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Dr. Gabriella Korosi recounts a delightful afternoon spent with Medium writer and editor Vidya Sury, and other writer friends, celebrating their connections and the joy of writing.


The article titled "Meeting Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles" by Dr. Gabriella Korosi describes a cherished gathering of writers in Portland, Oregon. After months of coordination, Gabriella, along with friends and fellow Dancing Elephants Press writers, met with Vidya Sury. The meeting was a heartfelt reunion, filled with laughter and shared stories, marking a significant moment for the writers who have collaborated online for years. The group, including Galen Pearl, Debbee Aquila Maraglio-Lynn, and Trista Signe Ainsworth, enjoyed a meaningful conversation about their lives, writing, and future endeavors. The event was made even more special as it coincided with the birthday of Dancing Elephants Press, which was founded on Medium on October 9th. The authors took the opportunity to capture moments with their published books, symbolizing their collective achievements. Gabriella reflects on the magic of such meetings and the positive impact of their supportive writing community.


  • Gabriella expresses feeling fortunate and surrounded by love, emphasizing the warmth and camaraderie of the gathering.
  • Vidya Sury is described as kind, loving, and aligning perfectly with Gabriella's expectations formed through their previous online interactions.
  • The article conveys a sense of enchantment and magic in the world, as Gabriella believes in the positivity and support generated within their writing community.
  • Gabriella values the significance of in-person meetings, considering them a dream come true and a precious experience.
  • The author is grateful for the opportunity to connect with fellow writers and looks forward to future gatherings, reinforcing the idea that such interactions make a meaningful difference in the world.
  • The article extends an invitation to join the Dancing Elephants Press Community on Whatsapp, showcasing an inclusive and welcoming approach to other writers.

Meeting Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

A lovely afternoon with many beautiful writers

Gabriella with Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

“How do you feel?” — the Angel asked

“I feel surrounded by love” — Gabriella answered

Long time in planning

🐘🐘After months of planning checking times and coordinating everything it was wonderful for 3 medium writers and two additional friends to get together on a Saturday afternoon for coffee, and tea and get to know each other.

🐘🐘Meeting Dancing Elephants Press writer and editor Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles is a wonderful wish to come true. I feel fortunate to be able to spend an hour on Saturday afternoon with Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles at a Portland, Oregon in a lovely coffee shop, talk, laugh, and get to know each other in person. Every moment was precious.

🐘🐘Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles is kind, loving, and exactly how I imagined her after following her on Medium for the past two years writing 3 books together with her, working with her as an editor in Dancing Elephants Press, and seeing her on Zoom many times throughout our DEP meetings. We had many chats and personal calls before meeting together finally.

🐘🐘It is a dream come true every time I meet a wonderful person from Medium and Dancing Elephants Press. Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles was together with a friend Galen Pearl when we met, I also brought a friend with me Debbee Aquila Maraglio-Lynn, and Trista Signe Ainsworth joined us as well. It was wonderful to be amongst writer friends and have a lovely conversation together.

🐘🐘We shared about our lives, writing, and future plans. The hour flew by very quickly. Before it was time to say goodbye we went outside and captured some lovely fall images with our books and with each other.

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Dr. Gabriella Korosi. Trista Signe Ainsworth in Portland, Oregon 10/7/23 property of authors.

🐘🐘It was a wonderful pre-Dancing Elephants Press Birthday present — Dancing Elephants Press was born today on Medium October 9th — to be able to see both Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, and Trista Signe Ainsworth together and also capture some images with our books. Three authors holding 3 of the books they created together. It was perfect.

“Do you believe Magic in the world? “ — the Angel asked

“Yes, I do. I see Magic everywhere.” — Gabriella answered

Debbee Aquila Maraglio-Lynn, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Dr. Gabriella Korosi. Trista Signe Ainsworth in Portland, Oregon 10/7/23 property of authors.

🐘🐘It was wonderful to be surrounded by friends on a lovely Saturday afternoon. I am looking forward to more lovely writer meetings in the next few months. I would love to meet all of our amazing writers and editors.

I truly believe we make a difference in our world by creating positivity and support for each other.

🐘🐘Thank you for being here and witnessing the magic,

🐘🐘May you have a joyful and beautiful day,

Thank you for reading,


Have questions or need clarifications? Do not hesitate to get in touch with us via email at: [email protected] or via a private note, or a comment on this post.

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🐘🐘Please e-mail us your contact information so we can add you to our DEP Community on Whatsapp if you are not a participant yet. This invitation is open to any DEP writers.🐘🐘

Dancing Elephants Press Story collections Holistic Journey Toward Wellness (2022), The Joy of Life (2023), and Moments of Eternity (2023) were written by Medium writers and Authors and can be found on multiple online platforms.

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