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10 of My Best on Content Creation

Content Creation

Your online superpower

Photo by Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash

I’ve collected 10 of my best content creation columns for you here because if you master this skill and get consistent with it, you’ll gain an almost magical SuperPower online.


Because the entire internet is built around and driven by content!

Read on to see if that’s true for you too:

How to Repurpose a Single Piece of Content in to a $997 Course

And this is the “SuperPower of SuperPowers.”

In my model of content creation, when you are creating your content, you are also creating your info-products.

And every piece of content can become an info-product.

Amazing, Targeted & Effective Content

I want you to get this so badly that I’ve created an acronym from the word C O N T E N T

So if you think about it, 7 powerful and immediately useable tips await you in the article below:

5 Simple & Amazing Strategies for Consistently Profitable Content

What if you could consistently create profitable content, every time?

Would that make a difference in your business?

Check out “The 5” below:

Stop Writing Articles

Wait a minute Jeff! How can say “stop writing articles?” Isn’t this all about content creation?

Yes it is. And when you read on you’ll discover a very powerful way to create content.

Including a new content creation template hidden inside like a prize in a box of Cracker Jacks:

Consistent Content Creation: Tom Antion Interviews Jeff Herring

Tom Antion was my first online mentor. So it was a fun honor to be on Tom’s podcast called, and I’m not making this up, “Screw the Commute.”

Tom helped me create my first info-product, my profitable content creation templates, that Tom still uses.

Check us out talking about Consistent Content Creation:

The Top 7 Reasons I Create & Promote Content

Whenever I want more of all the good and wholesome results to be found online, I simply create more content.

And here are 7 profitable reasons why:

3 of My Best Easy & Amazing Content Creation Templates

Want to know how I create profitable content like this in just moments?

Easy answer:


And I’ve gathered 3 fresh content ideas and templates for you below:

7 Universal Laws of Profitable Content Creation

This is content creation made easy and profitable for all of us. While you’re reading this article, consider 2 things:

Thing 1: Which law stands out to you the most?

Thing 2: How many ways can you repurpose 7 separate chunks of info?

3 Quick Tips to Turn Your Content Into Info Products

These 3 steps to turn your content into profitable info-products are repeatable over and over again.

With any piece of content…

So what are you waiting for?:

Want a Bigger List? Create More Content!

List building is one of your “daily revenue generating routines.”

And creating more content makes it so much easier!

Check it out below:

I’ll Take 3 Myths to Go Please!

The psychology behind this one is that people are very attracted to myths

The Universal Laws of Content Creation, Repurposing, and Profit

Which one will you put to use before your head hits the pillow tonight?

7 Amazing Proven Ways to Easily Increase Profits

Saved the best for last:

I really do hope these “Content Creation” pieces have helped you a lot. Feel free to leave your comments. I promise I respond to everyone myself. You can also highlight the parts you like, and clap for each article.

Watch this space for new weekly installments of “Content Creation” content.

And check out my other Content Hubs here.

Content Creation
Content Strategy
Content Marketing Tips
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