avatarRuchi Thalwal


Enlighten Yourself to See the Truth Beyond the Illusions of Your Mind

Drop the mind-created stories to see the truth that is ever-present right in front of you.

Truth is beyond your individual virtual reality. Image by Mrexentric from Pixabay

Instead of living in the world, most of us live in our virtual realities — inside our minds.

Last year I could not meet my partner for seven months straight. I was distraught. I could not see him or hear his voice. These months turned out to be my Sadhna (penance). I realized only the present moment counts. There is no future or past.

After months of separation, the moment of our meeting was not as ecstatic as I would have imagined. However, I did not go mad or screamed in joy.

There was the same peace as it was in his absence. No doubt, togetherness is blissful. But my peace remained irrespective of his presence/absence.

The second thing I realized at that moment — we all live in our illusion-based thoughts. We think overly. Over-analysing the situation and its outcome has become routine.

Neuroscience research confirms that two people encountering the same situation have different memories. It happens due to varying perceptions of the mind. Thus, multiple realities come into existence. Distinct for each one.

Theoretically, truth must be the same for everybody. And it is! But the mind creates juicy stories that make reality different for everybody.

Thoughts can not change our reality. But by going beyond concepts, we can experience THE reality.

Every circumstance in life is perfect the way it is. Your current situations are here for a reason. The reason is to awaken you.

The Biggest Illusion — You Would Be Truly Happy Once You Achieve Your Goal

You achieve some goals; you change some. Yet, despite that, true happiness eludes you.

When you attach your happiness to external targets, you will never be happy. Happiness may come in bursts. But at large, you give your power to ever-changing outside circumstances. This is a sure recipe for remaining unhappy.

During my school times, everybody made me realize once you get into the Science stream, your life is set. So I got into the science stream. They told me once you get through your medical/dental entrances, you will be happy. I got through the entrances tests—still no sign of happiness.

I realized no one knows what they are looking for in their lives. Unconsciously they are passing on borrowed beliefs from society.

No relation, position, power, or place can make you feel satisfied till you find that within your heart.

Happiness is not related to what you have. It is about what you are.

Even in desperate times, you can be content and at peace. This is because happiness comes from the inside.

When you realize your true selves, the outside situation loses its grasp. As a result, you remain at peace, irrespective of what is happening around you.

The deeper the self realisation of a man, the more he influences the whole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations and the less he himself is affected by the phenomenal flux. — Paramhansa Yogananda

Bliss Is Beyond Happiness That Resides Within the Self

As I type this, I am sitting in the lap of the Himalayas. Sunset is mesmerizing, with a light breeze flowing. Villagers are returning to their homes. Away from the honks and noise of the city, all I could hear are insects and birds.

In this serene environment, I can not clearly say that every being is happy here. Almost everybody is struggling. My aunt is having a tough time with her daughter-in-law. Sister is coping with her kids. My father is battling with his inner demons.

Everybody is living from their minds. But, unfortunately, not everybody can see and experience what I see.

Everyone wants happiness. But they are seeking in the wrong direction. You can not attach your satisfaction and happiness to anybody’s shoulder. It is your responsibility.

But your happiness is intimately related to unhappiness.

You are happy in the absence of unhappiness. Either is always present. Beyond this duality of happiness and sadness lies bliss.

Bliss is not happiness. It is oneness with the universe. When you shed your egos, you automatically become one with the cosmos. Bliss is beyond any situation or individual thought process.

Happiness is worthless; it depends on unhappiness. Bliss is transcendence: one moves beyond the duality of being happy and unhappy. One watches both; happiness comes, one watches and does not become identified with it. — Osho

3 Pillars of Bliss — Truth, Meditation, And Silence

Bliss is about knowing your true inner being. It lies under the dense coverings of ego. These layers do not evaporate at once. It takes time, truthfulness to see the naked self and awareness.

The ego is the identity you create with time. It is every part you associate yourself with. It can be gender, region, religion, belief, emotions, and every thought.

These three pillars are intertwined within themselves. No one can exist solely. Meditation helps in silencing the mind. A silent mind can easily recognize the truth and false. In silence, you touch the truth.

Meditation and silence help you in enhancing your awareness. When you become highly aware, you watch every episode of life as a watcher and not a doer. You become detached from the outcome. Surrender and peace come naturally. This is bliss.

You can not go on a pursuit to seek bliss. Drop your every layer of ego, and it will automatically shine.

Misery is a by-product of being asleep, bliss is a by-product of being awake. Hence you cannot seek and search for bliss directly, and those who seek and search for bliss directly are bound to fail, doomed to fail. Bliss can be attained only by those who don’t seek bliss directly; on the contrary, they seek awareness. And when awareness comes, bliss comes of its own accord, just like your shadow, unshakable. — Osho

1. Truthfulness

Truthfulness makes you realize the false layer of ego security. Nobody wants to see the ugly side of personality. So you suppress the emotions of rage, fear, anxiety, jealousy, possessiveness, etc.

You give explanations to yourself — what you did was right. Even if it was showing your violent anger. Nobody forces you to act in a certain way. Your actions are solely your responsibility.

If you are brutally truthful to yourself, you can see your flaws. So don’t ignore them or beautify them with your explanations.

Acknowledge them with an open heart. Fearing a particular situation is okay. Do not sugarcoat it to yourself. Be blunt and accept that you are feeling fear. Let to come to the surface.

When you come face to face with your every emotion, you become free from those emotions. They lose their grip on you.

2. Meditation

It sounds like a scary word for some. However, meditation is poles apart from mindfulness.

Meditation is not about doing an activity. It is the nothingness that comes after doing a meditation technique. Your mind becomes silent. The activity ceases.

But thoughts run wild. It requires consistency and certain tricks to slip into meditation mode.

Meditation helps you realize your thoughts are not reality. You create your pseudo-reality by thinking. The mind can make a story that suits you the best.

In a certain situation, people have many truths because they all see from diverse eyes and think from unique minds.

When I went into silence for more than a month, everybody in my family thought it was because of them. They were finding faults in them and sometimes in me. But the reality was altogether different. My silence was a by-product of my awakening.

The ego plays with every mind. Mind is a continuous factory of thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Nobody can fight with their mind.

The secret is to watch the mind. Witness everything with no judgement. Meditation helps you in becoming that witness.

3. Silence

Silence is not the mere absence of voice but also of thoughts.

Silence is a byproduct. Nobody can force silence onto themselves. Otherwise, they will go mad.

Don’t worry!

The universe will make that happen in its time. You can only practice your meditation routine. Maintain a spiritual friend circle. Be the witness to every life situation.

When situations don’t bog you down, no matter what, know that universe has quietly placed you in silence.


Every being on the planet is working towards their happiness. And every happiness is transient. So as soon as the situations change, it will turn into unhappiness.

Go beyond the dualities and center yourself in bliss. Bliss is achievable. Have the determination to put in hard work. Till now, you have worked for financial freedom. Now put your conscious efforts into emotional and psychological freedom.

Take responsibility for your life. Nobody is in charge of your happiness or bliss except you. Meditate regularly. Do not hide behind sugar-coated virtual reality. Be completely truthful.

Become a witness to your ongoing surroundings. Silence and bliss will engulf you when you dissolve your ego.

Understand this first and foremost that you are the center of your existence; nobody else is responsible. No matter how burdensome it feels, but you alone are responsible. If you accept this truth all sorrow will soon disappear. Because once it is clear that I am making this game, how long will it take you to destroy it? — Osho

Thank you, Darshak Rana, for the prompt — enlightenment/awakening. Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this, you might also like this:

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