avatarDr. Gabriella Korosi


The author, Gabriella, expresses gratitude for the inspiration she receives from fellow writers, nature, and personal experiences, which fuels her writing and has led to the publication of her first poetry collection.


Gabriella finds joy and inspiration in spending time with family, friends, and fellow writers, both in person and through virtual interactions. Her encounters with other Medium writers during her travels across the United States have been particularly motivating, influencing her work and leading to the creation of new articles, including one on Inner Engineering. The author emphasizes the importance of engaging in activities that inspire, as they spark creativity and storytelling. She announces the publication of her first major poetry collection, "101 Universal Messages," and recommends articles by other writers that explore topics like the state of flow and productivity. Gabriella's message is one of gratitude for the writing community and the everyday moments that contribute to her craft.


  • Gabriella values the inspiration drawn from nature and interactions with other writers.
  • She believes that inspiration can strike at any moment, emphasizing the importance of engaging in enjoyable activities to foster creativity.
  • The author is thankful for the Medium writing community and the personal growth it has catalyzed in her life.
  • Gabriella suggests that readers seek out experiences and content that can lead to a state of flow and increased productivity in their writing.
  • She holds a positive view on the impact of travel and new experiences on her poetic work and overall well-being.

Gratefulness With Thankfulness and Inspiration to Write

I am inspired by you

Fort Stevens State Park high dunes 11/23/23 photo of author by Andras Mihaly

Moments go by quickly. I enjoy time spent with family and friends. The amazing thing is when I go out to nature and spend time inspiration strikes high. The same way when I meet fellow writer friends in person and on the phone from all over the world.

Writing comes fairly easy to me. I am happy when I write. I enjoy writing and sharing thoughts. I hope others enjoy reading my words.

In the last month, I have been very fortunate to travel across the United States and meet many wonderful writers from Medium in person. Writers inspire other writers. The story I read from Dr. Preeti Singh for example reminded me recently of another story I was watching on YouTube and the combination of the two stories created an article in my mind about Inner Engineering.

Traveling and spending time doing “nothing” also inspired me to pull together my first big poetry collection that is now published on many amazing platforms. Imagination that creates thoughts and formulates writing can spark at any time at any moment anywhere.

The more we do things that inspire us the more stories emerge from our minds and make it into the screen or in a journal.

If you run out of ideas that inspire you. Get out into the world and do things that you enjoy. Inspiration will strike very quickly.

Today I would like to say I am grateful for all the amazing Medium writers and my friends and family who bring me inspiration every day to write.

May your day be filled with love and joy.


Check out these amazing articles by Lewiscoaches where he explores the state of flow which is a place I like to be when I write.

A great article from Libby Shively McAvoy on how to be productive.

Magic from Warren Brown

May your day bring you beautiful stories to share with teh world. GK

Writing Life
Medium Writers
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