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The article discusses the ways in which the author believes white media and other societal structures perpetuate the manipulation and economic suppression of Black people through education, media portrayal, family values, integration, and job mentality.


The author, Jaron Mays, asserts that there are five key methods by which Black individuals are manipulated and economically disadvantaged by white media and societal norms. These include an education system that prioritizes job acquisition over financial literacy, a media culture that glorifies materialism and discourages economic empowerment, family values that emphasize employment over entrepreneurship, a misguided view of integration as a measure of success, and a societal pressure to pursue jobs rather than start businesses. Mays warns against these pitfalls and encourages Black people to remain vigilant and proactive in 2022 to avoid falling prey to these influences.


  • The public school system is criticized for not teaching financial independence and for encouraging debt through student loans.
  • Media, particularly through rap music, is accused of promoting a materialistic culture and preventing economic maturity among Black people.
  • Family dynamics are seen as reinforcing the idea that a paycheck is the primary means of financial success, rather than business ownership.
  • The pursuit of integration with white society is viewed as a flawed measure of success that may involve ethical compromises.
  • There is a societal undervaluing of entrepreneurship within the Black community, which is detrimental to the growth of Black-owned businesses and contributes to the perpetuation of white supremacist capitalist systems.

Here Are 5 Ways Racist White Media Brainwashes Black People

We must be able to see through the nonsense

Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

Last year, I wrote a controversial article about how white media was the damn devil. It drew a nice bit of buzz throughout the Medium space where some people agreed and some people were offended, but it sparked a conversation that needed to be had.

Today, I’m going to break open Pandora’s Box and give you five key points on how many other influences have been used to manipulate the minds of Black folks — not to complain about the problem, but to give us something to look out for in the year 2022 so that we don’t fall for their Jedi Mind Tricks.

  1. Education

The public school system educates us on how to get jobs and not make investments. Children are rewarded for sitting down and being quiet, not for being creative and bold. We are also falsely led to believe that going to college and taking on $200,000 in student loans is the pathway to success. This only pushes millions of black people further into debt, since most black college graduates eventually default on their student loans.

2. Media

Media teaches a heavily materialistic, shallow culture that focuses on shiny objects, lots of cash and ridiculous and childish symbols of gluttonous excess. Rappers unfortunately are pushed into this trap by record labels, who use them as puppets to encourage perpetual economic immaturity among black people as the black man is presented to the world as a simple-minded, undisciplined buffoon.

3. Family

Family culture raises us to believe that income from a paycheck is the most important thing a person can accomplish. When we talk about money in many of our households, the conversation is simply “If you want money, you need to get a job.” Nobody says, “If you want money, you need to start a business.”

4. Integration

Black people are raised to believe that integration is a symbol of success. The closer you are to white people, the more successful you are. This means that when white organizations give you awards and job titles, you are as proud as a peacock, yelling “Look, mama! I made it!” All of this celebratory behavior typically occurs without any consideration for the ethical lines that had to be crossed to achieve this so-called “success.”

5. Jobs

Many of our families feed the capitalist machine by discouraging our loved ones from taking the risk of investing or starting a business. When a loved one says “I got a new job!” they are heavily congratulated. When they say, “I started a new business!” they are often ridiculed and not supported. This ruins Black-owned businesses and feeds our children to the white supremacist capitalist systems of America.

Stay sharp this year, Black people.

Jaron Mays. 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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