avatarMike Broadly, DHSc


6 Things Help Me Keep My Sanity and Zest After My 70s

How to age with grace and purpose and find meaning and fulfillment in our later years

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Aging is a natural part of life. It is inevitable, bringing both challenges and benefits to anyone. As we get older, we may experience physical and mental changes. Nevertheless, we can also gain wisdom and perspective.

As mental health is vital for life satisfaction, in my first story on this platform, I shared my experience on my retirement years: “5 Reasons I Enjoy My Retirement Years More Than Working Ones.” Many thanks to readers for inspiring feedback. I noticed that there are several people in my age group here.

In this story, I want to share the six invaluable practices that helped me maintain my sanity and zest for life in my 70s. My goal is to give a personal perspective to my readers. Sharing important life lessons is one of my writing goals.

As we age, we may experience several physical and mental changes. These changes can include:

Physical changes like decreased muscle mass, strength, and flexibility; slower reflexes; changes in vision, hearing, and taste; accumulating visceral fat; increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Mental changes like decreased memory and cognitive function, increased risk of dementia, more anxiety, and changes in mood and personality.

These changes can make it challenging to live independently and to enjoy the activities that we used to cherish. They can also lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation.

Despite the challenges, there are also some benefits to aging. These benefits include wisdom, perspective, and appreciation.

As we age, we can accumulate wisdom and life experience. This can help us make better decisions, cope with challenges, and live more fulfilling lives.

As we age, we gain a new perspective on life. We may become less concerned with material possessions and more focused on relationships, spirituality, and making a difference in the world.

As we age, we may come to appreciate the simple things in life more. We may also be more grateful for the people in our lives and for the opportunities that we have been given.

The six practices that I share in this article are:

Practicing gratitude to appreciate the good things in our lives and to cope with challenges more effectively

Mindfulness and meditation to cultivate a sense of calm and peace

Self-care is essential for maintaining our physical and mental health

Mental stimulation to stay sharp and to prevent cognitive decline

Social connections for building relationships and well-being.

Altruistic activities for a sense of purpose and meaning in life

These practices are not a cure-all for the challenges of aging. Nonetheless, they might help us live our lives to the fullest. They can help us to find joy and fulfillment in our golden years.

I hope you will find these practices helpful as you navigate your own journey through aging. And I hope that you will find your own tapestry of fulfillment and joy in the journey of life.

1 — Gratitude

Each morning, I take a few moments to reflect on the abundant blessings in my life — cherishing my loved ones, the invaluable experiences, and the wisdom I’ve gathered over the years.

This practice fills my heart with contentment and joy, empowering me to navigate the challenges that come my way with grace and optimism.

Gratitude has several benefits for both physical and mental health. For example, it can reduce stress, improve sleep, and boost the immune system.

There are many different ways to practice gratitude. Some people like to keep a gratitude journal, while others prefer to take a few minutes each day to reflect on what they’re grateful for.

Gratitude can be beneficial for people who are going through difficult times. It can help them to focus on the positive aspects of their lives and to cope with challenges more effectively.

2 — Mindfulness and Meditation

In the sanctuary of mindfulness and meditation, I’ve uncovered a profound source of tranquility. Fully present, I witness the beauty surrounding me, finding solace amidst life’s inevitable chaos.

I cultivate a deep sense of calm and clarity by dedicating daily time to embracing stillness, focusing on my breath and the moment in my meditation session.

Mindfulness and meditation are two different practices, but they share some similarities. Both involve focusing our attention on the present moment and our breath.

Mindfulness is a more informal practice that can be done anywhere, while meditation is a more formal practice typically done in a quiet place.

Mindfulness and meditation have several benefits for both physical and mental health. For example, they can reduce stress, improve focus, and boost mood.

There are different ways to learn and practice mindfulness and meditation. There are books, websites, and apps that can teach you the basics. You can also find classes and workshops offered in your community.

3 — Self-Care

Self-care has become a priority in my daily routine.

I honor the physical and mental well-being that accompanies aging, engaging in regular exercise, nourishing meals, and indulging in activities that ignite my spirit.

By tending to my own needs, I equip myself to handle the challenges of aging while maintaining a positive outlook.

Self-care is essential for maintaining our physical and mental health, especially as we get older. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting regular movements, and having enough sleep.

It’s also essential to find activities that we enjoy and that make us feel good. For example, some people enjoy reading, spending time in nature, or listening to music.

Self-care can help us reduce stress, improve our mood, and boost our overall health. It can also help us to cope with the challenges of aging more effectively.

4 — Mental Stimulation

The symphony of my mind thrives on mental stimulation.

