101 Universal Messages — Available Now — Published on 11/11
Poetry Book by Gabriella

A gift to myself — and to you….may poetry shine on your soul. GK
I started to create my own poetry book collection a while ago. We have been talking for many years here. This book contains 100 poems and my DEP Call to action for humanity and our environment. The poems include a few poems previously published, a few that were translated from Hungarian. There are poems in this book I wrote over 20 some 30 years ago. I used to write poetry all the time as I was growing up then life happened. Now I am writing more and more poetry again. The book includes all my poems published on Medium up to date.

This is a dream come true for me my first big collection of poetry. I am very excited about this book and hope that many people will enjoy it. The book was submitted for e-book and paperback format today and will be available to order shortly through Draft2Digital in all the platforms they contributed to our previous books.

The print book version is currently under preparation for publishing.

I am very happy with this book.
The book includes
100 Universal Messages + 1 Call to Action
= 101 for Your Satisfaction
Poetry Collection
by Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi
The book is dedicated to
This Poetry book is dedicated to my grandparents
Szarvas Magdolna and Kőrösi (Kauffman) András.
They had suffered unimaginable circumstances and survived.
The book is also dedicated to my father and mother
Pécsvari Borbala and Kőrösi Zoltán.
Thank you for my life.
Thank you to my family and friends who have been supportive of my writing and poetry and keep encouraging me to be myself.
Love you all very much,
Update on 11/11 at 11 am
The book is now published on multiple online platforms including on Smashwords