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Black Wealth is Dropping — But We Can Fix It In A Generation By Doing This

Black economic empowerment is the key

Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

Look at what is going on in the HBCUs. When a faculty member is hired from China or India, they tend to reach back and hook up their friends. That’s why you can go to many HBCU academic departments and NOT SEE A SINGLE AFRICAN AMERICAN FACULTY MEMBER.

Many of our people are not trained to do any collective empowerment within our community. Instead, we are taught to cut off our family members and starve them out. We are trained to behave as crabs in a barrel and think of only ourselves. Many of us will spend our money recklessly and give it all away to people who care nothing about us.

As a result, our wealth is depleted, communities destroyed. The trillions we spend are used to create jobs for other people, as millions of us are locked in the labor class, with no ownership of assets, no financial security and a complete inability to participate in America’s highly lucrative economic system.

In order for black people to gain power in America, we must gain a culture that promotes and even DEMANDS economic consciousness. This means spending our money in places where those resources are going to be used to provide opportunities for others in our community and fortify our people against the pain of economic apartheid.

Jaron Mays. 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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