avatarMichael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬



Doctor Funny Granted Reprieve From Death Sentence

Whelming show of support saves Doctor Funny

WTF! Did I just pee my pants?! Must be because I’m so happy Doctor Funny isn’t dead. Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash

Dear Doctor Funny Readers & Writers:

When 25 of Doctor Funny’s 882 followers wrote in to support the pub’s continued existence that’s some kind of a sign.

A really shitty sign — that’s Medium’s Algo hard at work on our behalf and probably a certain preoccupation with important world events that prevents people from reading and writing — but some kind of sign.

So Doctor Funny will continue as the purveyor of fine humor, satire, sarcasm and general plate scrapings and pond scum that it has become, and that so many know and apparently love.

Oh, and in case you weren’t notified that Doctor Funny was at death’s door, here you go.

But, like I said, Doctor Funny will go on.

So that’s one earth shattering shat of a crisis averted.

Adam’s (bad) contribution

Whattup guys, girls, and household pets who have climbed onto your owner's keyboards!

It is the month of November, which is my birthday. Below is a list of gifts I shall accept from you lovely DF readers for my day of birth:

  • A basket of Fried Chicken
  • A birthday card with “Best Editor Ever” written on the front
  • Frankincense, Myrrh, Gold, or something plastic.
  • A “Who Farted” surgical mask.

Yes, I love myself. Get used to it!

Let us also praise the lord that Doctor Funny has survived. We’re like The Simpsons or Mullets ….WE DO NOT DIE!

Bo Twerdowsky celebrates our survival by giving us the inventions that we don’t need, but the ones we deserve!

Now go read the rest of this masterpiece newsletter! Otherwise, I’ll strike you with a big stick when you’re in the bath.

Adam out!

Meanwhile in other newsletter-worthy news

I can’t think of anything else to say.

So I’ll welcome the new writers

Jen Dee, This, That & the Other Thing, Santa Claus, Just Dad, Bo Twerdowsky, Adam Puckey, Nedislav Ivanov, L A Harrison

Welcome new writers.

Some of these fine folks have published in Doctor Funny. Please seek out their fine work and read it. You’ll be glad you did.

But, since I know you won’t seek I’ll provide these handy dandy links.

That’s it.


Doctor Funny
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