As a retiree, I commit to ongoing intellectual challenges by immersing myself in thought-provoking books and articles, solving puzzles, and embracing lifelong learning.

This ceaseless pursuit of knowledge and fresh experiences keeps my mind vibrant, agile, and prepared to confront intellectual endeavors.

Mental stimulation is vital for keeping our minds active and engaged. This can include reading, learning new things, and challenging ourselves intellectually.

There are different ways to stimulate our minds. We can read books, scientific papers, articles, or stories. We can take online courses. We can also learn new skills, such as playing a musical instrument or learning a new language.

Mental stimulation can help us stay sharp and to prevent cognitive decline. It can also help us to stay engaged in life and to enjoy our golden years.

5 — Social Connections

As we age, social connections become more important for a sense of belonging and support. Therefore, I cherish the friendships I’ve cultivated and prioritize nurturing them.

Through regular meetups with friends, heartfelt conversations in the community, and virtual interactions, I cultivate joy, comfort, and a treasury of shared experiences that anchor me amidst life’s ebbs and flows.

Social connections are essential for our well-being. They provide us with a sense of belonging, support, and friendship.

There are different ways to stay connected with others. We can socialize with friends and family, join clubs or groups, or volunteer in our community.

Social connections can help us to reduce stress, improve our mood, and boost our health. They can also help us stay active and engaged in life.

6 — Altruistic (Charitable) Activities

Engaging in charitable activities has bestowed deep fulfillment on my journey.

By extending a helping hand to those in need — volunteering at local charities, mentoring younger generations, and offering kindness — I find purpose and meaning that elevate my spirit.

Through these selfless acts, my life intertwines with others, enriching my existence with a profound sense of interconnectedness.

Altruistic activities can give us a sense of purpose and meaning in life. When we help others, it can make us feel good, and it can also connect us with our community.

There are different ways to volunteer our time and talents. We can help out at a local kitchen, homeless shelter, and animal shelter. We can also volunteer our time to tutor children, mentor young adults, or help out at a local school.

Altruistic activities can help us connect with others, make a difference in the world, and find a sense of purpose in life.

Conclusions and Takeaways

Aging is a natural part of life, and it can bring both challenges and benefits. As we get older, we may experience physical and mental changes, but we can also gain wisdom and perspective.

The six practices that I have shared in this article can help us to maintain our sanity and zest for life in our 70s and beyond.

To recap:

Gratitude can help us to appreciate the good things in our lives and to cope with challenges more effectively.

Mindfulness and meditation can help us to cultivate a sense of calm and peace.

Self-care is essential for maintaining our physical and mental health.

Mental stimulation can help us to stay sharp and to prevent cognitive decline.

Social connections are essential for our well-being.

Altruistic activities can give us a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

These practices are not a cure-all for the challenges of aging, but they can help us to live our lives to the fullest. They can help us to find joy and fulfillment in our golden years.

These six practices have illuminated and empowered my path through the tapestry of aging. They have gifted me with sanity, renewed purpose, and a vibrant existence. I believe these practices might guide you to find your own tapestry of fulfillment and joy in your life’s journey.

The practices I have shared in this article are not the only ways to maintain our sanity and zest for life in our 70s and beyond.

There are other things that we can do, such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and staying active. But I believe that these six practices are a good starting point. They are all things we can do in our lives, and they can all make a positive difference.

I hope you will find these practices helpful as you navigate your own journey through aging. And I hope you will find your own tapestry of fulfillment and joy in life’s journey.

I encourage you to try these practices and see how they work for you. If you find them helpful, I encourage you to share them with others. We can all benefit from learning from each other and supporting each other as we age.

Thank you for reading my story.

I’d love to learn about your practices and read your comments.

Acknowledgment: Thanks to Dr Mehmet Yildiz for editing and formatting my story without changing my content and voice.

If you enjoy this story, you may also check the story of Dr Yildiz on graceful aging.

I am a new writer on Medium and shared my first-month experience.

Here are the links to my recent stories.

5 Reasons I Enjoy My Retirement Years More Than Working Ones.

Fixing Sleep Issues and Enjoying Restful Nights

My Journey to a Smoke-Free Life

How I Quit Alcohol at a Young Age

Why I Fell in Love with Euphoria

As a giveback activity, I volunteered to be an editor for Illumination, Synergy, Book Chapters, and Readers Hope publications supporting writers recently joining Medium like me.

If you want to write for these publications, you may send your Medium ID via this weblink.

You may connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Quora, where I share stories I read. I plan to share stories I read and edit on the Quora Space of the Illumination-Curated publication.

If you enjoy reading, you may join Medium using my referral link to gain unlimited access to stories written by me and other writers.

Mental Health
Life Lessons
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