avatarRuchi Thalwal


The article emphasizes the importance of embracing the concept of death to live fully in the present and cultivate inner peace.


The article delves into the philosophical approach of using the awareness of death as a catalyst for living a more fulfilling and conscious life. It suggests that by accepting the inevitability of death, individuals can transcend their fears and the ego, leading to a state of unconditional love and freedom from the burdens of past and future expectations. The text encourages readers to let go of rigid mind patterns, unlearn societal conditioning, and embrace the fluidity of life, thereby experiencing true peace and satisfaction in the now.


  • The author posits that true freedom is found in the soul, not in the body, and that living fully is possible when one is free from the shackles of the mind.
  • Fear, particularly the fear of death, is identified as a fundamental obstacle to peace and fulfillment, with the ego being the root of all fear.
  • Meditation is recommended as a tool to transcend the mind and experience moments of 'death' that lead to a rebirth of consciousness.
  • The article advocates for dropping resistance to life's changes and embracing its fluidity, which can be achieved through awareness and the recognition of mind patterns.
  • It is suggested that personal transformation and unconditional love arise when one lets go of identity and ego, and that life's challenges are lessons guiding us towards this realization.
  • The author encourages readers to reflect on past traumas not as victims but as learners, using these experiences to grow and understand life's teachings.
  • The text promotes the idea of unlearning worldly knowledge to tap into one's inner wisdom, emphasizing that only personal experience is truly authentic.
  • The article concludes by reiterating the importance of living without postponement, free from the constraints of beliefs and thinking patterns, to achieve a state of serenity and peace.

How to Die Every Moment to Live Fully and Wholeheartedly

He who is free in the body, but bound in the soul, is a slave. He who is bound in the body but free in the soul is truly free. Epictetus

Go beyond the mind to enjoy life fully. Image by Lothar Dieterich from Pixabay

Body dies. But can we be dead while living too?

Death scare almost every other person. The moment of death will snatch away everything. It is an inevitable truth. Every day we are moving closer to our death.

Yet many turn a blind eye.

Many fail to live fully. With inflated egos, people go on proving themselves. Many people are in the illusion they will live light-heartedly and freely once they have achieved their goals.

They are postponing their lives to an unspecified date, attaching it to specific life events. They set aside inner happiness and bliss.

Death can strike at any instant. It can scare the shit out of you. But the fact will never change.

You will leave behind your relations, wealth, power, position, assets. Everything you worked for will have no importance.

When death arrives, you can not argue you have not lived your life fully. It is futile.

Life Is Entirely Available Now If You Go past Your Fear.

Life is offering everything right now. Retirement will not bring out any fresh adventures you can’t have right now.

Your current endeavors result in a comfortable living. But that doesn’t guarantee a satisfying and peaceful life.

Peace is a fundamental necessity for every being. But in fear, peace is always temporary. Fear of losing — either an argument, career, position, relations, or wealth.

Fear is the most fundamental emotion that lurks in the shadow. Panic drives your effort. Your attempts drift you away from the actual source of despair. The mind makes sure you don’t have to face your fear.

The biggest fear of any human is the fear of losing everything one day. That one day happens as Death.

Fear seems to have many causes. Fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being hurt, and so on, but ultimately all fear is the ego’s fear of death, of annihilation. — Eckhart Tolle

Make Friends with Death to Live totally.

There are two fundamental levels from where we operate — body and mind.

Everybody associates death with the body.

There are few people where their minds don’t burden them. Their mind is free of clutter. They completely live here but don’t function like masses. They are the ones who are living freely.

While many run in their daily lives. Their minds are super active in every direction and depth. Loop of anxiety and worry trap them. Life slips by without noticing.

The body has its share of bliss and suffering. But a hyper-reactive mind is the source of misery.

Meditation helps in transcending the mind. It creates a gap between the thoughts. That gap is akin to letting go of everything.

Going beyond the mind/ego is deliberate death.

You Live Wholeheartedly When You Drop the Dead-Weight of past and Future Expectations.

From the time I can remember, I was obsessed with my death. Death was my teacher.

I was in awe of the impermanence of the body.

Death intrigued me — ‘What will happen when I die? Will there be someone to greet me? Will angels welcome me? Will I meet God at last?’

And then, one day, I met my master. He catalyzed my death.

Each moment I die, and each moment I take birth.

As a baby, everything is pristine for me. The clouds, the same grass, the flowers, the interactions with the same people are fresh.

