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Racist White Record Labels Use Rap Music To Have Us Dead And Broke

The message is clear: kill black people, disrespect women, and blow all of your money

Photo by Brian Lundquist on Unsplash

What happened around the mid-90s that happened to coincide with the transformation of hip-hop into the most destructive forces in the history of this nation? Bill Clinton’s in the office along with Joe Biden created a crime bill that was designed to exterminate the masses of Black people and send them away to prison for the rest of their lives. What else happened? The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan did something that had never been done in the history of this country, The Million Man March. They watched The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and other leaders in the Black community and brought unity amongst Black people. They pulled together well over a million Black men all for a purpose of building their community, serving their families, building wealth, loving, and protecting their children. Do you think that seeing over a million Black people at the capitol at the same damn time scared the living shit out every white person in America? Do you think especially given that this is in the middle of the crime bill they supported? “They’re all super predators! We need to lock them up!” Almost two million Black men came together for Black empowerment and that scared the suspected White Supremacists.

Hip-hop lost it’s way. Not because it just happened coincidently, but because corporations and record labels owned and run by white people needed to change the mindsets of Black people on a subconscious level. Music is the most powerful programming tool that has ever been created. Black folks love music. We are the best at creating music. We have the power to influence people and change the culture. I know that and most of all, white folks know that as well. So they purposely used hip-hop as a tool for mass destruction within the Black community to poison the minds of our youth. The message is loud and clear people: kill niggas, fuck bitches, get money and blow it, do drugs, sell drugs, and kill more niggas.

That consistent message alone is more powerful than anything the KKK has said in the history of the United States of America.

Jaron Mays. 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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Hip Hop
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