4 Signs You Are Preparing To Become A High Priestess
№2 You Feel Stuck In Between Two Worlds
Like most things in this reality, the meaning of High Priestess has been misunderstood. Most humans cringe or become frightened when hearing the term High Priest or High Priestess because they are associated with black magic, satanism, or the occult. Jesus was indeed a High Priest. He was a master who performed magic. He was the connection between the ethereal and earthly realms.
Similarly, a High Priestess is an embodiment of the divine feminine energy. She is mysterious, highly intuitive, and balanced, the gatekeeper between this world and the spiritual realm. She signifies divine knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, and inner illumination. She is considered an expert at her craft. She is intelligent, fair, and connected to everything. Below, I list a few signs you are becoming a High Priestess.
№1 You Have Been Preparing
The title of High Priest or Priestess is not easily attainable. These individuals have prepared for numerous lifetimes. Most have ancestors who previously held the position. Much of the preparation for this type of initiation is done in the spiritual realm, not the earthly realm. Most of the training is completed when you are asleep. If you are unsure if you are preparing for this role, ask your Spirit Team for guidance and clarification.
№2 Stuck Between Two Worlds
When becoming a High Priestess, you are attached to the spiritual and earthly realms. You are here in the 3rd dimension but flow between different levels of consciousness. You frequently have out-of-body experiences because of astral travel. You are familiar with and have access to the Akashic Records. Because you are the gatekeeper between these two worlds, you are highly respected and protected by your Guides, Ancestors, and Angels.
№3 You Are Very Psychic
One of the main signs you are becoming a High Priestess is that you are spiritually gifted. Your intuition and discernment are off the charts. You see things (clairvoyant), you hear things (clairaudient), and you sense things (clairsentient). Because you’re divinely adept, you see through illusions, can read people, and follow your heart over your head. You walk your own path; you are in the world but not of it. You may be a spiritualist, psychic medium, oracle, or tarot reader (however, this is not always the case).
№4 “As Above, So Below”
When you read that phrase, it makes sense to you because you are the gatekeeper. You have been prepared to bring and restore balance. You are also activating your inner goddess through healing. You are interested in Astrology, universal truth, magic, and the moon cycle as it relates to your menstrual cycle. Your light shines bright, and you receive clear guidance from your Spirit Teams. You understand the more you heal, the more you transcend the 3rd dimension and bridge the gap between the ethereal and physical realities.
There are many more signs, but I want to keep this blog short. Thank you for reading! Love, Ari.
“Magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses. Humans have cut themselves off from their senses. Now they see only a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, hear only the loudest of sounds, their sense of smell is shockingly poor and they can only distinguish the sweetest and sourest of tastes.” — Michael Scott
Voice Notes