I remember little of any past event. I easily forget any argument or silliness. Past gets wiped out immediately. I renew each moment.

When I transcended my mind patterns and obsessive thinking, I died. The process of death and life functions itself without effort.

In awareness, thoughts dissolve. Death happens.

There remains no expectation for the future. Reactions have died. Empathy and unconditional love arise. With no future and past, I am free in this now.

While I work, there is no hope to be anywhere or be anybody in the future.

When the mind drops, life within the body blooms unconditionally. The fear of physical death falls too. There remains nothing to lose anymore.

Drop Your Resistance and Rigidity — Embrace the Fluidity of Life.

For entire life, people go on rigidifying their beliefs and patterns.

Death — the end seems scary. How can one let go of all that one accomplished in their life with a snap?

Once my friend commented, “The last thoughts are crucial to determine the next life.”

While I was contemplating, she added, “But you can not think of anything else what you never thought your whole life.”

I rarely remember anything. But this conversation had stuck somewhere. It is so beautiful and powerful.

Nobody knows about the next birth. But there can not be any peace in the end if there was no peace in life.

Resistance to life creates most of the struggle in life.

Most resist changing scenarios in their life. This creates a rigid wall of false security.

Mind is the continuous analytical machine. The thought process and mind create resistance. It can not easily accept if anything goes against it.

Instead, embrace them. Without judgment, let life happen when nothing is in your hand. Drop the surrounding stories. Life is not a struggle if you are flowing instead of resisting.

Flow happens when you let go of that resistance. Recognizing the mind patterns helps in transcending them.

Awareness dawns.

You recognize the thoughts churning out of the mind. It stops affecting you. You realize the tug-of-war mind plays.

In awareness, embracing the fluidity of life and letting go of ego happens effortlessly.

“The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.” ― Eckhart Tolle

Unlearn Borrowed Knowledge of the World to Experience Inner wisdom

Spirituality helps in recognizing that the body and its comforts are not exclusive. Death is happening every moment.

The body is changing every second. Body cells renew themselves. The body is not the same as it was a week ago.

Your thoughts are not the same as it was yesterday. You are a different person than you were a year before.

We all are in our understanding curves. But you can speed the process. By being aware of the ego, you let go of the past and future.

Unlearn the borrowed knowledge of the world. The philosophies are worthless if they don’t transmute in your experience. Only experience is authentic.

Words are beneficial to look beyond, to challenge your thinking process. The rest progress depends on you. Borrowing another belief is a burden if it does to free you.

The willingness to look inside paves the way for your transformation.

The ego can exist only with effort. If you make some effort, ego is fed you are doing something, you are reaching somewhere, you are achieving something. When there is no effort, there is no ego. — Osho

Life Is a Persistent Teacher That Guides You to Let Go Every moment.

My master says, “The best book to learn from is the Book of your life.”

We all are receiving our lessons of unconditional love. Sometimes the lessons arise from a lovely incident and sometimes from tragic ones.

Life throws challenges until we thoroughly learn. It is an adamant teacher. We can not cheat on our life exams.

Unconditional love can not arise from an identity. When you attach identity, you instantly attach conditions to it.

For paving the way for the heart to flower, the ego has to be transformed.

Take a step back to analyze past life lessons.

  1. Right now, look back at any past traumatic life event.
  2. Put in the shoes of a private investigator.
  3. Objectively probe what life was trying to teach you.

It might have challenged your identity. You perhaps wove stories to protect your ego. You might have cried to make your way through it, worried about everything.

Now when you are months or years away from that situation. How do you feel about that event? What it was actually trying to convey? What did you need to learn?

Mind fabricates stories to keep itself relevant. The stories of attachment and possession bind you in a vicious cycle of controlling things. Life becomes chaos.

Don’t entertain the story. Witness your thoughts. Witnessing develops nonreaction, where peace dwells.

Life is guiding you nonstop. Open your heart. Be aware of your stories. Drop those stories. Center yourself in the audience. Enjoy the pompous show called life.


Don’t postpone living your life. Peace is available right now as well.

Let go of your beliefs and thinking patterns. Be like water. Accept the life bubbling inside you. Live it.

As a child, dare to live with no identity, even if for few minutes. Dive deep in meditation and awareness. Only when you are free from the mind patterns, you can live fully and freely.

When one is without ego, one becomes immediately free of all personal judgments and perceives life and the world with divine eyes and mind. Nothing is offensive to them, and they remain in perfect serenity and peace always. — Mooji

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