upsets for many years. He is on anti-acid tablets.

Like this loyal reader in my age group, I’ve had my fair share of digestive woes until my 40s when I started learning about holistic health. I used to take anti-acids but later learned that they harmed my health.

So, I want to share some simple tips that helped me and might help you, too. I won’t go into details as many articles, books, videos, and podcasts about these points exist.

But remember, these are just lifestyle changes that helped me. They are not medical advice as I am not a practitioner. I don’t give any advice in my stories.

Here are some tips that helped me improve my digestive health.

Digestive disorders are more common than you might think. They affect millions worldwide, causing pain, discomfort, and sometimes severe health issues like leaky gut, stomach, or bowel cancer.

But there are things we can do to improve our digestive health.

Food intolerances and allergies

One of the biggest culprits for digestive issues is the type of food we eat. We’re all different, and some foods might not agree with you. For me, it was certain plants like peanuts, but for others, it could be seafood or dairy.

I recently read an article about peanut allergies penned by Suzanne E. Her story “Your Peanuts Are NOT More Important Than Someone Else’s Life” was an eye-opener as such allergies might even cause people to die.

My solution to food intolerances and allergies was to use an elimination diet with guidance from a certified dietitian.

It helped me identify problematic foods and tailor my diet for better digestion. I will share my protocol in another article, as it was comprehensive and took a year.

Excessive food consumption

Our stomachs can only handle so much food at once. Eating more than we should can lead to digestive discomfort. We must know our limits based on age, activity level, and genetics.

My solution was to be mindful of portion sizes and avoid overindulging in my favorite foods like chocolate or ice cream. Portion control made a big difference for me.

Stomach acid awareness

We need to understand the importance of stomach acid. For example, drinking too much during meals can dilute stomach acid, making digestion less effective. Some alcoholic beverages and smoking can also cause digestive discomfort.

My solution was to drink water after meals and add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice before eating. It worked wonders for my digestion. But I don’t need them anymore.

By the way, I also stopped drinking alcohol and stopped smoking, as I mentioned before. It was an excellent decision as it improved my overall health and relationships with my loved ones.

Meal frequency

Eating too frequently can also lead to digestive issues. I found that reducing the number of meals I had in a day helped.

For example, I started by skipping one meal, sometimes breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I eventually settled into a one-meal-a-day routine like Dr Mehmet Yildiz. Then, my digestion improved significantly.

Eating too quickly or not chewing enough

Eating too quickly, especially during stressful times, can lead to digestive problems. This was a big problem when I was working hard and leading a group of demanding scientists.

My solution was to chew my food thoroughly and eat slowly in a stress-free environment. I started avoiding stress during meals. This simple shift made a big difference for me and others I know.

Moderate and timely movement

I learned that exercise can aid digestion. But too much of it right after eating a big meal might disrupt it. Therefore, I take a leisurely walk after meals, and it’s been beneficial.

Digestive enzymes for some macronutrients

Food intolerances to some macronutrients like fats, proteins, or carbs may require specific digestive enzymes. For example, if you struggle with digesting fats, lipase supplements can help.

If you have difficulty digesting protein, protease or pepsin might help. Some people are intolerant to carbohydrates, so for them, amylase could be helpful.

I had problems with dairy, especially milk, so I used lactase as suggested by my dietitian. Nowadays, I only consume fermented dairy like yogurt or kefir, which does not require lactase anymore.

Final Thoughts

I savor each meal I prepare with my loved ones, taking pleasure in cooking and cleaning and ensuring no single bite goes to waste. I recycle and love gardening.

I am pleased to solve my digestive issues with healthy lifestyle choices without needing medication or surgery. Some people might need them. I had a few endoscopies, which gave me peace of mind.

These tips aren’t a cure-all, and you should consult a qualified healthcare professional for severe or prolonged digestive issues.

Your health matters, so take care of your digestive system for a healthier and enjoyable life.

Thank you for reading my story.

If you want to learn more about digestive health and lower the risks of gastrointestinal Disorders, you might check out three stories from the outstanding content of Dr Mehmet Yildiz, my mentor who inspires and motivates me daily to share my life lessons here.

How to Make the Digestive System Healthier with 7 Lifestyle Methods

How to Lower the Risks of Gastrointestinal Disorders in 5 Steps

How Two Biological Barries in the Brain and Gut Impact Our Health Outcomes

If you want to explore more from my life lessons, I compiled the links in a list to make it easy to find for you. Your feedback is important to me.

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Life Lessons
Digestive Health
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