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Susan Alison shares a personal photojournalistic essay celebrating the signs of spring, reflecting on an empty city on New Year's Day, and musing over the symbolism of discarded Christmas trees, while also featuring a poem by Bliss Carman and acknowledging contributors to a photo-a-day challenge.


The web content is a reflective piece by Susan Alison, capturing the transition from winter to spring through a series of personal photographs and observations. It highlights the arrival of spring with a mosaic sign at Pearce's hardware store and contrasts the quiet of an empty city on New Year's Day with the vibrant life expected in the coming season. The essay includes images of a dog exploring the deserted streets, discarded Christmas trees, and small treasures found along the way, such as a bobble hat and sea shells, which Susan interprets as symbols of transformation and renewal. The piece is punctuated by a poem by Bliss Carman, 'Winter Streams,' which echoes the theme of seasonal change. Susan also expresses gratitude to participants of the Photo-a-Day Challenge, an initiative started by Dennett to alleviate pandemic blues, and provides links to her previous works and her Amazon and Etsy stores.


  • Susan Alison expresses delight at the spring sign at Pearce's hardware store, viewing it as a positive harbinger of the new season.
  • The author finds the deserted cityscape on New Year's Day both eerie and fascinating, contemplating the possibility of an apocalyptic event.
  • Susan and her dog, PupperJack, share a moment of reflection at the sight of discarded Christmas trees, empathizing with the trees' abandonment.
  • The discovery of a bobble hat and sea shells is seen as a meaningful encounter, with sea shells symbolizing transformation and renewal, fitting for the new year.
  • The inclusion of Bliss Carman's poem 'Winter Streams' suggests the author's appreciation for poetry that resonates with the natural world and the cycle of seasons.
  • Susan acknowledges the community spirit fostered by the Photo-a-Day Challenge and values the connections made through shared experiences during the pandemic.
  • The essay concludes with an invitation for readers to explore more of Susan's work and to connect with her through her newsletter, Amazon Page, and Etsy Store.
Photography by Susan Alison

A Sign of Spring in Store, An Empty City, Doggo in Morning Darkness, Abandoned Trees

And a fab Bliss Carman poem for these cold days

Pearce’s, the fabulous hardware store up the road, seem to have had a mosaic sign made to celebrate Spring. (see above)

How wonderful is that!

Sorry about the photo. The reflections from the window weren’t cooperating with me. Neither was PupperJack, who was yanking on his lead while I was trying to hold my phone steady. He gets over-excited when we’re out on the main road.

Photography by Susan Alison

I seem to have got my pics out of sync — the two above were taken on New Year’s Day.

We were out early and there was not a soul in sight. For a moment we did wonder — PJ and I — whether the apocalypse had arrived and we were the only beings who didn’t know about it.

This is a fairly main road (above left), and a park (above right), in the middle of a large city, but there was no sound, no movement, nothing.

It was a bit spooky …

Photography by Susan Alison

Here’s a perplexed doggo wondering if we are the only beings left alive on earth.

Or the only ones with no hangover.

Photography by Susan Alison

Even the post-box was having a hard time standing upright.

Photography by Susan Alison

Wall offerings that attracted our attention were this bobble hat, and these shell beads.

We left the hat behind but couldn’t resist the shells.

I looked up the symbolism of sea shells when we got home. And, appropriately enough for this time of year, they are (among other things) widely associated with transformation and renewal. Yep. We’ll have a bit of that!

Photography by Susan Alison

People have chucked out their Christmas trees now. I feel badly about all these discarded trees. It doesn’t seem quite right somehow.

PupperJack feels the same. After he’s peed on them. It’s a friendly pee, though, he reckons.

Painting by Susan Alison

I like this poem so I’m putting it in here:

‘Winter Streams’ by Bliss Carman

Now the little rivers go Muffled safely under snow,

And the winding meadow streams Murmur in their wintry dreams,

While a tinkling music wells Faintly from their icy bells,

Telling how their hearts are bold Though the very sun be cold.

Ah, but wait until the rain Comes a-sighing once again,

Sweeping softly from the Sound Over ridge and meadow ground!

Then the little streams will hear April calling far and near, —

Slip their snowy bands and run Sparkling in the welcome sun.

Dennett started the Photo-a-Day Challenge to help combat the pandemic blues. Since then many others kindly share their week with us:

Erika Burkhalter, Anne Bonfert, Tracy Aston, Lisa Bolin, Juan O. Aguilera, David Wade Chambers, June Nguyen, Mia Verita, LensAfield, Barbara Radisavljevic, Diana Lotti, Barb Dalton, Kim Zuch, K. Barrett, Penny Grubb, Ellie Jacobson, Shruthi Sundaram, Jillian Amatt — Artistic Voyages, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Ann James, Louise Peacock, Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)

(If your name should, or should not, be on this list, please let me know.)

Susan’s Amazon Page / Susan’s Etsy Store/ newsletter sign-up

Read more from me: © Susan Alison 2024

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