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Photo by Susan Alison

Luminous spindle berry and the unexpected arrival of a three-bird Christmas dinner

For those who were worried — PupperJack found his bone! Plus soft toys. Plus masses of treats. It’s almost as if he’s spoilt rotten!

I remember spindle-berry trees (header pic) from my countryside childhood — I hadn’t realised they were also in the city in the form of euonymus bushes. That’s because they’re normally seen just in their greenery and seldom in their berries. But here they are!

What amazing colours!

Photos by Susan Alison

Nearly every door in the neighbourhood has a festive wreath on it. The one above is a robin on a holly wreath — it’s all felted, though — think of all that work! **impressed face thingy in here**

Photo by Susan Alison

This might be the best festive door adornment — it’s a stalk of Brussels sprouts.

Of course, it is!

Photos by Susan Alison

There are some delightful sights in people’s front gardens — above left is a dear little decorated fir tree with gold baubles, and above right is a cauliflower. Yes, a very handsome cauliflower takes pride of place in this garden.

Photos by Susan Alison

We spotted a goose hiding nervously behind some pots. Probably afraid someone might swoop on her and stuff her in an oven.

Being concrete might not be safeguard enough at this time of year.

Photo by Susan Alison

This crow had a lot to say when we were on our amble. For once, PupperJack didn’t answer back, so we both listened without arguing and then went on our way.

We still don’t know what the crow was saying. I don’t think it was asking the way to the cricket ground …

Photos by Susan Alison

He’s practising his I’m-just-a-poor-neglected-doggo look. The one on the left is really, really good!

Photo by Susan Alison

He’s also keeping a careful eye on any presents that get in the house — you can’t be too careful, he reckons. Dog knows what might get in under cover of Christmassy wrapping paper.

Photo by Susan Alison

His I’m-just-a-poor-neglected-doggo looks worked faster than even he expected — above is a dog’s Christmas dinner he’s been sent. It was beautifully wrapped, too!

It’s a three-bird dinner, no less.

Paintings by Susan Alison

Dogs and mogs are singing carols for your delectation and delight. Tunefully. Naturally.

Painting by Susan Alison

We wish you fab times!

Dennett started the Photo-a-Day Challenge to help combat the pandemic blues. Since then many others kindly share their week with us:

Erika Burkhalter, Anne Bonfert, Tracy Aston, Lisa Bolin, Juan O. Aguilera, David Wade Chambers, June Nguyen, Mia Verita, LensAfield, Barbara Radisavljevic, Diana Lotti, Barb Dalton, Kim Zuch, K. Barrett, Penny Grubb, Ellie Jacobson, Shruthi Sundaram, Jillian Amatt — Artistic Voyages, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Ann James, Louise Peacock, Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)

(If your name should, or should not, be on this list, please let me know.)

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Read more from me: © Susan Alison 2023

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